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Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics. Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 2 XL1200 Electronics The XL Jet Electronic System consists of.

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1 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics

2 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 2 XL1200 Electronics The XL Jet Electronic System consists of 6 Electronic Boards.  Installed inside the Computer are the:  RIP3 Board  PC Adapter  Mounted on the left cabinet are the:  RIP2CCB Board  PUMPS Board  Mounted on the right cabinet is the:  Motion Adapter  Installed on the Head Carriage are the:  Sensor Control Board  CCB2 Boards

3 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 3 Electronic System Block Diagram

4 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 4 RIP3 Board The RIP3 Board is an Electronic Circuit Board located inside the Computer. The Board has 4 connection ports:  PCI Bus Port to the Motherboard in the Computer  JP 1 connection port to the PC Adapter  JP 6 connection port to the PC Adapter  SCSI 68 pin port

5 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 5 RIP3 Board (Cont.) 4. SCSI 68 pin port 1. PCI Bus Port to the Motherboard in the Computer 2. JP 1 connection port to the PC Adapter 3. JP 6 connection port to the PC Adapter

6 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 6 RIP3 Board (Cont.) The Print Data is transferred from the software to the RIP through the PCI Bus. 1.The print data is transferred from the PLX PCI Bridge to the Memory Chips. 2.All the Print Data is then processed in the Altera Chips: (Master → Slave) and transferred through the SCSI 68 pin to be distributed to all four channels. 3.All the Print Support Data and Commands are processed and directed through the Altera Slave, except for the PEG data and the Encoder Signals.

7 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 7 RIP3 Board (Cont.)

8 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 8 RIP2CCB Board

9 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 9 RIP2CCB Board (Cont.) RIP2CCB is a PCB Board, connecting\bridging between all the Electronic components of the XL Jet.

10 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 10 CCB 2 Board Overview:  The CCB board is a PCB board.  There are 4 identical CCB boards on the machine,all are located on the Head Carriage. Functions: 1.Receives printing data from the Rip to CCB. 2.Translates and transfers the data onto the printing heads. 3.Provides feedback of ink level in the secondary tanks. 4.Controls ink filling in the secondary tanks. 5.Controls the purge process.

11 CCB 2 Board (Cont.) J2 J3 J4 J5 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14J15J6 J7 J8 J9 JET 121 40 PIN SCSI Cable F E DC HG AB Air purge to left partition of left secondary tank Air purge to right partition of left secondary tank Level sensor of left partition of left secondary tank Level sensor of right partition of left secondary tank Night Cover Level sensor of left partition of right secondary tank Level sensor of right partition of right secondary tank Air purge to left partition of Right secondary tank Air purge to Right partition of Right secondary tank 5V, 12V, 35V POWER SUPPLY

12 CCB 2 Board - LEDS

13 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 13 CCB 2 Board (Cont.)

14 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 14 Pumps Board The Pumps Board performs the following tasks: 1.Splits the 24 VDC to all operating Ink Cabinet channels. 2.Controls the ON\OFF commands to each of the solenoids mounted on the Main Ink Cabinet. 3.Transfers the Ink Sensor reading from the Main Tanks to the RIP2CCB. 4.Provides LED indication of 24 V on each channel (red) and Solenoid Valve ON (green).

15 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 15 Pumps Board (Cont.) Operation 1.The Board receives a 5V supply from the RIP2CCB and 24VDC from the power supply located under the Board. 2.The 5V is used for the operation of the Solid State Relays. 3.The 24V is supplied to the Valves and the Pumps. 4.The control of the Ink Valves is performed by a set of Solid State Relays.

16 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 16 Pumps Board (Cont.)

17 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 17 Motion Adapter The Motion Adapter is a bridge that transmits data from the Motion System Hardware to the software. In the present configuration, the Motion Adapter bridges among the:  X DRIVER  CONTROLLER  RIP to CCB BOARD  Control of the Heating System

18 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 18 Pumps Board (Cont.)

19 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 19 Motion Adapter (Cont.) Work Concept 1.The core of the Motion Adapter Board is BLOCK 1, which contains a set of Line Drivers and an Opto-coupler. 2.A and B Differential Signals are transferred from the Motor Encoder through the Board to the Rip2CCB. 3.PEG data is transferred from the Motion Controller through the Board to the Rip2CCB. 4.PAUSE command and OPTIC SENSOR data is transferred from the RIP2CCB to the Motion Controller.

20 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 20 Motion Adapter (Cont.)

21 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 21 Motion Adapter (Cont.)

22 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 22 Sensor Control Board The Sensor Control Board\Overflow Board is a very simple connection panel, there is no IC in this board, only Connectors, Resistors and LEDS. The Board is basically divided into 4 identical partitions, each partition belongs to a specific Color and CCB.  Each partition is divided in 2, one that belongs to the Left Tank and the other to the right tank.  On this board there is also a White 4 pin Molex Connector that is connected to the Jet 132 JP3.  Through this connector, the pumps are activated or deactivated if there is an Overflow.

23 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 23 Sensor Control Board (Cont.)

24 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 24 Sensor Control Board (Cont.)

25 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 25 Sensor Control Board (Cont.) LED CONFIGURATION  There are 16 Green LEDs on the Board that are connected on a serial configuration from left to right.  If there is an Overflow in a specific partition of a specific tank, the LED is turned Off, starting from the LED that has the overflow to all the LEDs to the right of this one.  The first LED that’s OFF from Left to Right indicates the Tank and Partition with the overflow.  There are 4 LEDs for each Color, 2 for each tank and 1 for each partition.

26 Engineer Training XL1200 Electronics Confidential 26 LED CONFIGURATION Sensor Control Board (Cont.)

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