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STAFF 27 Permanent Researchers; 7 Fixed-time Researchers 10 Technicians & Administration; 34 Under contract and training personnel Director: Fabio Trincardi.

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Presentation on theme: "STAFF 27 Permanent Researchers; 7 Fixed-time Researchers 10 Technicians & Administration; 34 Under contract and training personnel Director: Fabio Trincardi."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAFF 27 Permanent Researchers; 7 Fixed-time Researchers 10 Technicians & Administration; 34 Under contract and training personnel Director: Fabio Trincardi Section Head: Mariangela Ravaioli Research lines Geology of Oceanic Areas Mediterranean Areas Quaternary stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Technological Development

2 A new set of oceanic transorms Bonatti et al, 2001 - Geology Geology of Oceanic Areas Mediterranean Areas Temporal variations in the formation process of the oceanic crust

3 Geological risk: Es. offshore Portugal (Gracia et al.., Geology, 2003) ‏ Geology of Oceanic Areas Mediterranean Areas

4 Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology Submarine landslides (and geological risk) Deep Corals Mud volcanoes And fluid emission Mediterranean depositional systems : - olocenic deltas - canyon and turbiditic systems - conturitic deposits Eustatic variations Continental Margins

5 Landslides, submarine currents and deep ecosystems Recent landslides in Gela basin «Ancient» landslide swept by cascading currents on the southern Adriatic margin Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology

6 Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology Geologic Cartography scale 1:250.000

7 Geology of Oceanic Areas Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palaeoclimatology -120 m End of Glacial era 18000 Years ago - 0 m RESOURCES SEARCH & SUSTEINABILITY

8 Carbon cycle Key study areas Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Study of Italian seas and polar oceans Coastal, platform, deep, lake & lagoon areas

9 Monitoring and modelling of Anoxia for the environmental management Ossigeno disciolto di fondo (mg/L) Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Study of Italian seas and polar oceans Coastal, platform, deep, lake & lagoon areas Anoxix zones in the North Adriatic

10 Marine observation networks: Global change and biodiversity Temperatura Salinità(blu) Ossigeno Fluorescenza Station S1 Station E1 Marine & Coastal Environmental Geology Study of Italian seas and polar oceans Coastal, platform, deep, lake & lagoon areas Measures along the water column and at the air-water-sediment interface, integrated with satellite observation

11 Ismar-Bologna study areas

12 Present oceanic data bank CROP Anocsia Data bankBanche Dati da Stazioni e Siti Fissi Data Base web-GIS HERMES project Cartographic Data Bank in Adriatic MOON: Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network Vannucci et al. (2004) Technological Development

13 SW corer Piston corer Automatic benthic camera Technological Development

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