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Presentation on theme: "EXPERIENCES IN PROMOTING SUSTAINED IMPETUS FOR WATER & SANITATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 VISION A future with reliable, affordable, and safe water and sewerage services that exceed our customers’ expectations MISSION To improve the quality of life of our community by ensuring access to safe water and sewerage services.

3 Introduction AWSB was formed in March 2003 as a result of Water Act 2002; Mandate: broadly responsible for developing infrastructure and provision of Water supply and sewerage services; Coverage: Nairobi City, Thika East , Thika West, Ruiru, Gatanga, Kiambu East, Gatundu, Limuru, Lari and Kikuyu Districts; Area of coverage is about 4,000Km2 with a population of 5million people. Source: Water Service Boards Areas of jurisdiction, Ministry of Water and Irrigation

4 Historical background – Nairobi Supply
The initial water supply facility for Nairobi was constructed in 1899 abstracting water from Nairobi river in the Athi river catchment. Kikuyu springs were first water source developed in The yield from this source was 5,000m3/day. Ruiru (photo) is the second water source developed during 1936 to Ruiru dam completed in The yield is 22,000m3/day.

5 Developed Water Sources for Nairobi City
Third is Sasumua dam located up stream of the Chania river was completed in Production is 57,000m3/day. Lately, Thika dam and Ngethu t/works system were developed from 1974 to 1994 in three phases. Total capacity is 440,000m3/day. (schematic diagram on source next slide)

6 Ruiru 2

7 Summary of Existing Water Production for Nairobi
Source Rated capacity (m3/day) Treated water flows (m3/day) Kikuyu springs 5,000 (11,000) 4,800 (11,000) Ruiru dam 22,000 18,000 Sasumua dam 59,000 42,000 Thika Dam 440,000 327,000 Total 532,000 398,000

8 Development objectives of WaSSIP II
Rehabilitating selected existing water production, transmission, storage and distribution facilities and waste water collection, treatment and disposal facilities Construction of new water treatment works in identified towns Expanding piped water supply services to underserved areas and through expansion of primary and secondary distribution systems Refining and strengthening the institutional structure, emphasizing on increasing accountability and transparency of the institutional, governance and management framework

9 Challenges….. (some) Huge investment estimated at Kshs 42 Billion required to develop infrastructure to meet medium term (2020) water demands; Competing needs for scarce water resources. Athi catchment is said to have 162m3/cap/year against the available 650m3/cap/year Nationally. High unaccounted for water. Environmental degradation and climate change effects;

%GE GROWTH 2005 2,775,087 24 2010 3,441,748 20 2015 4,147,304 2020 4,997,498 16 2025 5,793,470 2030 6,716,220 SOURCE: NAIROBI NETWORK MODELLING FINAL REPORT (AUG 2007) by Suereca/CAS JV

%GE GROWTH DEMAND 2005 542,217 24 2010 672,994 21 2015 816,141 20 2020 981,212 17 2025 1,147,327 2030 1,340,073 SOURCE: NAIROBI NETWORK MODELLING FINAL REPORT (AUG 2007) by Suereca/CAS JV

12 SITUATION ANALYSIS Currently, the water demand stands at 672,994 m3 per day against a production of 501,350 m3 per day – hence a deficit of 171,644 m3/day which is 25% deficit It is estimated that current service levels for Nairobi City stand at 76 l/c/d (Source: Draft Working Paper No 1 of February 2011, Agis BCEOM/MIPP)

13 Current Status on Sewerage
The sewerage infrastructure in Nairobi only covers 25% of the area and serves about 40% of the population. Currently, there are 178,099 connections to the existing sewerage network.

14 Completed works Rehabilitation of Sasumua dam spillway and embankment to restore the dam’s storage capacity from 5 million m3 to 16 million m3. Rehabilitation of 23kms of water network within the city of Nairobi and two booster stations aimed at reducing ufw by 35% by December 2011 Drilled and equipped 45 boreholes in the Nairobi City in low income and high density areas producing 20,00 m3 per day.

