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How Much do YOU really make compared to your Civilian Counterparts Provided by your Career Development Training Team.

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1 How Much do YOU really make compared to your Civilian Counterparts Provided by your Career Development Training Team

2 References: –National Minimum Wages (By state): –Health Insurance Rates: e%3fallid=Goo18811&sid=F e%3fallid=Goo18811&sid=F –Bureau of Labor Statistics: –Defense Finance Accounting:

3 Why is this training being done? The decision to remain in military service is not an overnight decision. Often, the decision directly impacts the immediate family (spouse, children, mothers, fathers, etc). Preparation for continued service, or separation takes time, does not happen overnight…and MUST take proper planning to be successful.

4 Why is this training being done? Too often our Sailor’s rush to separate, not knowing the full impact of their decision.Too often our Sailor’s rush to separate, not knowing the full impact of their decision. –I don’t like my Chief, DIVO, Dept Head, or Chain of Command… –I don’t like deployments… –I don’t make enough money… Civilian employment has its down-sides too:Civilian employment has its down-sides too: –Leadership, may remain that way for years or may never change (in the military, you or your chain of command will transfer generally within 2-3 years) –Civilian employers have deployments, but they are called business trips. –It is doubtful that you will separate from military service, and make the same amount or more than you currently make (explained later).

5 Why is this training being done? Naval Leadership often emphasizes college (now required for E8 selection), as well as apprenticeship (USMAP)…which directly impact an individuals ability to work in the civilian sector. The more qualifications you achieve, the more you will be worth ($$$) both in advancement as well as potentially in the civilian employment sector. When combined with the SMART transcript…an individual can achieve an AA/AS degree in as little as six months, or as long as two years. Again, preparation is key to being successful.

6 But I have my job lined up…or I plan to attend college… Over the past two years, the economy, unemployment, and housing costs have drastically changed, and are very unpredictable. How has the economy changed? The “sacred cows” that were once thought to never lay their employee’s off … has changed, more companies are drifting away from providing retirement benefit plans in an effort to save money and cut costs.




10 Nine of 57 jobs cut, equates to 15.7% of the total workforce.


12 State Minimum Wage Rates CA$ 6.75CA$ 6.75 TX$ 5.15TX$ 5.15 FL$ 6.40FL$ 6.40 VA$ 5.15VA$ 5.15 OH$ 4.25OH$ 4.25 NY$ 6.75NY$ 6.75 WA$ 7.63WA$ 7.63 AK$ 7.15AK$ 7.15 HI$ 6.75HI$ 6.75 BELOWMinimum Wage BELOW Federal rate : Kansas ($2.65), Ohio ($4.25), & Virgin Islands ($4.65) NO MINIMUM WAGE LAWNO MINIMUM WAGE LAW ~ Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, & South Carolina. What??? You don’t believe it…then let’s look at that Bureau of Labor Statistics website where this information is tracked…. What??? You don’t believe it…then let’s look at that Bureau of Labor Statistics website where this information is tracked….


14 So….Let’s start looking at the pay…and how much you should make in the civilian sector to equal or exceed your current pay … first, we’ll look at your BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing)…

15 What are the BAH rates where I live? What are the BAH rates where I live? (Civilian corporations, DO NOT, pay separate housing costs variant to your local housing costs….) LOCATIONZIP E1-E4 W/ E1-E4 W/O E5 W/ E5 W/O E6 W/ E6 W/O E7 W/ E7 W/O SAN DIEGO, CA92124 $1,494.00$1,105.00$1,648.00$1,262.00$1,900.00$1,360.00$1,955.00$1,504.00 JACKSONVILLE, FL32233 $959.00$707.00$1,080.00$795.00$1,271.00$855.00$1,281.00$967.00 BALTIMORE, MD21207 $1,170.00$888.00$1,306.00$986.00$1,465.00$1,053.00$1,609.00$1,179.00 CHICAGO, IL60706 $1,405.00$1,027.00$1,623.00$1,135.00$1,796.00$1,217.00$1,802.00$1,420.00 DENVER, CO80002 $943.00$734.00$1,054.00$799.00$1,280.00$846.00$1,352.00$950.00 CORPUS CRISTI, TX78406 $979.00$726.00$1,073.00$832.00$1,333.00$897.00$1,355.00$985.00 SPOKANE, WA99299 $777.00$573.00$841.00$667.00$904.00$722.00$998.00$781.00 DAYTON, OH45390 $773.00$644.00$824.00$696.00$913.00$728.00$1,010.00$776.00 NORFOLK, VA23502 $1,126.00$905.00$1,201.00$1,003.00$1,323.00$1,060.00$1,410.00$1,131.00 TULSA, OK74103 $696.00$548.00$749.00$611.00$869.00$649.00$892.00$699.00 NATIONAL AVG (FROM ABOVE) NA$1,032.20$785.70$1,139.90$878.60$1,305.40$938.70$1,366.40$1,039.20 * The figures for the national average are used in the following slides for information.

