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Service-Oriented Architecture INF 123 – Software architecture 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Service-Oriented Architecture INF 123 – Software architecture 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service-Oriented Architecture INF 123 – Software architecture 1

2 Three-tier architecture 2 Client (Browser) Web Server DB PresentationBusinessData 1.Client invokes an HTTP operation, may send data 4. Server sends back status and data 2. Server accesses persistent data 3. Response from DB

3 Service-oriented architecture 3 Client (Browser) Web Server Presentation Business, Mashups Web Server

4 Web services on the Internet 4

5 iGoogle 5

6 Expedia 6

7 Main concerns of SOA How do I describe the services? – Components How do the services communicate? – Connectors How do I combine the services to achieve the business goals? – Application 7

8 Service description: WSDL <description xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:whttp="" xmlns:wsoap="" targetNamespace=""> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="">... <binding name="HttpBinding" interface="tns:Interface1" type=""> <binding name="SoapBinding" interface="tns:Interface1" type="" wsoap:protocol="" wsoap:mepDefault=" response"> <endpoint name="HttpEndpoint" binding="tns:HttpBinding" address=""/> <endpoint name="SoapEndpoint" binding="tns:SoapBinding" address=""/> 8

9 Service communication: SOAP POST /InStock HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 299 SOAPAction: "" IBM 9

10 Service combination Your app! 10

11 Layered protocols 11

12 More buzzwords CORBA, BPEL, REST OASIS group, Open Group, W3C, OMG, … Mashups, web 2.0, grid, SaaS, cloud, … 12

13 If you’re interested … us/library/aa480027.aspx us/library/aa480027.aspx 13

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