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Port-en-Bessin, France

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1 Port-en-Bessin, France
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Adaptive Changes in Harvested Populations: Plasticity and Evolution of Maturation Bruno Ernande Fisheries Department IFREMER Port-en-Bessin, France

2 The potential for fisheries-induced adaptive changes
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen The potential for fisheries-induced adaptive changes The commercial exploitation of fish stocks may not only have demographic consequences on the target species, but may also induce adaptive changes in their life history because fishing is by essence selective (Stokes et al. 1993, Palumbi 2001, Ashley et al ). Adaptive changes can have two different origins (Rijnsdorp 1993, Law 2000): Phenotypic plasticity: most species can modify their phenotype in the short term in response to environmental variation; Evolution: the prerequisites for contemporary fisheries-induced evolution are met: Fisheries selective pressure is strong: fishing mortality on average 2 to 3 times higher than natural mortality (Law 2000) most life history traits have sufficient heritability to evolve and micro-evolutionary changes have been proven to occur within a few generations in controlled and field experiments (Reznick et al. 1990; Conover & Munch 2002) Phenotypic plasticity and evolution have very different implications for management purposes: plasticity can be reversed within a generation whereas to mitigate adverse evolutionary changes requires many such generations.

3 Phenotypic plasticity or evolution
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Phenotypic plasticity or evolution With empirical data, one has to disentangle plastic and evolutionary response. Evolutionary changes in life history traits can be assessed by modifications in their reaction norms. Plastic change Phenotype Environment

4 Phenotypic plasticity or evolution
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Phenotypic plasticity or evolution With empirical data, one has to disentangle plastic and evolutionary response. Evolutionary changes in life history traits can be assessed by modifications in their reaction norms. Evolutionary change Phenotype Environment

5 Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Objectives Modifications of reaction norms have been recently shown for age and size at maturation in commercially exploited fish stocks, e.g., North East Artic cod (Heino et al. 2002), North Sea plaice (Grift et al. 2003), Georges Bank cod (Barot et al. 2003), and Nothern cod (Olsen et al. 2003). We propose a theoretical approach for modelling the evolution of maturation reaction norms in exploited populations in order to tackle three specific points: Can harvesting be really responsible for evolutionary changes in maturation reaction norms? Can we evaluate the evolutionary impact of different harvesting practices and the potentiality of different management policies? What are the consequences of evolutionary changes on population abundance and sustainability? Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

6 Bivariate reaction norm
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Bivariate reaction norm The historical view: univariate reaction norms {zi1, zi2, zi3, zi4, zi5} Another view: bivariate reaction norms {yi(xi1), yi(xi2), yi(xi3)} z E gi growth 1 growth 2 growth 3 age size e.g., maturation reaction norm E1 E2 E3 Phenotype y Phenotype x gi zi5 zi4 zi3 zi2 zi1 1 2 3 4 5

7 Stock life cycle Environment Larval stage Age E1 E2 E3 Ernande et al.
Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Stock life cycle Environment E1 E2 E3 Larval stage Age Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

8 Stock life cycle Environment Larval stage Metamorphosis Age
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Stock life cycle Environment E1 E2 E3 Larval stage Metamorphosis Age Immature stage Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

9 Stock life cycle Environment Larval stage Metamorphosis Age
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Stock life cycle Environment E1 E2 E3 Larval stage Metamorphosis Age Immature stage Maturation Mature stage Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

10 Stock life cycle Environment Random distribution Larval stage
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Stock life cycle Environment E1 E2 E3 Random distribution Habitat selection Larval stage Metamorphosis Age Immature stage Maturation Mature stage Reproduction Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

11 Variation in growth and mortality rates
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Stock life cycle Environment E1 E2 E3 Random distribution Larval stage Metamorphosis Habitat selection Age Immature stage Variation in growth and mortality rates Maturation Mature stage Reproduction Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

12 Trade-off between reproduction and somatic growth rate
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Maturation process Maturation process: maturation occurs when the growth trajectory intersects with the maturation reaction norm Trade-off between reproduction and somatic growth rate maturation reaction norm Δ adults Environmental variability in growth trajectories growth trajectory juveniles metamorphosis migration to a new environment larvae Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

13 Harvesting and management rules
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Harvesting and management rules Mortality rates increase because of harvesting. Three management rules: Fixed Quotas: positive density-dependence Constant Harvesting Rate: density-independence Constant Stock Size or Constant Escapement: negative density-dependence Quotas positive density-dependence Fishing Mortality density-independence negative density-dependence Stock Biomass Stock Size Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

14 Evolutionary dynamics
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Evolutionary dynamics Structured population dynamics with age and environmental trajectory as individual state variables. Size is fully determined by age and environmental trajectory. Invasion fitness of a mutant: long term growth rate of a mutant Sm’ in a resident population with reaction norm Sm Selection gradient: functional derivate of invasion fitness Evolutionary dynamics: Canonical equation for infinite dimensional traits Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

15 Evolution under state-dependent harvesting
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Evolution under state-dependent harvesting Quota Constant Rate Constant Stock Size size (a) H0(Mature) age (a) Immature Q CR CSS Mature harvesting mortality H0

16 Evolution under size-dependent harvesting
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Evolution under size-dependent harvesting Quota Constant Rate Constant Stock Size H0 Unfished sizes Unfished sizes Unfished sizes size (a) Unfished sizes Unfished sizes Unfished sizes Unfished sizes Unfished sizes Unfished sizes age (a)

17 Control of the sensitivity of the evolutionary response
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Control of the sensitivity of the evolutionary response The sensitivity of the evolutionary response of maturation reaction norms to harvesting is controlled by three life history parameters: it increases as the average natural mortality rate decreases, the average growth rate increases, the strength of the trade-off between growth and reproduction weakens. Sensitivity natural morality growth rate trade-off strength Ernande et al Proc Roy Soc B

18 Consequences for demographic characteristics
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Consequences for demographic characteristics Evolutionary induced decrease in population biomass due to a decrease in adult mean size and population density. Quota Constant Rate Constant Stock Size population density mean adult size Proportion of original value Fishing mortality Evolutionary time population biomass mortality

19 Consequences for population sustainability
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Consequences for population sustainability The previous insights are qualitatively the same for the three management policies. The main difference between the three management policies lies in the consequences of evolutionary changes of the maturation reaction norm on population abundance.

20 Consequences for population sustainability
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Consequences for population sustainability Trade-off growth-reproduction expressed earlier Relative biomass evolutionary time, t Fixed Quotas Negative density-dependence evolutionary time, t Local harvesting mortality Evolutionary feedback

21 Consequences for population sustainability
Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Consequences for population sustainability Trade-off growth-reproduction expressed earlier Relative biomass evolutionary time, t ecological time Fixed Quotas Negative density-dependence evolutionary time, t Local harvesting mortality Evolutionary suicide Relative density

22 Ernande et al. Bruno Ernande, NMA Course, Bergen Conclusions Fishing can induce evolutionary modifications in the position and the shape of the maturation reaction norm. The direction of these changes actually depends on the life history stage which is harvested when harvesting depends on maturity status According to the sensitivity analysis, these changes could be minimized by fishing mainly adults and by focusing on species characterized by high natural mortality, low growth rate, and a strong trade-off between growth and reproduction. The prevalent system of management currently, quotas, seems to be the worse management practice in terms of fisheries-induced evolution The consequences of these evolutionary changes on stock abundance and sustainability may be dramatic as suggested by the example of extinction through evolutionary suicide. Simple population dynamics models would overlook this possibility, which highlights the necessity to take evolutionary trends into account in responsible management practices.

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