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Published byJolie Tardif Modified over 10 years ago
The Riser Panel Telephone Riser Basics Riser Splitter Switcher Amplifier Configuration Models The Technical Book Why DUOX? System Summary How to make a material list Audio 1 to n panels 1 to n telephones Introduction At a Glance How to Sell Technical Aspects Technical characteristics DUOX Technical Department Course Layout Catalogue Programmer tool MappingProgramming Auto Switch-ON Catalogue Technical Manuals
The target of the DUOX development is to implement a system on two non polarized wires with digital audio that has to be in a similar cost level like VDS. DUOX will offer the functionalities of the existing systems (4+N, VDS, Bus2, MDS). The DUOX is the first full digital system in the market that requires two non-polarized wires for: power, audio, video & data transmission In this new technology, the best characteristics of the previous systems converge: MDS: High performance and great capacity. VDS: Competitive price. Wiring flexibility. BUS2: 2 non polarized wires. And the result is DUOX, a GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR ALL THE MARKETS. Its main objective is to substitute all the previous systems in a 3 years period. DUOX Technical Department Introduction
Features Installation Complexity 4+N Direct & City Call becomes Digital “Many Apartments” “Many Panels” (up to 7) “Thousands of apartments” “Thousands of panels” Digital MDS Duox: System of systems Historically, manufacturers have sold installation simplicity. MDS put apart the 4+N call wires, adding advanced features such as access control, electronic directory and automation. Installation complexity was kept similar to its antecesor. VDS has kept a capacity big enough to satisfy the most common installations, achieving at the same time a dramatic wiring reduction. BUS2 reduced installation to its minimum expression, offering added-value functions such as bus-command relay activation, diagnose tooling and installation simplicity. DUOX keeps the simplicity of Bus2 (2 non- polarized wires), introducing the advantages of the digital audio (Improvement of audio quality, less noises and feedback,…), and extending the capabilities of the system from villas kits to big condominiums (like MDS). VDS “Few Wires” “Many apartments” “Minimum Wiring” “Digital audio” “Thousands of apartments” Microprocessor Terminals Frequency Multiplexing DUOX BUS2 Digital Audio “Minimum Wiring” “Many apartments” DUOX Technical Department Why DUOX?
- Up to 10 panels and 10 guard units at the General entrance and at each block. - Up to 10 panels at each Sub-block. - Up to 2 simultaneous conversation channels in the same bus. Features From villas kit to big condominiums DUOX Technical Department System Summary (1) - Up to 3 terminals in the same apartment. - Same programming as in VDS and Bus 2. 3 LEVELS: - General entrance. - Block entrances. Up to 99 blocks. - Sub-Block entrances. Up to 99 Sub-Blocks per block. ADDRESSING - Up to 999.999 addresses (apartments). - Telephone address format: 6 digits, from 000.001 to 999.999.
Basic system features without additional devices like: Risers distributor / Regenerator: Max. 300 meters between 2 communication points (With additional PSUs+Filter). Max. 4 risers at the bus. Max. 5 apartment splits at each riser point. DUOX Technical Department System Summary (2) Minimum Voltage: Minimum voltage 15 Vdc at any point in the installation. Minimum Data voltage 0,5 Vpp, measured via DUOX tester Ref.3254. Max. 4 risers at bus Telephone riser Telephone risers Telephone riser Max. 5 apartment splits at each riser point
Power for audio BUILDING Installations DUOX Technical Department System Summary (3) (i) For 12 Vdc door lock max. 250 mA supplied from amplifier. (ii) Each additional PSU+filter allow to expand the system in distance and terminals according to the table. (iii) Longer distances than 300m can be reached via regenerators.
Power for audio 1 WAY KIT Installations DUOX Technical Department System Summary (4) (i) For 12 Vdc door lock max. 250 mA supplied from amplifier.
