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Path Analysis SAS/Calis. Read in the Data options formdlim='-' nodate pagno=min; TITLE 'Path Analysis, Ingram Data' ; data Ingram(type=corr); INPUT _TYPE_.

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Presentation on theme: "Path Analysis SAS/Calis. Read in the Data options formdlim='-' nodate pagno=min; TITLE 'Path Analysis, Ingram Data' ; data Ingram(type=corr); INPUT _TYPE_."— Presentation transcript:

1 Path Analysis SAS/Calis

2 Read in the Data options formdlim='-' nodate pagno=min; TITLE 'Path Analysis, Ingram Data' ; data Ingram(type=corr); INPUT _TYPE_ $ _NAME_ $ Attitude SubNorm PBC Intent Behavior; CARDS;

3 N. 60 60 60 60 60 MEAN. 32.02 45.71 40.25 16.92 43.92 STD. 6.96 12.32 7.62 3.83 16.66 CORR Attitude 1.472.665.767.525 CORR Subnorm.472 1.505.411.379 CORR PBC.665.505 1.458.496 CORR Intent.767.411.458 1.503 CORR Behavior.525.379.496.503 1

4 Conduct the Analysis Proc Calis PRINT; PRINT adds to the default output the total effects matrix (and some other things)

5 Linear Equations LINEQS Intent = b1 Attitude + b2 SubNorm + b3 PBC + E1, Intent has paths to it from Attitude, SubNorm, PBC, and E1 (the error term) b1, b2, and b3 are the path coefficients that we want SAS to estimate for us

6 Linear Equations Behavior = b4 Intent + b5 PBC + E2; Behavior has paths to it from Intent, PBC, and E2. SAS assumes that the exogenous variables (Attitude, SubNorm, and PBC) are correlated.

7 Linear Equations STD e1-e2 = V1-V2; run; The error terms be estimated as parameters V1 and V2.

8 The Output You will find much of the same output we found earlier with AMOS, but differently formatted. I shall copy just a bit of it here.

9 The Path Coefficients Standardized Results for Linear Equations Intent=0.8061*Attitude+0.0939*SubNorm+-0.1255*PBC Behavior=0.3491*Intent+0.3361*PBC

10 The Covariances Standardized Results for Covariances Among Exogenous Variables Var1Var2Estimate SubNormAttitude0.47200 PBCAttitude0.66500 PBCSubNorm0.50500

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