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WaveMaker next: Webinar Sep 19, 2013 1. Agenda Introduction What’s new in WaveMaker 6.6 Introducing WaveMaker Cloud Demo: WaveMaker Cloud WaveMaker Roadmap.

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Presentation on theme: "WaveMaker next: Webinar Sep 19, 2013 1. Agenda Introduction What’s new in WaveMaker 6.6 Introducing WaveMaker Cloud Demo: WaveMaker Cloud WaveMaker Roadmap."— Presentation transcript:

1 WaveMaker next: Webinar Sep 19, 2013 1

2 Agenda Introduction What’s new in WaveMaker 6.6 Introducing WaveMaker Cloud Demo: WaveMaker Cloud WaveMaker Roadmap Q & A 2 Duration: One hour

3 Introduction 3

4 Panelists Samir Ghosh CEO Vevek Pandian WaveMaker Marketing Deepak Anupalli Platform Engineering Sharad Solanki WaveMaker Engineering 4

5 Pramati Technologies Founded in 1998 – Offices: US & India – 700+ employees Brands 5 Acquired 2012 Visionary. 10 years.

6 History 2003: ActiveGrid founded 2007: WaveMaker rebrand 2011: Acquired by VMware 2013: Acquired by CloudJee 6

7 WaveMaker 6.6 7 Vevek Pandian WaveMaker Marketing

8 WM 6.6.0 (M1, M2, M3 Features) Xhr/Json Service Upgrades from WM 6.5 Security upgrades and improvements – Upgrade to Spring Security 3.1 – SSL encryption – Active directory support Studio Multi-select Improved Composites Improved Templates 8

9 WM 6.6.0 (M1, M2, M3 Features) New Import/Export New Theme Designer ServiceVariables now have a disabled property Loading Dialogs can now track multiple ServiceVariables XhrService Evolves Client side querying can now do simple OR expressions 9

10 Introducing 10 Deepak Anupalli Platform Engineering

11 Instantly Cloud-Ready! One-click deployment to cloud Free hosting of WaveMaker applications Application Lifecycle Management from within Studio Infrastructure: Amazon EC2 Standardized software stack: Tomcat, MySQL Availability (6.7) – October 1: Closed Beta – October 21: Open Beta – November 11: GA 11

12 Available Resources JVM Heap Size512 MB Disk Usage2 GB Application Size50 MB Database Connections15 Applications5 12 WaveMaker Cloud Resources

13 Demo: 13 Deepak Anupalli Platform Engineering

14 WaveMaker Roadmap 14 Sharad Solanki WaveMaker Engineering

15 Short Term UX Enhancements – Contextual actions and views – Fluid layout system – From Model -> View to View -> Model Enhanced support for mobile applications – Web app development for mobile devices – Widgets specificity for web and mobile – Skinning support for different mobile clients 15

16 Short Term Front-end MVC Support – Adoption of MVC framework Angular.js – Faster Application Response time – Support and Usage of jQuery based libraries Support for versions up to 6.7 with Dojo 16

17 Long Term Collaboration – Support Project lifecycle users Project manager UX Designer Developers, data modelers QA System admins – Collaboration through communication channels like message boards, contextual comments, email, development workflow support 17

18 Long Term Release Management – Manage the lifecycle of the product – Version System Integration with GitHub Marketplace for Internal App Sharing – Application/ templates – Widgets – Design artefacts 18

19 WaveMaker ng 19 Sharad Solanki WaveMaker Engineering

20 Project Dashboard 20

21 Project View 21

22 Project View: Tablet 22

23 Project: File Explorer 23

24 Project: Services Explorer 24

25 Project: Activities 25

26 Project: Services 26

27 Release Schedule 6.6.0 M1: December, 2012 6.6.0 M2: January, 2013 6.6.0 M3: August, 2013 6.7 (WaveMaker Cloud): October 2013 7.0 Preview Release: December 2013 7.0 Beta: Q1, 2014 27

28 Q&A 28

29 Thanks for attending! Don’t forget to take the survey after the webinar ends 29 A recording of this webinar will be available soon.

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