WIRES SUPPORTED PARALLEL (RED & BLACK). min 0,14mm 2. UTP. UTP CAT-5. REFURBISHMENT: o 5 WIRES CABLE o DOOR BELL 2 WIRES o OLD 4+N CABLE Remarks: With each type of cable, distance will depend on the load of terminals, topology, number of PSUs, and active telephones at the same time (In the same or different apartments in case of 2 communications at the same time). It is recommended to use a parallel cable with cross section thicker than 0,25mm 2, especially due to the drop voltage in the long distances. It is possible to use other type of cables as alternative, such as Cat-5 or twisted pair, taking into consideration that the maximum distance will be reduced. DUOX Technical Department System Summary (5) Parallel Cable Twisted Pair Refurbishment 9/10ème (3 rolled pairs) UTP (CAT-5)
Block 00 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 General Entrance (GE) GE, Panel 0 GE, Panel 2GE, Panel 3 DUOX Technical Department General Entrance / Block / Sub-Block Block 01 Block 99 Sub-Block 04 GE, Panel 1 Sub-Block 00 System Summary (6)
DUOX “Full digital system on 2 non polarised wires” 2 2 2 BUS driven Relay Duox: The evolution. BUS2 “2 non polarised wires” 2 2 2 Panels Switcher Signal Distributor BUS driven Relay DUOX Technical Department 3 + Cx 3 + Coax VDS “3 + Coax” 3 S Connection Video Distributor Panels Switcher Relay with additional wiring System Summary (7) Line termination at last split to avoid reflections
Systems comparison DUOX Technical Department System Summary (8) VDSBUS 2DUOX Addresses199 999.999 Panels22 10 at General Entrance / 10 per Block and Sub-block Guard units1None, only via MDS10 at General Entrance / 10 per Block Distance200 m 300 m per branch without regenerator (Expandable) PrivacyYes Power18 Vdc for all signals24 Vdc for all signals + Filter Ref.324318 Vdc for all signals + Filter Ref.3243 Type of audioAnalog Digital Inmunity against noises and feedbackLowMediumHigh Wiring 3 wires + Coaxial Wiring flexibility (Several type of cables) 2 non polarized wires Restricted cables applicable (Parallel, twisted pair) to keep impedance for proper signal transmission 2 non polarized wires Wiring flexibility (Several type of cables) PriceCompetitiveHighCompetitive Transmission media Signals delivered in different physical media ("L", "+", "-", "M", "V") All signals : Supply, commands, audio and video delivered in the same physical media, 2 wires All signals : Supply and data (Commands, audio, video) delivered in the same physical media, 2 wires End of line termination 75 Ohm resistor between "M", "V" for video impedance. 10 KOhm resistor between "L", "+" for pull-up. Line termination to avoid reflections, set via jumpers located at riser devices. Line termination to avoid reflections, set via device located at last riser split. Relay, Additional featuresRef.2013 via additional wiring Bus2 relay without additional wiring managed via commands ("F1", "F2", opening,…) DUOX relay without additional wiring managed via commands ("F1", "F2", opening,…) Converstation channels112 (Expandable via Switchers) Troubleshooting and programming toolNoYes
Main Duox characteristics The DUOX electronics allows that supply, data and audio (and video when available) are delivered in the same bus with 2 non polarized wires. Supplied with 18 Vdc for all signals via a coupling module (Minimum functional voltage 15 Vdc at terminal and amplifier). Full Digital system (Audio and commands) Two simultaneous conversation channels on the same 2 wires thanks to the multiplexing. Privacy in communications. DUOX Technical Department System Summary (9)
