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SEMANACCO - a web-based application for accommodation providers to easily create semantically annotated descriptions of their accommodations, based on.

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Presentation on theme: "SEMANACCO - a web-based application for accommodation providers to easily create semantically annotated descriptions of their accommodations, based on."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEMANACCO - a web-based application for accommodation providers to easily create semantically annotated descriptions of their accommodations, based on widespread vocabularies [1] semantically annotated accommodations 1 1

2 Objectives Development of an application that enables users to generate Rich Snippets for accommodation descriptions A Rich Snippet is a descriptions of a search result that is shown below a certain search result used to facilitate Search Engine Optimization  additional information to gain more attention Rich Snippets consist of Semantic Annotations 2

3 Semantic Annotations Traditional Web is only understandable for humans Semantic Web strives to be understandable for machines  machine-readable descriptions of resources are necessary. This is where annotations are used to markup the semantics.  improve accuracy of Web searches (look for only those pages that refer to a precise concept instead of all the ones using ambiguous keywords) 3

4 Semantic Annotations cont. At present, three major approaches to apply semantic annotations compete against each other: Microformats, RDFa, and Microdata. Up to the present, it is not fully clear which approach will prevail. All of them possess some advantages, but also disadvantages. [2] Cf. [BDG+10]. 2 4

5 Comparison of Microformats, RDFa and Microdata FeatureMicroformats 1.0RDFa 1.1Microdata 1.0 Relative complexity LowHighMedium New attributes No (class, rel, rev of HTML) vocab, typeof, resource, property, prefix, content, datatype, about, rel, rev, inlist itemscope, itemtype, itemprop, itemref, itemid standardizedNoYes Employment of multiple external vocabularies Just oneUnlimited amount Only in different items or with absolute URIs HTML5 time element support Only with Microformats 2.0 NoYes Cf. [ToLa09], [Spor11], [Hick11], [Sche11], [AHS+12], [ABM+12], [Sche12a], [Spor12], [ABP+12], and [Micro12a]. 5

6 Which applications are out there to generate Semantic Annotations? ApplicationAnnotations forAnnotating with, Product, Event, Organization, Movie, Book, Review Microdata http://www.ebusiness- Offering, Organization, Location RDFa, schema/ schema/ LocalBusiness, HotelMicrodata http://www.snippetgenerator.comOrganization, Product, Event, Person Microdata and Organization Microdata generator-for-rich-snippets.html ReviewMicroformats snippets-generator/ ReviewMicroformats 6

7 7

8 http://www.ebusiness- 8

9 SEMANACCO What is different from other Applications? – Focus on Accommodations – Different Vocabularies can be used: (LodgingBusiness) Accommodation Ontology by Martin Hepp and the Tourism Working Group at STI Innsbruck Friend-of-a-Friend (data about persons, e.g. homepage or skypeID) – Export Function – Save / Load Function 9

10 SEMANACCO cont. 10

11 Technologies HTML5 Java Google Web Toolkit (GWT)  development of high-performance web applications without the developer having to be an expert in browser quirks, XMLHttpRequest, and JavaScript  open source  completely free [3] [4] 3 4 11

12 What still is to do Export Function Bug fixing Manual of the application Evaluation formula Complete the writing of the thesis 12

13 Thank you for your attention! 13

14 Sources [BDG+10] Blomme D., Desruelle H., Gielen F. De Turck F.: Smart Ubiquitous Application Delivery Based On Usability Rules, Proceedings of the IADIS international conference on WWW/Internet. pp. 323-332, 2010. [ToLa09] Tomberg V., Laanpere M.: RDFa versus Microformats: Exploring the Potential for Semantic Interoperability of Mash-up Personal Learning Environments, in: Second International Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments, 2009. [Spor11] Sporny M.:, June 2011, retrieved 2012-09-30. [Hick11] Hickson I.:, May 2011, retrieved 2012-09-29. [Sche11], June 2011, retrieved 2012-09-29. [AHS+12] Adida B., Herman I., Sporny M., Birbeck M.: W3C RDF Web Applications Working Group, RDFa 1.1 Primer: Rhich Structured Data Markup for Web Documents,, June 2012, retrieved 2012-09-20. [ABM+12] Adida B., Birbeck M., McCarron S., Herman I.:, June 2012, retrieved 2012-09-28. [Sche12a], retrieved 2012-09-29. [Spor12]Sporny M.:, June 2012, retrieved 2012-09- 26. 14

15 [ABP+12] Adida B., Birbeck M., Pemberton S., Sporny M., McCarron S.:, March 2012, retrieved 2012-09-28. [Micro12a], retrieved 2012-09-20. Sources cont. 15

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