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Progress on ERT  0 efficiency study Spin PWG June 6,2002 LVL-1 meeting June 14,2002 Analysis meeting June 14,2002 Kensuke Okada.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress on ERT  0 efficiency study Spin PWG June 6,2002 LVL-1 meeting June 14,2002 Analysis meeting June 14,2002 Kensuke Okada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress on ERT  0 efficiency study Spin PWG June 6,2002 LVL-1 meeting June 14,2002 Analysis meeting June 14,2002 Kensuke Okada

2 Plan MC gamma Edep Trigger tile response + mask Single gamma efficiency  0 (2 gamma) efficiency Data Single gamma efficiency from min-bias events  0 efficiency Test beam Electron etc Trigger tile efficiency (Just for confirmation) Today’s topic

3 Data selection microDSTs : CCJ pro23 run40082~run40292 (about 1900 files) Events : scaled min-bias (NTC||BBC) events EMC cluster : prob_photon>0.02. Maximum ecore in SM

4 Histogram of ecore sector by sector W0 W1 E0 E1 W2 W3 E2 E3 W0 10 6 10 3 All cluster With 2x2 trigger bit ecore [GeV] 135 Some sectors have large energy deposit. What are those?

5 Hot channels? W0 W1 W2 W3 E0 E1 E2 E3 Over 1GeV deposit cluster position Definition #hits_hottower > {#hits_sector_average +5*sqrt(#hits_s_ave)} Sector #hot tower W04 W114 W27 W3293 E0107 E185 E26 E322

6 EMC warn map? W0 W1 W2 W3 E0 E1 E2 E3 From Run40083-0010 CCJ pro23 position of (warnmap!=0) Only edge in PbSc It is not helpful.

7 After masking hot towers W0 W1 E0 E1 W2 W3 E2 E3 It looks better even for PbGls (E0,E1) Red curve :2x2trigger bit on

8 Efficiency ecore[GeV] W0 W1 E0 E1 3 16/18 11/18 Maximum point from trigger mask info 21/32 25/32

9 Efficiency W2 W3 E2 E3 11/18 9/11 ~9/12 18/18 17/18 3ecore[GeV] Saturation points seems reasonable

10 Fast MC (by Sasha.B) Fast MC data Fast MC data Photon pT  0 pT [GeV/tile] 2x2 Input : tile efficiency of one gaussian fit W0,W1,W2 total Check trigger bit for the higher energy photon Result : photon efficiency and  0 efficiency. They agree well. The mask effect appears.

11 Summary 2x2 high trigger single gamma efficiency was studied. There are several hot channels. Sasha’s fast MC works To get pure photon cluster Laser event rejection,EMCal tof check, charged particle veto, Vertex cut Checking existing warn-map  doesn’t work same study for 2x2 low Pass over the ppDST (run together with QA) Hopefully I can get tile by tile characteristic Correlation between triggers.

12 Backups

13 Edge clusters W0 W1 E0 E1 2 12

14 Edge clusters W2 W3 E2 E3 2 12

15 Center clusters 2 12 W0 W1 E0 E1

16 Center clusters 2 12 W2 W3 E2 E3

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