15 Construction of 40 elevated tanks of various capacities with a total storage capacity of 1,500 m3.
Constructed 4 new water treatment plants to produce 23,000 m3 per day. Constructed 2 new water treatment plants in Komothai, and Bathi to produce 9,000 m3 per day.

16 On-going works Constructing a new raw water intake works and 2 treatment plants to produce 13,000 m3 per day in Ruiru, and 4,000 m3 in Juja. Supply of 340Km water pipes and assorted fittings, 10Km sewers, manhole rings and fittings. WSPs implemented the works under the KKV programme

17 Rehablitation works for the main Ngethu to Gigiri
Rehablitation works for the main Ngethu to Gigiri. The scope of works includes construction of 17Km transmission main from Kwamaiko to Gigiri reservoir and rehabilitation of Ngethu-Gigiri pipeline Construction of 20 water kiosks, 20 ablution blocks, drilling and equipping 6 boreholes, 6 elevated steel tanks capacity 48m3 each, and connection of existing facilities to the water and sewer network is ongoing. The works are under the project construction of Independent Water Supply Points and Sanitation Blocks in informal settlements

18 Sewerage works - Completed
Construction of 1km f sewer in Umoja Construction of 27 kms trunk sewers Construction of 6 nos ponds, desludging of 1 fulcultation ponds and 3 maturation ponds Rehabilitation of Ngong river trunk sewers to reduce spillage into the Ngong River

19 Sewerage – Ongoing Laying of 40kms of sewer pipes in the informal settlements of Nairobi City by end of June 2012 Laying of 8kms of sewer with 193 manholes to benefit 200,000 people. Construction of sanitation facilities in Kiambogo, Kirasha, Gathangari, Githirioni, and Utugi schools. Other works under lot 2 are substructure walling in Wamitaa, Ndundu, Kiawandiga, Ndunyu Chege and Rubiro primary schools. All the VIP latrines are completed and in use by the students

20 Rehabilitating of Eastleigh Business district infrastructure to make it a modern CBD Works carried out include trenching of 2km sewerline along Muinami- Muratina streets and laid 700m sewer lines. The project trenched and pipelaid 6.5km water pipelines.

21 Community Water Projects
Athi Water Services board is implementing community water project in informal settlements in Nairobi City and the districts of Lari, Kiambu West, Kiambu East, Kikuyu, Gatundu South, Gatundu North, Gatanga, Ruiru, Githunguri, Thika East and Thika West. CPC Projects implemented in all districts except Kiambu West, Ruiru and Thika West 17 projects financed so far. Total funds received by the CBOs amount to KShs. 101,347,816. Out of these, 16 CBOs have received total funding from WSTF, i.e. 1st & 2nd disbursements 3 CBO have signed funding agreements and are awaiting release of funds

22 Future works Construction of Maragua Dam Construction of the Northern Collector Tunnel to relay water to the main treatment plants Rehabilitation and improvement of various water treatment woks of Mwagu intakes, construction of Kiambu Water project,.

23 Other projects are construction of a water reticulation system for Ruiru and Juja, construction of Gatanga and Gatundu community water supply and construction of Kamiti dam and construction of Gigiri – JKIA water pipeline and development of two deep exploratory wells

24 Challenges Currently we still have high ufw standing globally at 36% with some schemes having ufw as high as 85% - Ithanga Huge capital investment requirements Our WSPs are still on a tariff which is not able to meet operational expenses with very high utility power bills Implementation of the new constitution which raises issues about status of Boards and ability to borrow.

25 Way forward AWSB has negotiated funding from various agencies to continue with the investment momentum to the tune of USD 160 million (IDA – 145 million and AFD 15 million USD) The Board has developed a shopping basket of Kshs 40 billion and is keen to continue implementing targeted projects within its mandate

26 CEO – Athi Water Services Board
Thank you Eng Malaquen Milgo CEO – Athi Water Services Board


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