16 I can make more money for less work outside of the Navy …. Really? RATE/GRADEBASE PAY ADD 10% (MWR, & OTHER BENEFITS) BAH RATE AVG TOTAL WAGE + BAH / 4 WEEKS / 40 HOURS FOR HOURLY RATE MONTHLY PAY ENTITLEMENT /4/$6.75 (CA Minimum Wage) E3 @ < 2 Years$1,501.20 $1,651.32W/$1,032.20$2,683.52$670.88$16.77$2,683.5299.38 Hours $1,651.32W/O$785.70$2,437.02$609.25$15.23$2,437.0290.26 Hours E4 @ > 2 Years$1,748.10 $1,922.91W/$1,032.20$2,955.11$738.77$18.46$2,955.11109.44 Hours $1,922.91W/O$785.70$2,708.61$677.15$16.92$2,708.61100.31 Hours E5 @ 4 + Years$2,124.60 $2,337.06W/$1,139.90$3,476.96$869.24$21.73$3,476.96128.77 Hours $2,337.06W/O$878.60$3,215.66$803.91$20.09$3,215.66119.09 Hours E5 @ 8 + Years$2,402.10 $2,642.31W/$1,139.90$3,782.21$945.55$23.63$3,782.21140.08 Hours $2,642.31W/O$878.60$3,520.91$880.22$22.00$3,520.91130.40 Hours E6 @ 6 + Years$2,465.10 $2,711.61W/$1,305.40$4,017.01$1,004.25$25.10$4,017.01148.77 Hours $2,711.61W/O$938.70$3,650.31$912.57$22.81$3,650.31135.19 Hours E6 @ + 10 Years$2,770.50 $3,047.55W/$1,305.40$4,352.95$1,088.23$27.20$4,352.95161.22 Hours $3,047.55W/O$938.70$3,986.25$996.56$24.91$3,986.25147.63 Hours E7 @ + 10 Years$3,084.90 $3,393.39W/$1,366.40$4,759.79$1,189.94$29.74$4,759.79176.28 Hours $3,393.39W/O$1,039.20$4,432.59$1,108.14$27.70$4,432.59164.17 Hours Basic Math (Base Pay + 10% + BAH rate / 4 weeks / 40 hours = Hourly Rate)

17 But…we forgot about Health Insurance…didn’t we? It shouldn’t cost that much….should it?

18 Health Insurance Rates: Health Insurance Rates: by City and Single (Male/24) or Married (with Wife/22, Son/4, & Daughter/2) Figures are Minimum Premiums & Maximum Premiums based on ages.

19 That was painful….now let’s add it to our pay to determine how much we need to make to our per hour rate to maintain our current standard of living with medical and dental coverage …..