DUOX Advantages: Additionally to the advantages of the digital audio, DUOX system offers by itself other improvements in comparison with the existing systems: A more stable system regarding to signal transmission (to avoid reflections) and to achieve further distances (in the same circumstances: Type of cable, topology,…). This fact allows that devices that were required in Bus2 (as signal distributors or end of line jumpers at terminals), are no longer necessary in DUOX, as the signal transmission is more robust with respect to reflections and interferences. Only a “Line termination” will be used at last riser split to avoid reflections. As well the recognition of data is better in a digital system than in other systems like VDS where pull-up resistors were necessary due to the signal deformation because of the capacitor effect of the conductors. Two communication channels available at the same time. It collects the best features from other systems: High performance, wiring flexibility, competitive price and installation simplicity. DUOX Technical Department System Summary (10) End of line termination used in DUOX: To avoid reflections. Connected at last riser bus split. End of Line Termination
Basics 18 VDC PSU Power supply Adaptor 3243 2 2 18 VDC PSU Power supply adaptor 3243 2 2 simultaneous conversation channels Up to 300 m 10 panels and 10 guard units per sub- block 18 VDC PSU Power supply Adaptor 3243 2 Kit Simple Building Multiple accesses 18 VDC PSU 3243 DUOX Technical Department The riser (1) End of Line Termination
Basics: Kits 18 VDC PSU Power supply Adaptor 3243 2 With regards to the line termination in Kits, in case that there is only one telephone, no line termination is necessary (as reflections cannot affect other telephones). But when additional telephones are installed as well the line termintation has to be foreseen. Kit with one telephone DUOX Technical Department The riser (2) Power supply Adaptor 3243 2 Kit with addtional telephones Line Termination 18 VDC PSU Cascade
Basics with general entrance 18 VDC 3243 18 VDC 3243 2 General entrance to villas General entrance and panels at each floor 18 VDC 3243 18 VDC 3243 2 DUOX Technical Department The riser (3) 2 simultaneous conversation channels Up to 300 m 10 panels and 10 guard units per sub-block End of Line Termination
Risers Distributor Ref.3258 – FUNCTIONS: 1._ REGENERATOR: Each output of the distributor delivers a regenerated signal to develop bigger installations, allowing to increase the NUMBER OF RISERS: Max.16 outputs in total. 2._ ISOLATOR: The 2 outputs of the distribuor remain electrically isolated. A short-circuit in one of them will not affect the rest. DUOX Technical Department The riser (4) 18 VDC 3243 End of Line Termination Risers distributor
Risers Distributor Ref.3258 – SUPPLY MODES: DUOX Technical Department The riser (5) 1._ ONLY RISERS 2._ RISERS + PANELS: Additionally to the risers, the panel is as well supplied. Notes: PSU 18Vdc connected directly without filter Ref.3243. 1 x PSU can supply Max.24 Telephones per riser and 1 panel. For more loads, additional PSU to be used (Max.6xPSUs per riser). Up to 4 distributors can be concatenated in parallel and on each output a new splitter can be inserted (Maximum 2 levels: 16 outputs in total).
Risers Distributor Ref.3258 – CONNECTIONS AND SIGNALIZATION: DUOX Technical Department The riser (6)
Risers Distributor Ref.3258 – TECHNICAL FEATURES: DUOX Technical Department The riser (7)
Switcher (Block isolator) The switcher converts each branch in a different bus, allowing two additional conversation channels after the switcher. General entrance 18 VDC 3243 2 DUOX Technical Department The riser (8) 3243 18 VDC Each bus has 2 conversation channels available
Power Supply unit + Power Filter DUOX Technical Department The riser (9) 220Vac 18Vdc 1 122 The output capacitor behaves like a shortcircuit for DUOX signals DUOX Riser Couples DC current (power) to the DUOX BUS DUOX Power Supply Filter Ref.3243 Prevents DUOX signals to traverse NET Power is coupled by mean of inductances. It is used the same filter module Ref.3243 as in Bus2. Not any power supply is valid, as the used power supply has not to introduce common noise in the DUOX bus. Fermax references: Ref.4812, 18 Vdc, 1,5 A. Version 2.0. Ref.4830, 18 Vdc, 3,5 A. Version 3.0. The DUOX signal will not leave the bus due to the high impedance presented by the filter.
