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Published byAbdiel Lefton Modified over 10 years ago
September 09, 2013 TETN Event #20783 Student Assessment Division Texas Education Agency
These slides have been prepared by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas Education Agency If any slide is changed for local use, please remove the TEA footer at the bottom of the slide TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update2
What’s New STAAR Spanish Highlights STAAR L TELPAS Key Steps to Take this Fall ELL Progress Measure TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update3
Assessments for students served by special education and assessments for ELLs are now the responsibility of the Assessments for Special Populations Unit in the Student Assessment Division. TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update5
Practice sets consist of approximately 25 items for each STAAR L assessment To be posted in early 2014 Will be available in online format similar to TELPAS so that students may experience the items as they will be presented in the operational administration. TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update6
Beginning 2013–2014, 5th and 8th grade students assessed with STAAR L in mathematics will be held to same SSI requirements for both mathematics and reading, including retesting, as students taking the general STAAR assessments TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update7
For ELLs who ― have been enrolled in U.S. schools 3 school years or less (5 or less if qualifying unschooled asylee/refugee) and have not yet attained TELPAS advanced high reading rating When enrolled in English I/ESOL I course, eligible ELL shall not be required to retake assessment each time it is administered if student passes course but does not meet standard Rule to be posted for public comment in October for 30 days Note: Students are not exempt from testing while in the course Provisions do not apply to English II TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update8
Committees comprised of ELL focus group members and educators convened in August to review standards for grades 2–12 TELPAS reading tests Cut scores adjusted for each proficiency level of each grade cluster test These standards will be implemented spring 2014 TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update9
Beginning in the 2013–2014 school year, students must be enrolled for 60 consecutive school days for that year to count in years in U.S. schools calculations. Please note that this is not to be calculated retroactively. Unschooled Asylee Refugee Continue as it has in the past Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) SIFE and Limited Prior Schooling groups from 2012–2013 have been collapsed This data will be collected through the student data upload Specific information will be included in the 2014 DCCM TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update10
Spring test administration manuals will be split — TELPAS Rater Manual TELPAS Reading Test Administrator Manual This should decrease the number of additional manuals ordered by districts TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update11
Available for students in grades 3–5 Grades 3–5 reading and math Grade 4 writing Grade 5 science Same grades and subjects are tested as English TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update13
Students for whom Spanish version of STAAR test is the most appropriate measure of academic progress LPAC determines if STAAR Spanish is an appropriate assessment for ELLs and non-ELLs TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update14
Focus is on the most essential curriculum: readiness standards Content and skills are addressed at a greater depth and cognitive complexity Rigor evident on the test as a whole individual test questions more inferential questions performance standards TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update15
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Annual Activities: Testing contractor develops items TEA reviews items and ensures items meet quality assurance Educators review the items for appropriateness before they are field tested (language, grade level, TEKS, free from bias, etc.) Items are field tested Data of items is reviewed Items with solid data are included in the Item Bank Tests are constructed from the Item Bank TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update17
Follow the same guidelines as English item development Reading and Writing The items and/or passages are developed separately to account for cultural and linguistics differences. Mathematics and Science Items from English development are translated or transadapted into Spanish. TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update18
Test items for STAAR Spanish are selected from the English development Goal is to build tests for regular STAAR and STAAR Spanish using the same items if appropriate Item writing and review process for transadapted items ensure that items in Spanish are linguistically and culturally appropriate and that they meet grade-level expectations Every year bilingual educators review selected items for STAAR Spanish tests TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update19
STAAR Spanish and regular STAAR both – follow the same item development guidelines use the same blueprints adhere to same guidelines to build tests in terms of range of content tested and cognitive complexity expect same student performance TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update20
