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Published byFranklin Dunster Modified over 10 years ago
Cass River Water Quality Monitoring Project Year Two Project Summary Prepared by: Environmental Science Solutions, LLC June 2014
Project Background and Goals The Cass River Greenway (CRG) organization contracted Environmental Science Solutions (ESS) to assist with fulfillment of its obligations pursuant to the Cass River Water Quality Monitoring Project grant (Project # 2011-0501) issued by the State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality – Water Resources Division – Office of Surface Water Assessment. The main goal of the project is to provide current baseline information to help determine watershed conditions along the main channel of the Cass River. Data and information from this project will be used to complement the current Cass River Watershed Management Plan and provide community members and stakeholders information about water quality within the study area.
Project Study Area The study area for the project is the main channel of the Cass River on the northern boundary of the Cass River Watershed from Cass City in the northeast to Bridgeport in the southwest in east central lower Michigan. Nine sampling sites are located near the municipalities of Cass City, Caro, Vassar, Frankenmuth and Bridgeport in Tuscola and Saginaw counties. (See site map on next slide).
Project Study Area
Sample Sites Site NameSite IDMunicipalityCountyLatitudeLongitudeWatershed Cemetery Rd.CC2Cass CityTuscola 43.5847-83.1736 Cass River Dodge Rd.CC1Cass CityTuscola 43.5698-83.2321 Cass River Dayton Rd.C2CaroTuscola 43.4901-83.3765 Cass River Wells Rd.C1CaroTuscola 43.4503-83.4401 Cass River Caine Rd.V2VassarTuscola 43.3924-83.5222 Cass River Huron Rd.V1VassarTuscola 43.3712-83.5803 Cass River Bray Rd.F2FrankenmuthTuscola 43.3244-83.6572 Cass River Beyer Rd.F1FrankenmuthSaginaw 43.3287-83.7584 Cass River Fort Rd.B1BridgeportSaginaw 43.3486-83.8844 Cass River
Sample Parameters Total Phosphorus Total Suspended Solids Fecal Coliform Bacteria Nitrates Turbidity Temperature pH Dissolved Oxygen Biological Oxygen Demand
Year Two Sampling Summary Highlights 2013 Sampling season began about 3 weeks earlier than 2012 (Early- April vs. May) 2013 was a bit cooler and wetter sampling season. More significant rain events. Variation from 2012 to 2013 includes: Increased Phosphorus levels in the upper and lower reaches of the sampling area. pH Values were lower throughout the sample area. Nitrate Values were down throughout the sample area. Elevated values occurred throughout the sample area on the 4/24 sample date. Total Suspended solids and Turbidity values were elevated in all but the Fort Rd. site (B1). Biological Oxygen Demand values were increased at all sites
Sample Results – Year Two Site NamePhosphorous Total Suspended Solids Fecal Coliform Bacteria NitratesTurbidityTemperaturepH Dissolved Oxygen Biochemical Oxygen Demand Geometric Meanmg/L Col / 100 mlmg/LNTU° FUnitsmg/L Cemetery Rd. (CC2)0.0611.61292.7910. Dodge Rd. (CC1)0.059.01752.559. Dayton Rd. (C2)0.00714.5942.6314.963. Wells Rd. (C1)0.0123.3902.8026. Caine Rd. (V2)0.0513.6552.7113.963.28.06.492.16 Huron Rd. (V1)0.0513.3582.9913.564. Bray Rd. (F2)0.1013.91892.1010. Beyer Rd. (F1)0.1020.21632.1113.564. Fort Rd. (B1)0.1115.6832.6215.866. Study Area Geometric Mean 0.0414.461052.5713.5063.908.006.322.06
Annual Comparison
Mean Value Comparison - Phosphorous
Mean Value Comparison - TSS
Mean Value Comparison – Fecal Coliform
Mean Value Comparison – Nitrates
Mean Value Comparison – Turbidity
Mean Value Comparison – Temperature
Mean Value Comparison – pH
Mean Value Comparison – Dissolved Oxygen
Mean Value Comparison– Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Water Quality Index (WQI) Summary Water Quality Index Range WQI Value Rating 90 - 100 Excellent 70 - 90 Good 50 - 70 Medium 25 - 50 Poor 0 - 25 Very Poor
Water Quality Index (WQI) Summary