Why not any power supply unit is valid? DUOX Technical Department The riser (10) As explained before, DUOX system requires a controlled power supply unit, that means a power supply units that does not generate high frequency noises that may be induced in the system, bloking the supply and the proper working of the installation. The high frequency noises enter in resonance with the filter, avoiding the correct working of the system.. Our power supply units Ref.4812 v.2.0 (18 Vdc, 1,5 A) and Ref.4830 v.3.0 (18 Vdc, 3,5 A) are controlled units that do not present high frequency noise. Standard non controlled power supply unit that presents high frequency noise Controlled power supply units Ref.4812 v.2.0 and Ref.4830 v.3.0 that show only the standard 50 Hz noise but no high frequency noise
DUOX Programmer Ref.3254 It will be used to make easier the configuration and to identify problems in an installation. The format of the tool will be like the Loft access control readers (Simple display and keypad). Same programmer tool for all DUOX devices (current and futures). The information is managed by the programmed device. Operation modes: 1._ Configurator Mode It allows programming of: Telephones (Address, melody, door matic). Panel amplifier (Number, mode, opening times, guard units modes). 2._ Analyzer Mode It allows different functions: Devices detection (Telephones, amplifiers, guard units). Analysis of frames. Call to apartments. “Channels in use” detection. Meassuring of signals (Voltage,…). Status of telephone (Existance, hook, occupied, do no disturt, doormatic,…). DUOX Technical Department The riser (11)
Models KIT 1-2 WAY: Internal pushbuttons. “Inverse” programming to allow no limitation of panels according to telephone address (Useful for villas). DIRECT : 999.999 addresses. One Access code for door opening. Keypad used for system configuration. PUSHBUTTONS: 99 addresses. Continuous profile with call extension pack. Skyline with pushbuttons modules. One to one module adaptable. DIGITAL : Text and graphical display. DUOX programming software. Access codes for door opening. DUOX Technical Department Panel (1) Panels with combination of keypad + pushbuttons (Dentist,…).
DUOX Amplifier: Connections DUOX Technical Department Panel (2) SymbolDescription P1Connection of right pushbutton to call extension pack B,BDUOX Bus : Audio-video, data and supply C, NO, NCDoor opener relay contact. 2A @12Vdc +12Output 12Vdc to supply access control or DC door opener. Max.500mA BSExit button -Negative of amplifier. (For “Bs”, “S”,…) SInput for door sensor. Connected to “-” means door closed. +18,GNDInput of supply 18Vdc. For small installations without filter. P2Connection of left pushbutton to call extension pack “One To One” connection for information module Connection of call extension pack or keypad, or pushbutton modules Tamper connection against manipulation of panel: A sensor will control if someone tries to remove the panel screws sending an event to the guard unit “PGR” Button for Master and mapping configuration Voice synthesizer: 29 different languages Audio volume potentiometers: Uplinks Downlinks Voice synthesizer Status led: Off: Night mode for guard unit 2 blinks per second: Day or mixed mode for guard unit 1 blink per second: Inverse and Sequential programming
DUOX Amplifier: Supplied via filter module through “B”, “B” DUOX Technical Department Panel (3) 220 Vac 18 Vdc 4812
DUOX Amplifier: Supplied without filter module, directly through “+”, “GND” DUOX Technical Department Panel (4) 220 Vac 18 Vdc Note that in case of small installations (1 panel and up to 24 telephones), it is possible not to use the filter module Ref.3243, as the amplifier has as well a small internal filter. Supplying directly the amplfier through the “+” and “GND” terminals with the 18 Vdc power supply unit Ref.4812 v.2.0 / 4830 v.3.0.
