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Wisconsin Fast Plants. What are Wisconsin Fast Plants? Type of mustard, radish, cabbage plant especially bred by Paul Williams of the University of Wisconsin.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin Fast Plants. What are Wisconsin Fast Plants? Type of mustard, radish, cabbage plant especially bred by Paul Williams of the University of Wisconsin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin Fast Plants

2 What are Wisconsin Fast Plants? Type of mustard, radish, cabbage plant especially bred by Paul Williams of the University of Wisconsin

3 Water to break the seed coat Germinates in a day or two

4 root emerges with root hairs

5 Day 2-3 Day4 (FRI) Stem and leaves We’ll count emerge

6 Day14-20 (flowers)

7 WFP Life Cycle Video Fast Plants Time Lapse Video

8 How do you grow WFP? Need constant light (5-10 cm from growing tip) (2-4 inches)

9 How do you grow WFP? Need constant moisture (Use pipette or small beaker)

10 How do you grow WFP? Seeds are tiny-do not cover with very much potting soil

11 How do you grow WFP? Need fertilizer


13 Label your quads

14 See purple stems and non-purple stems ANL and anl

15 Green and Non-green leaves

16 Wisconsin Fast Plants® F1 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf (F1 Anthocyaninless, Yellow-Green)

17 F1 seed from cross of Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf (anl/ygr) × Purple Stem (ANL/YGR); Green Leaf

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