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"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink" - Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge.
Chanderiya Lead Zinc Smelter, Chittorgarh
Hindustan Zinc Ltd
World Class Smelting and Power Assets
Chanderiya Smelting Complex Pyrometallurgical Lead Zinc Smelter: ,000 tpa Zinc 35,000 tpa Lead tpa Silver Hydrometallurgical Zinc Smelter: 420,000 tpa Zinc AusmeltT M Lead Smelter: ,000 tpa Lead Captive Power Plant: 234 MW Rajasthan World class assets – Chanderiya Smelting Complex Phase III expansion – Dariba Complex Chittorgarh Note: Map not to scale 3
CSC is IMS certified Certifications ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS :2007
HZL Vision & Mission VISION
Be the world's largest and most admired Zinc-Lead & Silver Company. MISSION Enhance stakeholders value through exploration, innovation, operational excellence and sustainability. Be a globally lowest cost producer. Maintain market leadership and customer delight .
Milestones Delivered Debari & Vizag Zinc De-bottlenecking32 ktpa Chanderiya Zinc Debottle-necking 35 ktpa Chanderiya Hydro I Smelter 170 ktpa Chanderiya Ausmelt lead Smelter 50 ktpa Chanderiya Hydro I I Smelter 170 ktpa Chanderiya & Debari Zinc De-bottlenecking 88 ktpa Dariba Smelter Zinc – 210 ktpa Lead – 100 ktpa 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 Chanderiya CPP 2 x 77 MW Chanderiya & Zawar CPP expansion 2 x 80 MW Note: The year mentioned is Calendar Year
Chanderiya Smelting Complex
Water Management at CLZS
Accolades& Recognition
S.No. Name of Award / Rating / Certification Name of Awarding / Rating / Certifying Organisation Year Theme of the Award* 1 CII GBC National award for Excellence in water Confederation of Indian Industries.(CII-GBC), Hyderabad 2008 Water conservation excellence 2 Water efficient Unit Award Confederation of Indian Industries.(CII) 2010 Water conservation 3 Green Manufacturing excellence award Frost & sullivan 2012 Eco-sustainability
Source of Water We have got a captive source of water i.e. Gosunda dam
Process water 28900 (m3/day) City supply 2500 (m3/day) Zinc Colony 600 (m3/day)
WATER BALANCE GOSUNDA DAM 4900 4100 4900 15000 3100 To CLZS 32000
To City 2500 RO Prod. 3200 100 STP Prod. 1600 Evap Evap Evap Evap 1700 Evap Evap 100 14300 3200 4200 4400 5800 6500 15100 600 4900 Hydro-I] Hydro-II CPP Potable Water Pyro & Aushmelt Plant, TS 200 300 1400 2300 1700 SWP STP [Plant+TS] 800 ETP-I ETP-II 300 Lime Prep. +Moist. 1900 [Sinter, F.Washing, Moisture etc.] 2300 2100 200 RO-I RO -II Gardening 100 Net Reject=900 For CPP 600 700 RO-III [Dust suppr.+Evapor.] 1700 [Prod.] ALL FIGURES ARE AVERAGE & IN M3/D 1600 [Prod.] 200 [Prod.]
Treatment technologies
Zero Discharge is maintained Effluent generation ~ 6000 m3/day 8400 m3/day and 4200 m3/day Effluent Treatment Plants. 2 Reverse Osmosis Plant of ~ 7000 m3/day capacity to treat ETP treated water III stage Reverse Osmosis Plant of 1000 m3/day capacity to treat the reject generated from 2 Reverse Osmosis Plants. Generating ~ 5000 m3/day of reusable water, thereby reducing fresh water consumption. 100% recycling of water Sewage treatment plant (1000 m3/day) at Plant & colony and treated water used for plantation purpose
Effluent treatment Plant- For process effluent
ETP: Flow Sheet Primary Reaction Effluent Tank Collection Thickener-I
Lime Soda Ash DM Regeneration Softening Unit Regeneration Cathode Wash Anode Wash Filtrate Primary Reaction Tank Thickener-I Thickener-II Effluent Collection Tank Secondary Reaction Tank U/F U/F Filter Press Filtrate Dilute acid ETP cake SLF Lime Final Reaction Tank Fluoride Reaction Tank Magnesium Bleed Gas Cleaning Filter Press Recycle RO Feed ETP cake SLF
Reverse Osmosis- For ETP treated water
Sodium Meta bi Sulphite Internal Use & Evaporation Pond
RO: Flow Sheet Back wash Coagulant Polyelectrolyte NaOCl Flash Mixer Clarifier Multi Grade Filter Ultra Filtration ETP Treated Water Filter Press Sodium Meta bi Sulphite Antiscalant Permeate RO - I Micro Cartridge Filter HCl RO Product Tank reject Permeate RO -II reject Internal Use & Evaporation Pond 18
Year M3/MT 13.15 10.33 8.98 8.27 8.11
For Sustainable Business-Water
For CSC Water Policy formulated and widely circulated. Target are taken every year along with BP for specific water consumption Every morning discussion on last day water consumption An executive designated to work as a Water police to control water consumption, arresting & highlighting leakages and wastage of water. Water conservation projects are identified by 6-sigma Brain storming Suggestions
For optimum utilization of Water
Utilization of ETP treated water instead of fresh water Conditioning tank[Leaching] instead of fresh water RMH (to maintain moisture) For preparation of lime and Soda. For ISF slag & Ausmelt slag granulation In Packed Gas cooling tower. Utilization of CPP/Pond water instead of fresh water Sinter plant & GCP For Pumps Gland cooling in Acid &ETP Utilization of CPP/Pond water instead of treated water For Wet Gas precipitator in pyro plant. For fluorine tower make up. In Tail Gas treatment plant for pump priming In sinter venturi system Recycling ACF(Activated carbon filter) backwash water recycling in system in DM plant. PSF(Pressurised sand filter) backwash water recycling in system in DM plant. Leaching condensate water recycling in DM plant. Recycling of Seal cooling water from CH area to CT-4 Ultra filtration backwash, Ro flushing & PSF backwash are recycled in RO plant itself
Water Conservation Initiatives
Water Conservation drives in Plant & colony like water conservation week For creating awareness in all for water conservation Brain storming Suggestions are appreciated by prize distribution Integrated Effluent treatment plant along with RO to maximize recycle of waste water Spray of chemicals over Gosunda Dam to reduce the water loss through evaporation Installation of Drip/Sprinkler system in plantation to save 60% water STP treated water is used for irrigation purpose Increase in Cycle of Concentration to reduce cooling tower blow down by Chemical addition Changes in Blade angle of CT fans to reduce airflow and evaporation losses. 3D Trasar Project For Water Reduction by online monitoring of Cooling Water parameters Filter Press in CPP bottom ash system to recover water
Future plans for Water conservation
Focus on effluent reduction through in-situ recycling. Improve house keeping, Spills and Leaks through automation, operational control and supervision Construction of adequate sheds for raw material and HW storage area so as to avoid contaminating rain water with pollutants Isolation of process drains from storm water – wherever possible Installation of Multiple Effect Evaporator Installation of 3rd stage RO for treating RO reject Additional rainwater holding ponds – capacity to hold and treat rainwater
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