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8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek1 Grid status in the Czech Republic zHEP Laboratories yAcademy of Sciences, Universities …. yparticipation to the.

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Presentation on theme: "8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek1 Grid status in the Czech Republic zHEP Laboratories yAcademy of Sciences, Universities …. yparticipation to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek1 Grid status in the Czech Republic zHEP Laboratories yAcademy of Sciences, Universities …. yparticipation to the HEP experiments zCESNET - association of Czech Universities and of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic yTEN-155 CZ network yMetaCenter project – grid-like (between supercomputing centers) zPlan for Tier-2 grid Center for ATLAS and ALICE

2 8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek2 CESNET - TEN-155 CZ zNational research network TEN-155 CZ operated by CESNET zmember of Quantum zmember of Geant yEurope (TEN-155) 21 Mbps yWorld (TEN-155) 24 Mbps yWorld (Ebone) 34 Mbps yPrague - Brno 2.5 Gbps (packet over Sonet) from February 2000 z

3 8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek3 CESNET - TEN-155 CZ zNational research network TEN-155 CZ operated by CESNET zmember of Quantum zmember of Geant yEurope (TEN-155) 21 Mbps yWorld (TEN-155) 24 Mbps yWorld (Ebone) 34 Mbps yPrague - Brno 2.5 Gbps (packet over Sonet) from February 2000 z

4 8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek4 CESNET - MetaCenter project responsible L. Matyska zWest Bohemia University (Plzen) yDigital AlphaServer 8400 x8 CPU Alpha 61024A/300 MHz x2 GB RAM yCompaq/Digital GS140 x8 CPU Alpha 61224/525 MHz x8 GB RAM xapprox 100 GB disk space zCharles University (Prague) ySGI Power Challenge XL x12 CPU MIPS R10000/195 MHz x2 GB RAM xapprox 100 GB disk space z Masaryk University (Brno) ySGI Power Challenge XL x12 CPU MIPS R10000/195 MHz x2 GB RAM ySGI Origin 2000 x40 CPU MIPS R10000/195 MHz x16 GB RAM x2 Infinity Reality Graphics engines xapprox 500 GB disk space xTape robot X200 200 Mamoth II tapes 6 Mamoth II drives total 12 TB on-line capacity w/o compression z New Linux farm by end 2000

5 8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek5 CESNET - MetaCenter (cont) zNetwork yexternal: Prague - Brno 2.5 Gbps, Prague - Plzen 34 Mbps yinternal: Prague, Brno 155 Mbps ATM, Plzen Fast Ethernet zTransparent end user environment zAuthentication: Kerberos 5 zDistributed File System: AFS zBatch queue: LSF (primary), NQE (Origin 2000) zOne of founding members of the EGRID initiative zMetaCenter zSubcontractor to DATAGRID (INFN – scheduling wp)

6 8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek6 Participation to DATAGRID Project zCESNET Subcontractor to Scheduling WP (2 FTE) zUn-funded activity (at least 1 FTE) yHEP Laboratories – Testbed WP (Tier 2 Center) xapplications in ATLAS, ALICE, D0 xPart of MetaCenter capacity devoted to project xIncrease own grid resources (disk space, tape library, CPU capacity) yCESNET – network WP xdelivery of network connection

7 8 June 2000Atlas NCB CERN, M. Lokajicek7

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