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Connecting Natura 2000 and Economic Activities Christina Cork Natural England.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Natura 2000 and Economic Activities Christina Cork Natural England."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Natura 2000 and Economic Activities Christina Cork Natural England

2 Connecting Natura 2000 and economic activities Background –Why is there a need for this network? Actions –What was proposed? Conference Outcome –Some key messages from the Conference Reflections and next steps –Staff exchanges –Conference 2008 –Possible Interreg IVC bid

3 Background

4 Why this network? –Natura 2000 network owned and managed by a diverse group of organisations. –Many have to balance different interests Transport infrastructure Water management Port developments

5 Perception



8 Actions

9 Finding ‘win win’ solutions Initiative of Rijkswaterstaat, –With Natural England and NLWKN (lower Saxony) What are the factors that make implementation successful? –Target audience – those involved with practical experience of implementing Habitats Directive – but not exclusively nature conservation organisations

10 The First Conference! Collation of examples from which we could learn –Presentation of case studies Transport infrastructure Ports Water Management Management for multiple use –Workshops – using experiences of ‘case studies.’ Creating conditions for Success!

11 Outcomes

12 Key Messages How do you create ‘win win’ solutions Consider Natura 2000 sites (conservation objectives) at the very earliest stage of project design


14 Key Messages How do you create ‘win win’ solutions Consider Natura 2000 sites (conservation objectives) at the very earliest stage of project design –Be prepared to change project design at this stage (Mitigate don’t compensate) less problems than later consideration of – alternatives, Overriding public interest & compensation route.


16 Key Messages How do you create ‘win win’ solutions Consult all stakeholders? –But manage expectations


18 Key Messages How do you create ‘win win’ solutions Do look at all alternatives? »& where there are none……

19 Key Messages How do you create ‘win win’ solutions Overriding public interest can be national or regional importance?

20 Key Messages How do you create ‘win win’ solutions Compensation should ensure the objective of the Habitats Directive is achieved –Favourable Conservation Status ‘function to replace the loss’


22 Key Messages The Habitats Directive is a tool for “Sustainable Development” The process required leads you to the right solution

23 Reflections and next steps

24 We still have much to learn …

25 Conclusion Staff exchange programme Conference 2008 – March 2008 –Role out to audience from different sectors –Focus on learning from staff exchanges


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