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INDIAN RAILWAY INSTITUTE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS INTEGRATED COURSE, BATCH No 514 Water Treatment Through Reverse Osmosis System Presented by: 1. J. Gowri Shankar,

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Presentation on theme: "INDIAN RAILWAY INSTITUTE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS INTEGRATED COURSE, BATCH No 514 Water Treatment Through Reverse Osmosis System Presented by: 1. J. Gowri Shankar,"— Presentation transcript:

1 INDIAN RAILWAY INSTITUTE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS INTEGRATED COURSE, BATCH No 514 Water Treatment Through Reverse Osmosis System Presented by: 1. J. Gowri Shankar, ADEN/Dhone/S.C. RLY 1. J. Gowri Shankar, ADEN/Dhone/S.C. RLY 2. Felisberto S. Botao, Dy. Dir/Infrast./Moz. RLY 2. Felisberto S. Botao, Dy. Dir/Infrast./Moz. RLY 3. A.K. Qureshi, ADEN (c)/W.C. RLY 3. A.K. Qureshi, ADEN (c)/W.C. RLY 4. P. Sankaraiah, ADEN/E.Co. RLY 4. P. Sankaraiah, ADEN/E.Co. RLY Course Director: Sri. A.K. Rai Course Director: Sri. A.K. Rai

2 INTRODUCTION  “Water is the essence of life”  With great concern of growing deteriorated water quality worldwide, some agencies around the world, like “Ampac”, researched and developed what is believed to be the best water treatment system in the market today – Reverse Osmosis System.  Researches in this field has found that no water are alike. So, different kind of water treatment systems were developed to solve different kind of water problems.

3 Safety Through Understanding Water – Human Body Interaction  Excess minerals causes diseases  Fluorides weaken bones – deformation taking place  Calcium brittles the bones  Chlorides are harmful  Excess chlorides, Calcium, Magnesium shows effects in generations

4 NEED OF I.S. DRINKING WATER  Health is wealth  Healthy family is worry less  Less worries more dedication  Dedication will improve quality inputs  Quality input increases returns  Resulting in more development in railway system  Profitable growth in railways impress Indian economy

5 HEALTHY WATER  I.S. 10500  Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are 500 mg/l – maximum

6 WATER TREATMENT  Filters (Cartridge type)  Activated Carbon Filter  Softener  Reverse Osmosis

7 WATER TREATMENT Working of Cartridge Filters  Variety of contaminants-some are dissolved and other float in water  CF rated for 5 microns  CF traps particulate matter on its surface  When flow of water reduce due to sufficient particulate matter CF to be replaced

8 WATER TREATMENT Working of Activated Carbon Filter  Organic materials  Raw water yellowish in colour with bad taste and odor  Decayed vegetation leached from watershed run off  agricultural discharge adds others contaminants

9 WATER TREATMENT Contd.  ACF adsorbs organic impurities from water to the surface of the filter (adsorption- organic molecules physically adhere).  Water become colorless, sweater, odor free  When color and taste of the filtered water changes ACF need replacement

10 WATER TREATMENT Working of softener  Deep tube well water rich with soluble salts and minerals  Soluble salts precipitate on the membrane surface,  If precipitation allowed membrane surfaces irreversibly fouled  Pretreatment for removing scale forming salts  i.e. by providing base exchange softener

11 WORKING OF REVERSE OSMOSIS  Natural water contain dissolved organic and inorganic salts  RO membrane allows water molecules to pass through and rejects larger salt molecules  Water passed through membrane separate in to pure water and salty water  Pure water free of all organics contain less than 10% of the dissolved minerals


13 PRETREATMENT  By installing Iron Removal Pressure Filter / Multi Grade Filter / Bag Filter etc.  By online dosing anti-scalent chemical by metering pump to prevent Calcium / Magnesium salts precipitation.  By installing Sodium Base exchange water Softening Plant to eliminate Calcium and Magnesium salts from feed water.  A Cartridge Filter 5 Micron is provided on the feed line to remove last traces of any fines from the feed water.  A high pressure (desired pressure) Multi stage stainless steel pump is provided to feed the inlet water into the membrane housing.

14 PRETREATMENT Contd.  Stainless Steel pressure gauges Glycerace filled are provided on line on the panel board to measure the input and concentrate pressure.  Total Dissolved solids Meters on line are provided on the panel to measure, input and output permeate TDS of water and the final blended water supply.

15 EXPOSURE TO TREATMENT (TREATMENT SCHEME) DRONACHELLAM  Water passes through pressure sand filters – Capacity 10 m3/h  Brine tank having capacity 300 liters of raw salt water  In the process raw salt water mixed with the water from pressure filter 6.5 m3/h and goes to sodium base exchange water softening plant of 6.5 m3/h capacity.  Calcium and Magnesium dissolve solids are removed.

16 EXPOSURE TO TREATMENT (TREATMENT SCHEME) DRONACHELLAM Contd.  From softener plant 6.5 m3/h water goes to R.O.S. plant  3.5 m3/h water purified to 0.0002 microns comes out from R.O.S plant.  3.5 m3/h bypassed water from pressure filter added to 3.5 m3/h R.O.S treated water

17 EXPOSURE TO TREATMENT (TREATMENT SCHEME) DRONACHELLAM Contd.  Resultant 7.0 m3/h water will pass through activated carbon filter  The odor, colour if any due to mixing with pressure sand filter water to R.O.S water will be removed.  The treated water will be dosed with chlorination.  Chlorinated water will be collected in ground level reservoir.

18 EXPOSURE TO TREATMENT (TREATMENT SCHEME) DRONACHELLAM Contd.  The purified water will be pumped to the high level water tank  The potable highly purified drinking water will be supplied to colonies, railway station, service buildings through pipelines under gravitation.

19 EXPOSURE TO TREATMENT (TREATMENT SCHEME) DRONACHELLAM Contd.  Rotameters on line are provided to measure the flow of permeate water and concentrate water on the panel board, and the final blended water supply.  An electrical Control Panel is provided on the panel board, for high pr. Pump and for the instruments.  A metering pump with PVC chemical dosing tank with PVC piping connection is provided to dose online Chlorine Solution for disinfection of final blended water before passing GLR Tank.

20 EXPOSURE TO TREATMENT (TREATMENT SCHEME) DRONACHELLAM Contd.  A chlorine test kit with reagents is provided to test the residual chlorine content of  Treated water (it should be between 0.1 to 0.3 mg/L).  The total system is mounted on a epoxy painted M.S. Structure with frontal PVC Panel Board.




24 WHY REVERSE OSMOSIS PROCESS?  Economic – low energy, operating cost. When TDS of raw water > 500 (brackish)  Regeneration free  Pollution free  Excellent quality – 97% to 98% rejection of dissolved solids  More than 99% rejection of undissolved organic impurities (bacteria, virus)

25 WHY REVERSE OSMOSIS PROCESS? Contd.  Operator friendly – Simple physical pressure driven process  Compactness – less space requirement  Flexibility – Modular design – cost effective plant expansion with utmost ease.



28 RAW WATER Vs. TREATED WATER ION Available Raw Water at DRONACHELLAM After Treatment In R.O. PLANT Final Treated Water After Blending of Filter Water & R.O. Water Ca91.50.7646.13 Mg57.90.4829.19 Na25.00.9912.99 K2.00.101.05 NH 4 Ba0.0010.0000.001 Sr0.0000.0000.000 CO 3 HCO 3 469.05.73237.36 SO 4 Cl86.30.5943.44 F0.90.010.46 NO 3 14.50.737.61 SiO 2 TDS758.39.5383.9 Ph7.85.97.5


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