2013 Spanish Total Students in 2013 (Satisfactory) LII-2013 (Advanced) LIII-2013 (Unsatisfactory)L I-2013 Grade 03 READ36,84168%15%32% Grade 04 READ24,32357%11%43% Grade 04 WRIT25,43659%3%41% Grade 05 READ10,78570%10%30% Grade 03 MATH19,02459%8%41% Grade 04 MATH9,42651%7%49% Grade 05 MATH3,60644%5%56% Grade 05 SCIENCE5,37041%2%59% TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update21
GradeSubject20122013% Change 3Math56%59%3% Reading65%68%3% 4Math53%51%-2% Reading60%57%-3% Writing64%59%-5% 5Math*49%44%-5% Reading*69%70%1% Science41% 0% * Primary Administrations TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update22
Understand the level of performance the TEKS require Teach students the academic vocabulary Teach both readiness and supporting content and skills Emphasize critical/inferential thinking, problem solving, and application rather than isolated or memorized content and skills Reinforce connections between different content areas (e.g., math and science, math and reading) TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update23
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2013 STAAR tests were released in August Grade 4 Writing Scoring Guides are available on the Student Assessment website Timeline for new mathematics curriculum TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update31
New TEKS adopted in April 2012 Convene advisory groups in 2013 New STAAR items are being developed to address new TEKS in 2014 Implement new TEKS in 2014–2015 school year New STAAR items are field-tested in 2014–2015 school year New STAAR items are assessed in 2015–2016 school year TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update32
Online interface provided certain linguistic accommodations for qualifying students: Clarification in English at the word or phrase level for pre-determined words Words read aloud at the word-by-word level 35,000 students across the state were administered STAAR L across all administration in 2013 TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update34
Available early spring 2014 Minor updates to grades 3–8; Updates to EOC version to address assessment changes from HB 5 Should be used to familiarize students with clarification and read aloud accommodations and standard TestNav tools Test administration directions for operational STAAR L assessments will assume some familiarity with online interface TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update35
Paper test booklets (and ECGs as applicable) will be approved by TEA in rare circumstances Accommodations that are not available in TestNav Unavoidable technological problems that make online testing impossible Other special situations (e.g., homebound students, JJAEPs, etc.) Detailed information about STAAR L paper request process will be posted on Coordinator Manual Resources page at TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update36
TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update37 Student who was approved for a paper administration in the spring but is retesting in December will not automatically receive paper materials DTC should forward prior approval to TEA at so paper materials can be ordered from Pearson
Reminder: These students are not eligible for special ELL assessment, accommodation, or accountability provisions No testing in Spanish No linguistic accommodations during testing No English I EOC special provisions No unschooled asylee/refugee provisions ELLs with parental denials may, however, use bilingual, ESL, or other allowable dictionaries as part of dictionary policy for STAAR reading and writing tests in grade 6 and up; under this policy, use of dictionaries not considered linguistic accommodation TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update38
Assessment window for spring: March 17–April 9 Data verification window: April 10–11 TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update40
DateActivity Jan 13Assembling and Verifying Grades 2–12 Writing Collections course available Jan 6-10TELPAS manuals shipped to districts Jan 24End date for district coordinator training—all TELPAS components Jan 27Online basic training courses for new K–1 and 2–12 raters available Jan 27Supplemental support provider recorded Web-based training available Feb 7End date for campus coordinator training—holistically assessed components Feb 17Calibration window opens for new and returning raters—first 2 sets Feb 17End date for training raters on administration procedures Feb 17 Earliest eligibility date for TELPAS writing samples Feb 263 rd and final calibration set available; supplemental training begins Mar 17-Apr 9TELPAS assessment window TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update 41
2013–2014 training resources: PowerPoint presentations (updated) Making the ELPS-TELPAS Connection: K–12 Overview Introductory Training on the PLDs (separate modules for K–1 and 2–12) Grades 2–12 Writing Collection Overview Holistic Rating Training Requirements Educator Guide to TELPAS These resources will be available on the TELPAS Resources webpage at TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update42
TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update 43 Grades K–1 Grade 2Grades 3–5 Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12 2012 Total Successful Calibrations 29205 100% 15464 100% 36054 100% 17160 99% 14988 98% 2013 Total Successful Calibrations 29689 100% 15336 100% 36415 99% 17460 99% 15454 98% 2012 Successful after Set 1 26599 91% 13863 90% 30142 83% 13233 77% 9964 65% 2013 Successful after Set 1 25901 87% 11466 75% 23432 64% 13659 77% 12154 77%
TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update 44 Grades K–1 Grade 2Grades 3–5 Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12 2012 Successful after Set 2 2365 8% 1336 9% 4948 14% 3433 20% 3804 25% 2013 Successful after Set 2 3234 11% 3203 21% 10126 28% 2424 14% 2702 17% 2012 Successful after Set 3 241 1% 265 2% 964 3% 494 3% 1220 8% 2013 Successful after Set 3 554 2% 667 4% 2857 8% 1377 8% 598 4% 2012 Unsuccessful after Set 3 8 0% 13 0% 136 0% 87 0% 246 2% 2013 Unsuccessful after Set 3 47 0% 46 0% 250 1% 199 1% 379 2%
TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update 45 CourseCompletions Assembling and Verifying Writing Collections8138 Grades K–1 Online Basic Training Course 17961 Grades 2–12 Online Basic Training Course 22741
There will be a full release of TELPAS forms for all grade bands in 2014. These are to be released in an online format to allow them to be seen in the TestNav environment, just as the students see the operational test. TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update46
Teachers are required to implement the ELPS and content area TEKS in instruction District and campus administrators need working knowledge of ELPS and TELPAS TELPAS familiarization training is good for future raters good way to reinforce use of PLDs all year long TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update48
Beginning of year: Review ELLs’ past TELPAS results to see if making steady progress in learning English TELPAS confidential campus student rosters include 2 years of test scores how long student has been in U.S. schools TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update49
LPAC meetings during school year: Use previous spring’s TELPAS results and current year’s teacher input to gauge progress in English proficiency review and adjust linguistic accommodations used in instruction plan for instructional interventions, if necessary plan for linguistic accommodations during state assessment TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update50
When implemented effectively in instruction, linguistic accommodations accelerate learning of academic content and English reduce length of time and degree to which substantial linguistic accommodations needed The ELPS, as measured by TELPAS, support better learning of the TEKS, as measured by STAAR TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update51
ELL Progress Measure will: take into account the amount of time needed to acquire English affects time needed to fully learn and demonstrate grade-level academic skills in English be applied to all content areas Brochure with more information to be posted this fall on the ELL Assessments webpage at TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update53
TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update 54 Satisfactory
Initial Years in Schools Initial TELPAS Composite Proficiency Level Plan 1 Beginning and Extenuating Circumstances 5-Year Plan 1Beginning4-Year Plan 1Intermediate3-Year Plan 1Advanced2-Year Plan 1Advanced High1-Year Plan 2 Intermediate or Below and Extenuating Circumstances 5-Year Plan 2Intermediate or Below4-Year Plan 2Advanced3-Year Plan 2Advanced High2-Year Plan 3 Advanced or Below and Extenuating Circumstances 5-Year Plan 3Advanced or Below4-Year Plan 3Advanced High3-Year Plan 4 Advanced High or Below and Extenuating Circumstances 5-Year Plan 4 Any TELPAS Score4-Year Plan DRAFT TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update 55
ELL Progress Measure Plan Expectation 5-Yr Plan 1 st Year (E1) 2 nd Year (E1) 3 rd Year (E2) 4 th Year (E3) 5 th Year (LII) 4-Yr Plan 1 st Year (E1) 2 nd Year (E2) 3 rd Year (E3) 4 th Year (LII) 3-Yr Plan 1 st Year (E2) 2 nd Year (E3) 3 rd Year (LII) 2-Yr Plan 1 st Year (E3) 2 nd Year (LII) 1-Yr Plan 1 st Year (LII) DRAFT TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update 56
ELL Progress Measure will be incorporated into the 2014 state accountability reports Used to calculate accountability for both Index 1 & 2 For detailed information regarding the accountability system: 0130328coe/pi_technical_5-23-13.pdf 0130328coe/pi_technical_5-23-13.pdf TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update57
Annual ESC LPAC Assessment Training TETN October 8, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Event #20784 Open to ESCs only TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update58
Educators are invited to review items before they are field tested for: STAAR (all programs) and TELPAS Please go to the following link to nominate yourself or other educators: TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update59
“This was a great learning experience” “I would love to participate again” “Fue una experiencia muy bonita y educativa” “The meeting was informative and made me feel like I made a difference” “Awesome experience!” “!Aprendí mucho!” “Excellent process and very beneficial!” “I really felt that I contributed with my opinions” TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update60
Go to and click on ELL Call the TEA Student Assessment Division at (512) 463-9536 Email us at TEA Fall ELL Assessment Update61
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