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Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Work Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting 1 Activity 1: TerminologyActivity 2: MobilityActivity.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Work Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting 1 Activity 1: TerminologyActivity 2: MobilityActivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Work Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting 1 Activity 1: TerminologyActivity 2: MobilityActivity 3: HWF Data

2 Activity 2: Mobility 2 Activity focusWorking methodsTimeline with steps and milestonesNext steps

3 Mobility Activity focus 3 components of the Mobility 3 Mapping of HWF Mobility Data within the EU Policy Recommendations Discussion of the applicability of the WHO Code

4 Mobility Mapping of HWF Mobility Data within the EU Activity focus, details 1 1.Mapping of HWF Mobility Data within the EU Mapping of health workforce mobility data within the EU, including available mobility definitions. 4 Information sources DG Markt database Matrix Feasibility Study Health Prometheus (Health Professional Mobility in the EU Study ) ECAB (Evaluating Care Across Borders ) MoHPRof (Mobility of Health Professionals) RN4cast (Nurse Forecasting Study) Mobility minimum dataset draft guiding principles by OECD and WHO

5 Mobility Mapping of HWF Mobility Data within the EU Activity focus, details 2 Matrix Feasibility Study : It was written in the preparatory process of this JAyou have it Health Prometheus Health Professional Mobility in the European Union Study studies-and-projects/prometheus studies-and-projects/prometheus ECAB Evaluating Care Across Borders MoHPRof Mobility of Health Professionals RN4cast Nurse Forecasting Study Mobility minimum dataset draft guiding principles by OECD and WHO 5

6 Mobility Activity focus, details 2 2. Policy Recommendations Preparation of policy recommendations: 6 how to collect better mobility data how to make better use of DG Markt database additional mobility indicators to be included in international data collection (JQ)

7 Mobility working method  Mails, Skype, phones, workshops, meetings  Systematic review of available literature (projects, databases, etc.)  WP 4 team, based on a framework to be developed  Contributions from partners are welcome (details of it are to be discussed)  Workshops – discussions, distribution of information on  views, experiences and practices of partners  results of literature review  draft documents as applies  Formulating policy recommendations  WP4 team, with contribution from partners and main stakeholders 7

8 8 M1 Kick- off M3 – Workshop 1. Countries present HWF mobility information in their countries 2. Presentation of literature review framework WP4 team 3. Distribution of first results of literature review WP4 team M11 – Workshop 1. Distribution of results of literature review 2. Exchange of information, experiences 3. Discussions M21 - Draft report on mobility data in the EU M24 – Final report on mobility data in the EU Timeline of activities – Mobility Mapping of HWF Mobility Data within the EU

9 Country (N o of days for all partners ) N o of total days planned for this activity (382) 1. Mapping of mobility data within the EU (232) 2. Policy Recommendations (75) 3. Applicability of the WHO Code (75) Hungary2251504530 Portugal402010 Greece10 Germany3010 Slovakia402010 Belgium15105 The Netherlands22 UEMS10 Spain10 9 Participation in Mobility N o of total days and planned distribution according to components

10 Mobility, preparation for WS in M3 Questions to focus on, draft template 1.Do you follow HWF international mobility in your country? 2.What international mobility definition(s) is/are used? 3.What international mobility data/ indicators you have? 4.Do results of the follow-up and evaluation of international mobility data have impact on (if any) relating policy decision making process in your country? 5.What is your opinion regarding the relevance and importance of international HWF mobility in your country? How do you see the current practice to follow and handle it? What is your current role in these processes? 6.How do you see the acknowledgment, relevance, importance, and applicability of WHO Code in your country? 10

11 TaskReponsibleDeadline Minutes on kick-off to partnersHU 22 nd April2013 Template for presentation in M3 WorkshopHU30th April 2013 Draft presentations are to be sent prior to M3 Workshop to HU Activity 2 partners22nd May 2013 Preparation for the workshopHU, All partners22nd May 2013 Workshop Participation (with preparation)All partnersMid June 2013 Next steps until workshop in M3 (ca 60 days) Mapping of mobility data within the EU

12 Thank you for your attention ! 12

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