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5. December 2003 (Folie 1) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency.

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Presentation on theme: "5. December 2003 (Folie 1) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency."— Presentation transcript:

1 5. December 2003 (Folie 1) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts B.S. Barış Güldalı adapted from PG AQUASIUM@AG Engels-UPB

2 5. December 2003 (Folie 2) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion a1 a2a3 e1 /send e2 e3/send e4 :A :B e1 e2 e3 e5 Consistency of UML Model „Inconsistency is disagreement between sub-models“ Inconsistency between Class diagram (CD), Sequence diagram (SeqD) CD, Statechart diagram (SD) SD, SeqD SD, SD... Definitionen

3 5. December 2003 (Folie 3) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion Consistency of UML Model Inconsistency between CD, SeqD CD, SD SD, SeqD SD, SD... Protocol consistency a1 a2a3 e1 /send e2 e3/send e4 b1 b2 /send e1 e2/send e3 e4/send e1 :A:B p1 p2p3 p4 B.e1 A.e2 B.e3 A.e4 Definitionen

4 5. December 2003 (Folie 4) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion Source of inconsistency : UML without formal semantic UML tools interpret differently There is no automatic behaviour consistency Three steps for automated consistency-check: 1.Informal definition of protocol-consistency 2.Definition of......model transformation from statecharts into CSP...consistency in CSP 3.Execution of model transformation, modelchecking via FDR CSP ( Communicating Sequential Processes ): formal specification language (process algebra) FDR ( Failures-Divergence Refinement ): commercial modelchecking tool Automated Consistency Check

5 5. December 2003 (Folie 5) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion Model Tranformation: UML  CSP UML ModelCSP Model transformation UML Patern pattern matching CSP Transformation match instantiated sm:StateMachine cs:CompositeState top s:State subvertex :StateMachine :CompositeState top :State subvertex name=„LightControl“ name=„Red“ mapping ε ::= (state) = if (state == ) then State( ) instantiation Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion

6 5. December 2003 (Folie 6) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion Case Study A(state) = if (state == a1) e1?x_e1  if (x_e1 == 1) A(a2) else A(a1) else if (state == a2) send_e2  A(a3)... B(state) = if (state == init) send_e1  B(b1) else if (state == b1) e2?x_e2  if (x_e2 == 1) send_e3  B(b2) else A(b1)... P(p1) = B.e1  P(p2) P(p2) = A.e2  P(p3) P(p3) = B.e3  P(p4) P(p4) = A.e4  P(p1) UML CSP Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion System = A ||| B

7 5. December 2003 (Folie 7) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion Modelchecking traces( P ) = set of finite sequences of events which P can do Consistency definition: Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion Trace refinement: assert P(p1) [T= System assert System [T = P(p1) Modelchecker FDR Assert fails: protocol and statecharts are not conform

8 5. December 2003 (Folie 8) Protocol Consistency Checking of UML Statecharts Barış Güldalı ADvenTmatik 2003 Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion UML is informal  consistency problem transform into a formal domain make a consistency definition Modelcheck Future Work Consistency-check for deadlock Consistency-check between SeqD & SD Transformation into other formal models Definitionen Automated Consistency Check Model Transformation Case Study Modelchecking Conclusion

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