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European eInvoicing example
What it could look like
european eInvoicing example
eInvoice Governance Communities UN/CEFACT Implementations Focus on this Profiles UN/CEFACT Procurement domain BII Core Interoperable Foundation Library Profiles BusinessObjects ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme Message definition
using a ‘core’ semantic reference for eInvoicing
a European Profile ‘Supplier initiated Invoice’ business process models ‘billing process’ Used in ‘identifier’ ‘date’ ‘currency’ ‘rate’ data models and code lists ‘common procurement library’ Used in ‘party’ ‘location’ ‘item’ ‘document’ ‘period’ ‘address’ data structures ‘invoice transaction requirements’ Used in CORE European INVOICE data model ? syntax expression ‘address type’ ‘invoice syntax mapping’ Used in ‘address details’
maintained by ‘core’ models UN/CEFACT Procurement domain ‘supplier
initiated Invoice’ business process models Used in data models and code lists UN/CEFACT Bureau Programme Support ‘identifier’ ‘date’ ‘currency’ ‘rate’ Used in ‘party’ ‘location’ ‘item’ ‘document’ ‘period’ ‘address’ UN/CEFACT Bureau Programme Support data structures Used in XML format UN/CEFACT Bureau Programme Support ‘address type’ Used in ‘address details’ EDIFACT format Used in
The role of CEN/BII specifications
BII is defining core information requirement models the set of information elements sufficient to cater for the generally expressed business requirements applicable throughout the European market. BII offers an approach to e-Invoicing interoperability within Europe. BII
CORE European INVOICE data model ?
the CEN/BII European Profile maintained by business process models ‘billing process’ CEN/BII Used in data models and code lists ‘common procurement library’ UN/CEFACT and OASIS UBL Used in data structures ‘invoice transaction requirements’ Used in CEN/BII CORE European INVOICE data model ? XML format ‘invoice format mapping’ CEN/BII Used in
European eInvoicing example
How it could work
using ‘core’ semantics
Can we speak in English ?
a human analogy English is the business language of the global village but we risk getting lost in translation. Foundation library is large, complex and ambiguous Globish is a ‘core’ controlled vocabulary for humans A “lingua franca” or bridging language. A “core” English. Provides a semantic reference. Globish allows you to: Communicate in English, using only 1500 words. Employ simple, but standard grammatical structure. Learn enough pronunciation and spelling for 1500 words only. Lead a conversation in business anywhere in the world. Agree common semantics. Continue to speak local languages within each community.
using a ‘core’ semantic reference
Globish* Dictionary Globish-Hungarian Dictionary what we say to each other (regardless of native language) tartozol nekem 100 $ “you owe me $100” Globish-Italian Dictionary For a German to communicate with an Italian they use agreed phrases based on Globish Dictionary Globish-German Dictionary tu mi debba 100 $ du schuldest mir 100 $ semantically equivalent
European Invoice Semantics
UN/CEFACT Core Interoperable Foundation Library CORE European INVOICE data model ? European Common Invoice requirements UBL Invoice Financial Invoice Cross Industry Invoice semantically equivalent
Globish Semantic References
Globish* Dictionary Globish phrase Hungarian sentence For a German to communicate with an Italian they use agreed phrases based on Globish Dictionary German sentence Italian sentence
European Invoice Semantics
UN/CEFACT Core Interoperable Foundation Library European Common Invoice requirements UBL Invoice For a community using Financial Invoice to exchange with a community using UBL Invoice - they use European Invoice phrases based on CIFL Financial Invoice Cross Industry Invoice