DUOX Technical Department 220 Vac 18 Vdc 4812 Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2 4812 PSU 3243 Filter DUOX: 2 x amplifier / 1 x PSU / 1 x Filter Panel (5)
DUOX Technical Department DUOX: 2 x amplifier / 2 x PSU / 2 x Filter 220 Vac 18 Vdc 4812 Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2 4812 PSU 3243 Filter 220 Vac 18 Vdc 4812 4812 PSU 3243 Filter Panel (6)
DUOX Technical Department 220 Vac 18 Vdc 4812 Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2 4812 PSU DUOX: 2 x amplifier / 1 x PSU (no filter) Panel (7)
DUOX Technical Department 220 Vac 18 Vdc 4812 Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2 4812 PSU DUOX: 2 x amplifier / 2 x PSU (no filters) 220 Vac 18 Vdc 4812 CONNECTION AMP1 AMP2 Same polarity must be applied when linking both B,B terminals to each other between the amplifier modules. 4812 PSU + - + - Panel (8)
Panel configuration (1) DUOX Technical Department Panel (9) MODE Number of Block or Sub-block Number of PanelPanel can call to RANGE of telephones: GENERA ENTRANCE (GE)NoneFrom 0 to 900 00 01 to 99 99 99 BLOCK (B)From 00 to 99From 0 to 900 01 to 99 99 SUB-BLOCK (S)From 00 to 99From 0 to 901 to 99 At each panel we have to configure: 1._ The mode: 1.1_ As General Entrance. 1.2_ As Block / If this is the case, additionally the number of the Block. 1.3_ As Sublock / If this is the case, additionally the number of the Sub- Block. 2._ The number of the panel.
Panel configuration (2) DUOX Technical Department Panel (10) Example 1 Panel configuration Mode: General Entrance Panel Number: 0 To be dialled at panel: telephone address “TT TT TT”. For example “00 00 88” Telephone address: 00 00 88 Telephone address: 00 00 01 Power supply Adaptor 3243
Panel configuration (3) DUOX Technical Department Panel (11) Example 2 Panel configuration Mode: General Entrance (Dial at panel: telephone “TT TT TT”. For example “00 00 03”) Panel Number: 0 Telephone address: 01 00 03 18 VDC 3243 2 18 VDC Panel configuration Mode: Block / Block Number: 00 (Dial at panel: teleph. “TT TT”. For example “00 03”) Panel Number: 0 Telephone address: 00 00 03 Panel configuration Mode: Block / Block Number: 01 (Dial at panel: teleph. “TT TT”. For example “00 03”) Panel Number: 0
Block 00 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 PSU 3243 General Entrance (GE) GE, Panel 0 GE, Panel 2GE, Panel 3 DUOX Technical Department Panel configuration (4) Panel (12) Panel configuration Mode: General Entrance (Dial at panel: telephone “BB SS TT”. For example “01 04 07”) Panel Number: 1 Telephone address: 01 04 07 Block 01 Block 02 Sub-Block 04 Panel Number: 0 Panel configuration Mode: Block, Number 01 Panel Number: 0 GE, Panel 1 Panel configuration Mode: Block, Number 02 Panel Number: 0 Panel configuration Mode: Block, Number 00 Panel Number: 0 Example 3
DUOX Technical Department Panel (13) The parameters of the outdoor panel can be programmed from keypad, by entering the configuration mode: “A” + “4444” (Confirmation tone “beep-beep” is heard) + Command number (See table) + Value. Dial “A” to quit configuration mode. Panel configuration from Direct Keypad Command Number Parameter Possible values [By default] Comment 01Door Opening time 01-99”. Opening from telephone or access control [03] 02Door Opening time from Exit button 00-99”. Door Relay activation from exit button (Terminal "BS") [06] 03Mode of panel 0-Sub-Block Mode of panel configuration [1]-Block 2- General Entrance 04Block Number 00..99 The panel belongs to this block number [00] 05Sub-Block Number 00..99 The panel belongs to this Sub-block number [00] 06Panel Number 0..9 Panel Number [0] 07Sensor Door Time 00..99 Max.time that door can remain released since opening [00] (not acitve) 08Openinig Code 0000..9999 Opening code from keypad [AAAA](not active) 09Programming access code 0000..9999 Programming access code [4444] 10Master panel mode [0]- No To program telephones 1- Si 11Guard unit mode0Resets to night mode when this option is selected 12Volume of confirmation tone at panel 0..9 Adjustment of the confirmation tone at panel [5] 13Parameters Reset [0] No reset 1 Reset It recovers the default values when this option is selected
STEPACTIONPICTURERESULT 1 Firstly program the telephone from the Master panel. (See slide “Telephone programming”) 2 Select the ‘inverse programming' mode on the DUOX by keeping pressed “PGR” button during 10 sec, until 1 beep is heard and the led blinks once per second. 3 Assign the new addresses to each button: 3.1 Press the programming button at telephone DUOX Technical Department Panel (14) How to program the Mapping Call Code: “Inverse” programming Mapping is an advanced programming function available in panels with pushbuttons. It allows the modification of the call code assigned based on their position on the call extension module or button module. ‘Beep’ DUOX address stored at terminal memory Programming tone Press the “PGR” button, 10” Led blinks
