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Published byGarrison Hellen Modified over 10 years ago
N5GHZ President: Bill Musa, K5YG Vice President: Anthony Allen, W6CSA
Formed December 2010 N5GHZ KF5JKC – Applied for N5GHZ President: Bill Musa, K5YG Vice President: Anthony Allen, W6CSA Secretary: Victoria McKitrick, K5EYK Board Member: Glenn Martin, N5PQ Board Member: Bob Delaney, WN2E
The World Above HF & VHF/UHF DX presented by Bill Musa – K5YG January 9, 2011 Video
(Video produced by JACQUE “JD” DUPUY, N0IRS)
VHF/UHF Operations There is something for everyone:
Terrestrial – all modes Line of sight Tropospheric (Tropo) Sporadic E (E-Skip) F2 Skip on 6M Satellites (Up and Down Link on various VHF/UHF bands) RS-12 Satellite used 15M up with 10M down Meteor Scatter (M/S) (6M and 2M) Moon Bounce (EME) (6M thru 1.2Ghz)
“The VHF/UHF DX Bug” bit Bill in 1965
Highlights for K5YG 1965 – Made some of the first contacts via the OSCAR Satellites. (2M up / 2M down – low orbit) 1965 CQ Spring VHF Contest – High Score 2M 1970 – Worked W5WAX in Oklahoma (1180mi,) on 2M via Aurora over 40 years ago, from NJ (Then again (K5SW) in 2008 from MS on 2M CW and SSB) 1995 – Worked All States via Satellite (ARRL OSCAR Award #214) 1995 – AMSAT W4AMI Satellite Operator Achievement Award #6 for 1000 Satellite QSO’s Working N0IRS & N0IRC in Kansas City, MO (700mi) on 2M Working N4TUT in FL (450mi) on 70cm from the O.S. Bridge Working N4TUT in FL (450mi) on 23cm SSB (Both running only 1 Watt) 2009 – Working all over USA and Europe on 6M 2010 – 2M E-Skip Opening June 19, 2010 – Maybe the best ever K5YG EM50 to N0IRC EM29 Recording (Video produced by JACQUE “JD” DUPUY, N0IRS)
1970 contact with Sam, W5WAX
1967 contact with Barney, now K3FM
VHF/UHF Propagation 6M – Normally line-of-sight
Sporadic E Propagation –All over US with multi-hop to Europe F2 Skip on 6M during Sun Spot Cycle High – world wide Meteor Scatter every morning – work all over US 2 M – Normally line-of-sight Tropospheric (Tropo) Propagation - 500mi Sporadic E Propagation (E-Skip) mi + Back Scatter – strange sounding signals 100mi Meteor Scatter most every day, peaking during major Meteor Showers. (1500 mi about the limit on 6 & 2M) Moon Bounce (HS Via WSJT by K1JT) or via CW – world wide 70cm & above – Normally Line of sight Occasional Tropo Propagation, most of the time 70cm is better than 2M. Moon Bounce
F2 Skip during Sun Cycle High
Don't hold your breath for this one, but be aware of its potentialities. This is the familiar long-haul skip which bounces shortwave signals around the world in hops of roughly 2000 miles each. During sunspot peaks F2 may extend up to 60 mHz, opening American channel 2 to DX, plus a number of European, African and Oceanic TV stations operating at these frequencies and below. F2 activity is greatest in years of peak sunspot activity. As sunspot activity increases, F2 MUF also rise. F2 at VHF frequencies is not probable in years of low solar activity. If you want to keep track of F2 conditions, which tend to peak in the spring and fall, monitor on a mHz radio. Paging stations beyond 1600 miles or so on 35 and 43 mHz will give you a warning when F2 is "up".
What does it take? (IC-706, IC-7000, IC-910H, FT-897D, TS-2000)
Multi-mode SSB/CW/FM - HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver (IC-706, IC-7000, IC-910H, FT-897D, TS-2000) Low Loss Coax such as LMR-400 Mast mounted Pre-Amp desirable Most using Horizontally Polarized Antennas Yagi, 2M Big Wheel, 6M Dipole, Vertical Only Watts needed during good opening 300W or more best for Meteor Scatter
VHF/UHF Calling Frequencies
6M – SSB Calling: , CW 6M – Beacons below 6M – HS Meteor Scatter: 2M – SSB and CW calling 2M – HS Meteor Scatter 2M – EME 1.25M (222 Band) SSB & CW 70CM – SSB & CW Beacons and above K5YG/B Running 10 watts 24/7 into HO Loops 23CM – SSB and CW Schedules: Usually 5-10 up or down from calling frequency Rag Chew: Move off the calling frequency
When is 6M and above open? Being there at the right time!