Sample BII (UBL) Invoice Document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Invoice xmlns:qdt="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:QualifiedDatatypes-2" xmlns:ccts="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CoreComponentParameters-2” xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:cac="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2" xmlns:ciflc="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:draft:CIFLComponents" xmlns:cifls="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:draft:CIFLStructures" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-3"> <cac:AccountingSupplierParty> <cac:PartyName> <cbc:Name>Salescompany ltd.</cbc:Name> </cac:PartyName> <cac:PostalAddress> <ciflc:ID schemeID="GLN" schemeAgencyID="9"> </ciflc:ID> <cbc:Postbox>5467</cbc:Postbox> <ciflc:StreetName>Main street</ciflc:StreetName> <cbc:BuildingNumber>1</cbc:BuildingNumber> <ciflc:CityName>Big city</ciflc:CityName> <cbc:PostalZone>54321</cbc:PostalZone> <cbc:CountrySubentityCode>RegionA</cbc:CountrySubentityCode> <cifls:Country> <ciflc:IdentificationCode listID="ISO3166-1" listAgencyID="6”>DK</ciflc:IdentificationCode> </cifls:Country> </cac:PostalAddress> </Invoice> Use of Core Interoperable Foundation Library Extension of cifls:Address NB. not valid syntax
Sample Financial Invoice Document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:swift:xsd:tsin tsin xsd" xmlns:ciflc="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:draft:CIFLComponents" xmlns:cifls="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:draft:CIFLStructures” xmlns="urn:swift:xsd:tsin ”> <FinInvc> <Buyr> <PtyId> <Nm>Finnish Timber Ltd</Nm> <PstlAdr> <AdrTp>BIZZ</AdrTp> <ciflc:StreetName>Timber street 3</ciflc:StrtNm> <PstCd>00100</PstCd> <ciflc:City>Helsinki</ciflc:City <ciflc:County>FI</ciflc:Country> </PstlAdr> <CtryOfRes>FI</CtryOfRes> </PtyId> </Buyr> </FinInvc> </Document> Use of Core Interoperable Foundation Library Extension of cifls:Address NB. not valid syntax
European eInvoice exchange
UN/CEFACT Core Interoperable Foundation Library PEPPOL Community European Common Invoice requirements For a banking community member to exchange invoices with a Spanish organization- they can transform documents using European Invoice semantics (defined by CEN-BII), based on UN/CEFACT CIFL Spanish Community Banking Community semantically equivalent
Potential Impact on UN/CEFACT programme of Work
UN/CEFACT Revised Technical Framework Potential Impact on UN/CEFACT programme of Work
potential impact on programme of work
UN/CEFACT projects will develop Profiles ‘Deliverables for Information’ rather then ‘Standards’ ‘core’ industry rather than ‘cross’ industry Generic semantics rather than documents, syntax or formats Similar, but not same as BRS and RSM Processes, rules and requirements Formalized business rules Semantic reference models Other activities… Develop guidelines Assist in implementation support Develop UNECE Recommendations Such as Recommendations to use certain specifications or standards As with EDIFACT, Layout Key, Codes, etc.. Attract more business expertise
what happens to current libraries?
UN/CEFACT Governance Communities (stakeholders of libraries) Implementations Core Components Library 2.01 Community A Core Interoperable Foundation Library Core Components Library 3.0 Community B UN/EDIFACT Community C UNTDED-ISO7372 Community D Note: libraries are developed and approved by communities of use
what happens to current BRSs?
UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Projects (approved by Bureau) Sectoral PDA Agriculture Domain eCert Crop Data Sheet E-Lab Agriculture Domain BRSs developed as Profiles and approved by projects Registered with self conformance in a UN/CEFACT repository Published as UN/CEFACT Deliverables for Information Core Interoperable Foundation Library Supply Chain PDA Procurement Domain CI-* CEFM eTendering
what happens to current RSMs?
