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Current Techniques in Language-based Security David Walker COS 597B With slides stolen from: Steve Zdancewic University of Pennsylvania.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Techniques in Language-based Security David Walker COS 597B With slides stolen from: Steve Zdancewic University of Pennsylvania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Techniques in Language-based Security David Walker COS 597B With slides stolen from: Steve Zdancewic University of Pennsylvania

2 COS 597B2 Abstract Stack Inspection  Abstract permissions  p,q Permissions  R,S Principals (sets of permissions)  Hide the details of classloading, etc.  Examples: System = {fileWrite(“f1”), fileWrite(“f2”),…} Applet = {fileWrite(“f1”)}

3 COS 597B3 sec Syntax  Language syntax: e,f ::= expressions xvariable x.efunction e fapplication R{e}framed expr enable p in eenable test p then e else fcheck perm. fail failure v ::= x | x.evalues o ::= v | failoutcome

4 COS 597B4 Framing a Term  Models the Classloader that marks the (unframed) code with its protection domain: R[x] = x R[ x.e] = x.R{R[e]} R[e f] = R[e] R[f] R[enable p in e] = enable p in R[e] R[test p then e else f] = test p then R[e] else R[f] R[fail] = fail

5 COS 597B5 Example readFile = fileName.System{ test fileWrite(fileName) then … // primitive file IO (native code) else fail } Applet{readFile “f2”}  fail System{readFile “f2”} 

6 COS 597B6 sec Operational Semantics  Evaluation contexts: E ::= []Hole E eEval. Function v EEval. Arg. enable p in ETagged frame R{E} Frame  E models the control stack

7 COS 597B7 sec Operational Semantics E[( x.e) v]  E[e{v/x}] E[enable p in v]  E[v] E[R{v}]  E[v] E[fail]  fail E[test p then e else f]  E[e] if Stack(E) |-- p E[test p then e else f]  E[f] if  (Stack(E) |-- p) e  o iff e  * o Stack Inspection

8 COS 597B8 Example Evaluation Context Applet{readFile “f2”} E = Applet{[]} r = readFile “f2”

9 COS 597B9 Example Evaluation Context E = Applet{[]} r = ( fileName.System{ test fileWrite(fileName) then … // primitive file IO (native code) else fail } ) “f2” Applet{readFile “f2”}

10 COS 597B10 Example Evaluation Context Applet{readFile “f2”} E = Applet{[]} r = System{ test fileWrite(“f2”) then … // primitive file IO (native code) else fail }

11 COS 597B11 Example Evaluation Context Applet{System{ test fileWrite(“f2”) then … // primitive file IO (native code) else fail }}

12 COS 597B12 Example Evaluation Context Applet{System{ test fileWrite(“f2”) then … // primitive file IO (native code) else fail }} E’ = Applet{System{[]}} r’ = test fileWrite(“f2”) then … // primitive file IO (native code) else fail

13 COS 597B13 Formal Stack Inspection E’ = Applet{System{[]}} r’ = test fileWrite(“f2”) then … // primitive file IO (native code) else fail When does stack E’ allow permission fileWrite(“f2”)? Stack(E’) |-- fileWrite(“f2”)

14 COS 597B14 Stack of an Eval. Context Stack([]) =. Stack(E e) = Stack(E) Stack(v E) = Stack(E) Stack(enable p in E) = enable(p).Stack(E) Stack(R{E}) = R.Stack(E) Stack(E’) = Stack(Applet{System{[]}}) = Applet.Stack(System{[]}) = Applet.System.Stack([]) = Applet.System.

15 COS 597B15 Abstract Stack Inspection. |-- p empty stack axiom x |-- p p  R x.R |-- p x |-- p x.enable(q) |-- p protection domain check p  q irrelevant enable x |= p x.enable(p) |-- p check enable

16 COS 597B16 Abstract Stack Inspection. |= p empty stack enables all p  R x.R |= p enable succeeds* x |= p x.enable(q) |= p irrelevant enable * Enables should occur only in trusted code

17 COS 597B17 Equational Reasoning e  iff there exists o such that e  o Let C[] be an arbitrary program context. Say that e = e’ iff for all C[], if C[e] and C[e’] are closed then C[e]  iff C[e’] .

