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AIR QUALITY INDICATORS Frank de Leeuw 8th Air Quality EIONET workshop 6-7 November 2003, Oslo.

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Presentation on theme: "AIR QUALITY INDICATORS Frank de Leeuw 8th Air Quality EIONET workshop 6-7 November 2003, Oslo."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIR QUALITY INDICATORS Frank de Leeuw 8th Air Quality EIONET workshop 6-7 November 2003, Oslo

2 urban AQ indicators 2 6/7-11-2003 ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATOR ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATOR 1. What, how serious is the problem? 2. What / Who is causing the problem? 3. Is the problem being solved? With the sub questions: What’s being done? and Is it effective? Is it effective?

3 urban AQ indicators 3 6/7-11-2003 Example NO x Generic questionAnswerIndicator. What is the problem? What/who is causing…? Is the problem being solved? effectively? health impairment; ecosystem /crop damage (acid/eutro) NO x, emitted to air by economic activities Are levels in cities low enough? Are loads onto ecosystems / crops dropping, and is damage avoided? What are cost / contributions of measures taken? (…) Emissions NO x, total & by sector Exceedance days of NO2 limit values in urban areas Percentage area exceeding critical loads for – –Total acidity – –nitrogen Effectiveness policy response NOx

4 urban AQ indicators 4 6/7-11-2003 ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATOR representative transparent distinctive consistent within DPSIR-chain target value

5 urban AQ indicators 5 6/7-11-2003 Present EEA indicators, Air pollution Emissions (Pressure) Acidifying: SO 2, NO x, NH 3 Particles and precursor gases Ozone precursors: NO x, VOC etc. Air quality (State) Area of exceedance, critical loads: acidity and nitrogen Exceedance of limit & target values O 3, PM10, NO 2, SO 2,…. Exposure of crops/ vegetation to ozone

6 urban AQ indicators 6 6/7-11-2003 Air Pollution Indicators Building blocks for: Environmental Signals sectoral reports (TERM, EERM) Kiev report Air Quality & Air Pollution reports …...

7 urban AQ indicators 7 6/7-11-2003 Health related limit values Ozone: n=25TV= 120 ug/m3 (daily 8h-max) PM10: n=35LV= 50 ug/m3 (24h) PM10: n=1 LV= 40 ug/m3 (annual) NO2: n=1LV= 40 ug/m3 (annual) NO2:n=18LV= 200 ug/m3 (1h) SO2: n=3LV= 125 ug/m3 (24h) SO2:n=24 LV=350 ug/m3 (1h)

8 urban AQ indicators 8 6/7-11-2003 Methodology Selection or urban (O3, PM10) and street (PM10) stations with data coverage >75% station(s) representative for whole city if n>1: exceedance days averaged over all stations

9 urban AQ indicators 9 6/7-11-2003 PM10 in urban air in EEA31

10 urban AQ indicators 10 6/7-11-2003 PM10 in urban air

11 urban AQ indicators 11 6/7-11-2003 O3 in urban air in EEA31

12 urban AQ indicators 12 6/7-11-2003 O3 in urban air

13 urban AQ indicators 13 6/7-11-2003 Uncertainties in data errors in AQ data errors in station classification coverage incomplete & variable in time missing & incomplete info on meas. method comparability missing info (station type; city)

14 urban AQ indicators 14 6/7-11-2003 Uncertainties in aggregation representativity: from point to area aggregation of more than one station variable coverage per country variable coverage in time missing population data

15 urban AQ indicators 15 6/7-11-2003 How to proceed? Improve QA/QC on EoI data independent check on station classification fill gaps in space and time using models, interpolation or historical data combine modelling & monitoring

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