Local Observations Weather – Warm Front approaching, Fog Repeater: Reception of stations outside normal area Receiving distant TV stations, WX Radio, Marine Band Beacons on 10M, 6M, 2M and 70CM Tools Grid Bandits Website APRS Hepburn Propagation Forecasts Propagation Logger (6, 2 & UHF) DX Sherlock Sporadic-E clouds location and estimated MUF real time map Ping Jockey
APRS Automatic Packet Reporting System 144.390
APRS was developed by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, as a real-time local tactical communications system for rapidly exchanging digital data of immediate value to operations. This really took off when GPS became available and MAPS were integrated into the system for tactical situational awareness of everything in the net. In the 13 years since its introduction, it has grown to encompass just about every aspect of Amateur Radio.
Grid Square Map
APRS 28 Dec 1550z
APRS Data Stations Received By KI4JOO-7 (East of Tallahassee)
Grid: EM80am Last Call Grid Direction Distance Received (degrees) (km) 28 Dec 1542Z AE4PO-2 EM81tf 63 167 28 Dec 1537Z AA4QI-1 EM90eh 95 218 WC4PEM-14 EL98eg 138 335 28 Dec 1502Z WC4PEM-9 EL98ce 141 331 28 Dec 1553Z KI4GNI-7 EM80ed 143 51 28 Dec 1513Z WC4PEM-10 EL97cv E-Tampa 145 358 28 Dec 1549Z KJ4ZI-1 EM80eb 147 59
APRS Data Stations Receiving KI4JOO-7 Grid: EM80am, map Last
Received Grid Direction Distance Heard By (degrees) (km) 28 Dec 1526Z AA4QI-1 EM90eh 95 218 28 Dec 1537Z KD4MOJ-5 EM70qn 273 66 28 Dec 1553Z W4VLD EM80iu 58 67 28 Dec 1555Z KD4MOJ-11 EM80at 351 33 28 Dec 1557Z KD4MOJ-7 EM70vo 282 31
Very good opening into TX, AR, TN and FL
Sporadic E July 26, 2008
Sporadic E July 1, 2008
The “Big one” 2M E-Skip Opening June 19, 2010
World above HF Get on 50.125, or 144.200 and make some “noise”
There can be a Sporadic E opening on 6M anytime of the day The 2M APRS Map does not always tell the truth! Call CQ in the early morning and evenings (If everyone listens the bands appear to be “dead”) Plenty of activity during Contests
VHF/UHF Contests Anyone?
Great way to check out your equipment Your home station Rovers Fixed Contest Stations Portable “hill top” stations Great opportunity to make contacts toward ARRL VUCC (VHF/UHF Century Club)
VHF contest calendar for 2011
NAME DATE (not all are confirmed yet) ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes Saturday, January 22 (1900 UTC) - Monday Jan 24 (0359 UTC) PA FM Simplex contest Saturday, February 26th, PM - 11 PM local spring 2m Sprint Monday, April 11 (7 PM - 11 PM local) spring 222 Sprint Tuesday, April 19 (7 PM - 11 PM local) spring 432 Sprint Wednesday, April 27 (7 PM - 11 PM local) spring Microwave Sprint (903 MHz and above) Saturday, May 7 (6 AM - 1 PM local) spring 6m sprint Saturday, May 14 (2300 UTC) - Sunday, May 15 (0300 UTC) ARRL June VHF QSO Party Saturday, June 11 (1800 UTC) - Monday, June 13 (0300 UTC) CQ Worldwide VHF Contest Saturday, July 16 (1800 UTC) - Sunday, July 17 (2100 UTC) ARRL UHF Contest Saturday, August 6 (1800 UTC) - Sunday, August 7 (1800 UTC) fall 6m Sprint Saturday, October 29 (2300 UTC) - Sunday, October 30 (0300 UTC)
VHF contest calendar for 2011
ARRL September VHF QSO Party Sat. 10 September (1800 UTC) - Mon. 12 September (0300 UTC) fall 2m Sprint Monday, September 19 (7 PM - 11 PM local) fall 222 Sprint Tuesday, September 27 (7 PM - 11 PM local) fall 432 Sprint Wednesday, October 5 (7 PM - 11 PM local) fall microwave Sprint (903 MHz and above) Saturday, October 15 (6 AM - 12 NOON local) NY State QSO Party Saturday, October 15 (1400 UTC) - Sunday, October 16 (0200 UTC)
VHF/UHF Awards ARRL Fred Fish Memorial Award (FFMA) (W5FF SK)
ARRL VUCC ARRL Fred Fish Memorial Award (FFMA) (W5FF SK) Confirm all 488 Grid Squares in contiguous 48 states. (3 holders) ARRL VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) Band (K5YG count) Grid Sqs 6M (300+) 100 2M (100+) (37) 50 (1/2 CC) (55) 902 25 (1/4 CC) (30)
VHF Highlights The World Above HF
(Video produced by JACQUE “JD” DUPUY, N0IRS) “Make some noise” get on: , , , & 6M M /4M CM CM Presentation (R3) by Bill Musa, K5YG – Video credits to JD, N0IRS
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