DUOX Technical Department Panel (15) How to program the Mapping Call Code: “Inverse” programming (Continuation) STEPACTIONPICTURERESULT 3.2 Press the call button associated with this telephone (apartment) on the entry panel. The address previously programmed on that telephone will be assigned to the button (it will be stored on the amplifier). 4 Exit Programming: Press the “PGR” button again. Anyway the amplifier will automatically exit the programming mode after 5 minutes of inactivity. Remark: In order to program the rest of monitors, repeat steps from 3.1 to 3.2. Remember that the default call order is from bottom to top and from right to left. Mapping code stored at amplifier Panel at stand-by status Press the “PGR” button
STEPACTIONPICTURERESULT 1 Firstly program the telephone from the Master panel. (See slide, “Telephone programming”) 2 Select the «sequential programming» mode by keeping pressed “PGR” button. After 10 seconds a first “beep” is heard, keep pressing during still 5 sec. until 2 beeps are heard and the led blinks once per second. 3 Assign the new addresses to each button: Press the call buttons in whatever order you wish, to assign the codes on the entry panel, starting with “1”, and running sequentially to the last required number. 4 Exit Programming: Press the “PGR” button again. Anyway the amplifier will automatically exit the programming mode after 1 minute of inactivity. DUOX Technical Department Panel (16) How to program the Mapping Call Code: “Sequential” programming Mapping code stored at amplifier Panel at stand-by status DUOX address stored at terminal memory Press the “PGR” button ‘Beep’ Led blinks Press the “PGR” button
DUOX Technical Department Telephone (1) CITYMAX Basic DUOX Telephone LOFT Basic DUOX Telephone LOFT Basic Plus DUOX Telephone LOFT Extra DUOX Telephone Ref. 3425Ref. 3420Ref. 3421Ref. 3422 Terminals: B, B B, B, T, A, -B, B, T, A, -, F1, F2 Melody selection Door bell Call Extender Light&Buzzer activator Melody selection Door bell Call Extender Light&Buzzer activator Call volume regulator Mute mode F1 and F2 buttons Stand-by Cons.: 16mA Stand-by Cons.<20mA Max.Consumpt.: 280mA Max.Consumpt.: 300mAMax.Consumpt.: 320mA
Telephone Programming DUOX Technical Department Telephone (2) Note that the programming of the telephones will be performed from the Master panel. The procedure to set a panel as Master is following: Press 3 times consecutively the “PGR” button at the rear side of the amplifier, a confirmation tone (beep-beep) will be heard. To remove the Master mode, just press again 3 times consecutively the “PGR” button and a “Bop” tone will confirm it. In an installation only one panel at the same time can be Master. In case there is already a Master panel in the system, when another panel is set as Master, the previous one will be automatically removed from Master mode. ‘Beep’ Press 3 times consecutively the “PGR” button Step 1Step 2 To set the panel as Master ‘Bop’ Press 3 times consecutively the “PGR” button Step 1Step 2 To remove the panel of Master Mode
Loft Telephone Programming 1.Press the programming button and released it. 2.Confirmation tone is heard. 3.Press the corresponding pushbutton at the Master panel (or dial the apartment number in the keypad). 4.The confirmation tone is heard again. 5.The telephone will store the 6 digits of the panel call as DUOX address. DUOX Technical Department Telephone (3)
DUOX Technical Department Telephone (4) Melody Selection by installer at Loft Basic The telephone allows to select a different melody to distinguish when it is called from the outdoor panel or from the guard unit. The selection is done by the installer. MELODIES available: Bitone Fermax. Monotone Fermax. Monophonical Ding-Dong-Dang. Following steps to select the melody for panel call (All panels same melody): 1.At the telephone, press simultaneously the “programming” and the “door opening” button: The current telephone melody for a “panel call” is heard. 2.Pressing sequentially the “programming” button, the rest of melodies are heard. 3.After 10 sec.without presssing any button, the last melody performed will be stored. The exit of configuration is confirmed by a “beep”. Following steps to select the melody for guard unit call: 1.At telephone press simultaneously the “programming” and the “door opening” button during 5 seconds: The current telephone melody for a “guard unit call” is heard. 2.Pressing sequentially the “programming” button, the rest of melodies are heard. 3.After 10 sec.without presssing any button, the last melody performed will be stored. The exit of configuration is confirmed by a “beep”. 5 Sec.