18 COS 597B18 Equational Reasoning Question: Why not: e = e’ iff for all C[], if C[e] and C[e’] are closed then C[e]  o iff C[e’]  o’ and o = o’.

19 COS 597B19 Equational Reasoning Question: Why not: e = e’ iff for all C[], if C[e] and C[e’] are closed then C[e]  o iff C[e’]  o’ and o = o’. Reasoning is cyclic if o and o’ are functions x.e’’ and x.e’’’: we suddenly need to ask if e’’ = e’’’

20 COS 597B20 Equational Reasoning Question: Why not: e = e’ iff for all C[], if C[e] and C[e’] are closed then C[e]  o iff C[e’]  o’ and o = o’. If we want to test whether e  v and e’  v’ and v = v’ we can always do it using the appropriate context: C = if [ ] then loop () else ()

21 COS 597B21 Example Inequality ok = x.x loop = ( x.x x)( x.x x) (note: loop  ) f = x. let z = x ok in _.z g = x. let z = x ok in _.(x ok) Claim: f ≠ g Proof: Let C[] =  {[] _.test p then loop else ok} ok

22 COS 597B22 Example Continued C[f]=  {f _.test p then loop else ok} ok   {let z = ( _.test p then loop else ok) ok in _.z} ok   {let z = test p then loop else ok in _.z} ok   {let z = ok in _.z} ok   { _.ok} ok  ( _.ok) ok  ok

23 COS 597B23 Example Continued C[g]=  {g _.test p then loop else ok} ok   {let z = ( _.test p then loop else ok) ok in _.(( _.test p then loop else ok) ok)} ok   {let z = test p then loop else ok in _. (( _.test p then loop else ok) ok)} ok   {let z = ok in _. (( _.test p then loop else ok) ok)} ok   { _. (( _.test p then loop else ok) ok)} ok  ( _. (( _.test p then loop else ok) ok)) ok  ( _.test p then loop else ok) ok  test p then loop else ok  loop  loop  loop  loop  …

24 COS 597B24 Example Applications Eliminate redundant annotations: x.R{ y.R{e}} = x. y.R{e} Decrease stack inspection costs: e = test p then (enable p in e) else e

25 COS 597B25 Axiomatic Equivalence Can give a sound set of equations  that characterize =. Example axioms:  is a congruence (preserved by contexts) ( x.e) v  e{v/x} (beta equivalence) enable p in (enable q in e)  enable q in (enable p in e) R  S  R{S{e}}  S{e} R{S{enable p in e}}  R  {p}{S{enable p in e}} …

26 COS 597B26 Example: Tail Calls Ordinary evaluation: R{( x.S{e}) v}  R{S{e{v/x}}} Tail-call eliminated evaluation: R{( x.S{e}) v}  S{e{v/x}} Not sound in general! But OK in special cases.

27 COS 597B27 Example: Tail Calls Suppose R  S. Then: R{( x.S{e}) v}  R{S{e{v/x}}}  S{e{v/x}}  S{e}{v/x} ( x.S{e}) v In particular, code within a protection domain can safely make tail calls to other code in that domain.

28 COS 597B28 Example: Higher-order Code main = System [ h.(h ok ok)] fileHandler = System[ s. c. _.c (readFile s)] leak = Applet[ s.output s] main( _.Applet{fileHandler “f2” leak})

29 COS 597B29 Example: Higher-order Code main( _.Applet{fileHandler “f2” leak})  *System{Applet{fileHandler “f2” leak} okS}  *System{Applet{System{System{ _.System{leak (readFile “f2”)}}}} okS}  *System{ _.System{leak (readFile “f2”)} okS}  * System{System{leak }}  * System{System{Applet{output }}}  * System{System{Applet{ok}}}  * ok

30 COS 597B30 Discussion  Problem: Applets returning closures that circumvent stack inspection.  Possible solution:  Values of the form: R{v} (i.e. keep track of the protection domain of the source)  Similarly, one could have closures capture their current security context  Integrity analysis (i.e. where data comes from)  Fournet & Gordon prove some properties of strengthened versions of stack inspection.

31 COS 597B31 Conclusions  What security principles does the Java model obey? To what extent?  Open design?  Economy of mechanism?  Minimal trusted computing base?  Security as process?  Least privilege?  Fail-safe defaults?  Psychological acceptability?

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