UN/CEFACT Governance Communities Implementations (stakeholders of current deliverables) community Agriculture Industry Group eCert (RSM) Crop Data Sheet (RSM) A Agriculture Domain Core Interoperable Foundation Library Core Components Library 2.01 Procurement Industry Group CII (RSM) CEFM (RSM) eTendering (RSM) community X Core Components Library 3.0 Specific technical specifications (such as RSM and Schemas) are developed and approved by governance communities May be registered in a UN/CEFACT repository under a self conformance statement as publications based on UN/CEFACT foundation library
summary (proposed) Revised Technical Framework: UN/CEFACT impact:
Standardize on semantics not syntax or formats UN/CEFACT ‘core’ semantics establish foundation for interoperability Communities of use create their own implementations Process, components, structures, documents and syntax Statement of conformance Registry of conformant specifications published by UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT is a facilitator of interoperability between communities UN/CEFACT impact: UN/CEFACT projects will develop… Profiles for eProcurement processes Business requirements, rules and semantics Published as Deliverables for Information Recommendation for use of standards Communities (e.g. CEN/BII) develops … European core Invoice Data Model European business requirements, rules and semantics
UN/CEFACT Revised Technical Framework
What needs to happen
ISO/PDTR 18689 Technical Report
Scope Terms and definitions Symbols and abbreviated terms Scope of involved organizations Current work programs Identified issues Analysis The "Open Data Interchange Framework” Recommendations
Scope This Technical Report identifies technical specifications and standards that are being maintained, developed or given consideration in work programmes of UN/CEFACT and ISO/TC 154 and strategies that respond to stakeholder requirements for the open interchange of structured data in support of administration, commerce and trade. This may include work from Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) other than ISO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
Areas of Activity Classification Matrix
Areas of Standardization matrix
Tools: Techniques and Methodologies
Tools: Naming and Design Rules
Tools: Interoperability
Information: Data Dictionaries and Models
Information: Document Definitions
Information: Message Protocols/Syntax
Activities: Business Process Models
Activities: Profiles
Guidance: Business Requirements
Guidance: Usage Guidelines
Guidance: Interoperability Requirements
Identified Issues ISO TS Parts 1-4 are out of date with OASIS standards Gap in maintenance, harmonization and validation procedures for dependent work items Need to improve public communication to user communities Perceived lack of collaboration between ECE/IEC/ISO/ITU Limited awareness and/or acceptance of UN/CEFACT and ISO/TC 154 deliverables Need to improve collaboration on digital signature interoperability Restricted availability of Postal Addressing Specifications for use in eBusiness Need to improve the timing of UN/EDIFACT directory and code list releases Confusion on multiple versions of Core Component Technical Specification Lack of full alignment of TDED, EDED, CCL 2.01 and CCL 3.0 Need to clarify JTC 1/SC 32/WG 1 Scope and Work Program Overlap of ISO/TC 8 deliverables with UN/CEFACT deliverables Lack of published semantic reference models for Trade Facilitation Ambiguous status of the UNeDocs project
Methodology & Technology Requirements
How to design ‘core’ Development methodology ‘tools’ What to build Content of ‘core’ libraries ‘information’ How to use ‘core’ Guidelines for customization ‘activities’ Guidelines for implementation ‘guidelines’ Different skills Different audience Different governance
Areas of Standardization Responsibilities
Communities of Use
Open Data Interchange Framework
Applying ODIF to the CIFL
Additional Work Items for ISO
Additional Work Items for UN/CEFACT
Filling out the technical framework
Specifications used UN/CEFACT Publications Communities produce Testing conformance to specifications Process Business process ISO ? (UMM) Int. Business Processes Reference Models* Self conformance Semantics Core Components ISO ? (CCTS, UCM) ISO 9735 (EDIFACT) Core Component Library** EDIFACT DED ISO TC 154, UN/CEFACT Business Information Entities*** Customized Library(s), MIGs ISO TC 154, UN/CEFACT Content constraints (DTTS, UCM) UNECE Code lists other Code lists Qualified data types, business rules Structure Document Structures (CDTS, UCM) EDIFACT UNSMs ‘core’ document structures Message Library(s) Syntax Formats OASIS UBL NDR OASIS genericode EDIFACT DED, Code lists and UNSMs XML libraries genericodes Schemas, XML artifacts, MIGs Commercial, financial, logistics and regulatory information supply chains – the ‘core’ processes ** Aggregate Core Components (ACCs) only – the ‘core’ components *** The ‘common’ components for a community of use. NB. Some communities may be projects within UN/CEFACT
Summary simple, pragmatic and facilitative… and achievable
Technical Framework: Focus on ‘core’ standards Collaborate with SDOs to provide supporting methodologies and technologies Strengthen maintenance for EDIFACT Organizational: More business than technology More maintenance than development Focus on meeting real market requirements Strategic: Interoperability foundation for communities of use (Single Windows, Public Procurement, Finance, regional, industry, etc…) Not doing everything, but ensuring everything is done. Not what we were, but what we can be. simple, pragmatic and facilitative… and achievable
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