Site Name 2012 Site WQI 2013 Site WQI Percent Change 2013 WQI Rank 2012 WQI Rank Net Rank Change Cemetery Rd. (CC2) Dodge Rd. (CC1)76.875.6-1.6%73-4 Dayton Rd. (C2)78.077.1-1.2%41-3 Wells Rd. (C1)77.176.2-1.3%52-3 Caine Rd. (V2)76.377.71.9%242 Huron Rd. (V1) Bray Rd. (F2)75.4 -0.1%98 Beyer Rd. (F1)73.975.52.2%891 Fort Rd. (B1) Mean Value 76.276.5 0.5%
Water Quality Standard (WQS) Summary Under weather conditions encountered, all sites met all statutory and generally accepted water quality standards. However, analysis indicated that heavy rain events and high temperatures can adversely affect bacteria levels. All parameters for all sample all sites met state and EPA standards and scored in the good to excellent range in developed Water Quality Index standards. Total suspended solids, nitrates, turbidity and Biochemical Oxygen Demand fall into the non-regulated category. Standards for these parameters are developed based on generally accepted water quality monitoring principles and practices. Locally and Developed standards apply to E. Coli. This project measured fecal coliform. E. Coli is a subset of fecal coliform. Generally fecal coliform levels were below any thresholds that are a cause for public health concerns.
Observations and Conclusions The overall increase in solids, turbidity, phosphorous and fecal in year two is likely due to the timing and intensity of precipitation throughout the study area. Second year sampling saw more and heavier rainfall events during sampling days. The decline in temperature in year two can largely be attributed to the earlier sampling season start date. Water temperature was significantly cooler during the April sampling events. The decline in pH in year two can likely be attributed mainly to the earlier sampling season start date. Research shows that pH increases with water temperature. Additionally, early season runoff may contain snow melt which can be lower in pH than ambient river water. pH was lower throughout the watershed throughout the sampling season. Increased DO and BOD levels in year two also follow from increased flow. Again, the timing and intensity of precipitation supports the increase in these parameters during year two.
Recommendations Extend sample season from early spring through late fall to capture seasonal variations in water chemistry. Vary sample times within sample days to capture diurnal variation in sample parameters. Conduct additional testing after rain events and during high temperatures to determine changes from steady state conditions Investigate seasonal variation in pH – lower pH in early spring sample events. Reducing flow rates from overland runoff during major rain events is key to slowing flow and reducing phosphorous and sediment loading levels. Remain aware of DEQ’s potential action regarding tributary stream E. Coli standards (possible tributary studies including E. Coli and benthic monitoring) (Grant Opportunities).
Project Partners Cass River Greenway Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Cass City Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Caro Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Vassar Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Frankenmuth Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Saginaw Valley State University Environmental Science Solutions, LLC
References Clair N. Sawyer, Perry L. McCarty, Gene F. Parkin (2003). Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science (5th ed.). New York: McGraw- Hill. ISBN 0-07-248066-1. M. Mitchell, W. Stapp (2008). Field Manual (13th Edition) for Water Quality Monitoring. University of Michigan. Correll, D.L (1998) Phosphorous: A rate Limiting Nutrient in Surface Waters. Edgewater Maryland Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Pfaffenberger, Roger C., Patterson, James H. 1977. Statistical Methods for Business and Economics. Irwin-Dorsey Limited, Georgetown, Ontario. EPA 440/5-86-001, Quality Criteria for Water 1986. Michigan Administrative Code, Part 4. Water Quality Standards. Rule 323.1041
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