Pick up the handset and after few seconds automatic communication is established with panel. DUOX Technical Department Telephone (5) Just after picking up the handset, any telephone programmed with a valid address “TT TT TT” will establish communication with the panel number “0” of its block. Under the condition that there is a free channel in that block and the panel “0” is available. From this moment, the behaviour will be the same as in an accepted call (Door opening available, 90 sec.of max.conversation time,…) If this feature is not wished, just change the number of the panel to a number different from “0”. If after picking up the telephone handset, the panel “0” is in communication with other telephone or there is another telephone of the same apartment in communication, a busy tone will be heard at the telephone. Autoswitch-on from the telephone to the panel number “0” of its Block PANEL “0”
Audio Installations Choose a Panel. City / Skyline / Marine Buttons / Direct / Digital. Digital with text or graphical display Block Entrance Risers Apartments Add to the list of materials the necessary common items according to the toplogy and requirements (Supply and filters, Risers distributor, terminations,…). First step! Sketch the installation! Up to 3 telephones per apartment. DUOX Technical Department How to make a material list (1)
Example – 1 General Entrance City Digital Audio panel to 4 Interior Blocks with 1 Audio City direct panel to 60 Citymax basic telephones on each. General Entrance: 1 x 7384 – DUOX City Digital Audio Panel S7 1 x 8857 – S7 Flush Mounted Box 1 x 3243 – DUOX Power Supply adapter module 1 x 4812 – 18 Vdc Power Supply Each Interior Block x 4 Accesses 1 x 7361 – DUOX Direct City Audio Panel S5 1 x 7309 – CityLine Directory Panel S5 2 x 8855 – S5 Flush Mounted Box 1 x 8829 – Set of Separators 2 x 3243 – DUOX Power Supply adapter module 2 x 4812 – 18 Vdc Power Supply Backbone 60 x 3425 – DUOX Citymax Basic Telephone 1 x 3255 – DUOX Line termination How to make a material list (2) DUOX Technical Department
Example – 2 General Entrance 3 x Audio City direct panels to 5 Interior Blocks with Skyline Audio 40 buttons panel to 40 Loft extra telephones on each. General Entrance: 3 x 7361 – DUOX Direct City Audio Panel S5 3 x 7309 – CityLine Directory Panel S5 6 x 8855 – S5 Flush Mounted Box 3 x 8829 – Set of Separators 1 x 3243 – DUOX Power Supply adapter module 1 x 4812 – 18 Vdc Power Supply 3 x 3258 – DUOX Risers distributor 3 x 4812 – 18 Vdc Power Supply Each Interior Block: x 5 Accesses 1 x 7390 – DUOX Skyline audio amplifier 5 x 7371 – Skyline DUOX/VDS 8 buttons module 2 x 7336 – Skyline Frame 6V (S7) 2 x 8857 – S7 Flush Mounted Box 1 x 8829 – Set of Separators 1 x 3243 – DUOX Power Supply adapter module 1 x 4812 – 18 Vdc Power Supply Backbone 40 x 3422 – DUOX Loft Extra Telephone 1 x 3255 – DUOX Line termination How to make a material list (3) DUOX Technical Department
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