20 RATE/GRADE Monthly Pay Entitlement Marital Status Add Average Health Insurance Baltimore /4 Weeks /40 Hours Add Average Health Insurance Chicago /4 Weeks /40 Hours Add Average Health Insurance Corpus Cristi TX /4 Weeks /40 Hours Add Average Health Insurance Jacksonvile /4 Weeks /40 Hours E3 @ - 2YO $2,683.52Married$352.50$18.97$504.24$19.92$564.50$20.30$1,017.8423.13 $2,437.02Single$135.50$16.07$119.61$15.97$155.50$15.32$267.6416.90 E4 @ + 2YO $2,955.11Married$352.50$20.67$504.24$21.62$564.50$21.99$1,017.8424.83 $2,708.61Single$135.50$17.77$119.61$17.67$155.50$17.90$267.6418.60 E5 @ + 4YO $3,476.96Married$352.50$23.93$504.24$24.88$564.50$25.25$1,017.8428.09 $3,215.66Single$135.50$20.94$119.61$20.84$155.50$21.06$267.6421.77 E6 @ + 6 YO $4,017.01Married$352.50$27.30$504.24$28.25$564.50$28.63$1,017.8431.46 $3,650.31Single$135.50$23.55$119.61$23.56$155.50$23.78$267.6424.48 E7 @ +10 YO $4,759.79Married$352.50$31.95$504.24$32.90$564.50$33.27$1,017.8436.11 $4,432.59Single$135.50$28.55$119.61$28.45$155.50$28.67$267.6429.37 RATE/GRADE Monthly Pay Entitlement Add Average Health Insurance Dayton, OH /4 Weeks /40 Hours Add Average Health Insurance Norfolk, VA /4 Weeks /40 Hours Add Average Health Insurance San Diego, CA /4 Weeks /40 Hours E3 @ - 2YO $2,683.52Married$418.56$19.38$353.00$18.97$495.50$19.86 $2,437.02Single$121.67$15.99$87.00$15.77$134.50$16.07 E4 @ + 2YO $2,955.11Married$418.56$21.08$353.00$20.67$495.50$21.56 $2,708.61Single$121.67$17.68$87.00$17.47$134.50$17.76 E5 @ + 4YO $3,476.96Married$418.56$24.34$353.00$23.93$495.50$24.82 $3,215.66Single$121.67$20.85$87.00$20.64$134.50$20.93 E6 @ + 6 YO $4,017.01Married$418.56$27.72$353.00$27.31$495.50$28.20 $3,650.31Single$121.67$23.57$87.00$23.35$134.50$23.65 E7 @ +10 YO $4,759.79Married$418.56$32.36$353.00$31.95$495.50$32.84 $4,432.59Single$121.67$28.46$87.00$28.24$134.50$28.54 So….how much money do you make with your Medical benefits added into your pay?

21 But I plan to attend college … MONTHLY BILLS Amount 1 Bedroom Apartment (National Average ~ $377.00)$700.00 Utilities (Cable, Phone, Cell Phone, Trash, Water, Electric)$200.00 Food (per month ~ Top Ramen, Beenie Weenies, etc…)$200.00 Car Payment (per month….may be more or less depending on purchase)$300.00 Car Insurance (per month…may be more/less depending on age and driving record)$150.00 Gasoline (per month…but may be more depending on fuel costs & vehicle economy)$100.00 Clothes (per month ~ Goodwill, Purple Heart, Salvation Army)$25.00 Entertainment (Movies, Beer, Video Rentals, McDonalds, etc)$100.00 TOTAL OF ABOVE EXPENSES $1,775.00 College (4 classes @ 3 Credits @ $120 per credit/3)$480.00 Books & Additional Fees (600.00 + 150.00/3)$250.00 TOTAL OF EXPENSES WITH COLLEGE $2,505.00 Medical Coverage per month (Single Rate)$400.00 Medical Coverage (w/ 1 dependent @ 600.00 month) Medical Coverage (w/ family @ 800.00 month) TOTAL EXPENSES, COLLEGE, & MEDICAL$2,905.00 Using the above information ~ Divide by 4 Weeks$726.25 Divide above information by 40 hours for hourly pay$18.15

22 What has this information told us? DO YOUR HOMEWORK!DO YOUR HOMEWORK! When/if personnel separate, how much must they make to maintain the same standard of living that they currently have. When personnel separate, there may be additional expenses not accounted for in their budget (cable tv, trash, water, HOA, Dental Insurance, etc) Perform To Serve requests MUST be submitted for ALL first term (E5 & below) personnel, regardless of intention to separate (to leave that door of opportunity open for continued military service for first term personnel). The theory of the “Grass is always Greener on the the other side of the fence”……may not always be true.

23 Closing Comments This is no shell game, or smoke and mirrors. The websites are real, the information is real. Research your career and plan accordingly, whether that career is in the military or in the civilian sector… you MUST plan early to be successful. The math is easy (Base Pay + 10% + BAH + Medical estimate / 4 (weeks) / 40 hours = minimum hourly rate of pay to equal current standard of living. Calculate your pay, for the purpose of determining your worth. See your CCC or CDTT member early (12-18 months from EAOS/PRD) for PTS screening as appropriate. For specific questions on this subject, see your CCC or CDTT member.

24 Thank you for your Time, and this now concludes the “How Much do YOU Make” session. Thank you for coming… NC1(SW) Michael Malone HELSEACOMBATRON THREE (HSC-3)

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