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“Be a gamer save the World”
By: Kolbey Junior Brady
Summary Many people think that video games is a waste of time when they really aren’t. Lots of people today that play video games actually are very successful. Many people that are gamers like to play video games because it gives you the feeling you can't get in the real world, and the people who don't like them and think they are a waste of time are gonna regret that in the long run.
Facts that support - In the United states alone: there's 183 million active gamers - normal hours a week of recreation time for a gamer is: an average 45 per week. -In this article JANE MCGONIGAL speaks on how," 'reality doesn't motivate people effectively". -plus it help cure cancer and Alzheimer's. -also video games make you involved socially.
Quotes 1) Jane McGonigal from states "With no previous background in biochemistry— had worked in a 3D game environment called Foldit, folding virtual proteins in new ways that could help cure cancer or prevent Alzheimer's." 2) Jane McGonigal from states "In the United States, where there are 183 million active gamers, videogames took in about $15.5 billion last year." meaning this is a big industry! 3) Jane McGonigal from states "One recent study found, for example, that players of "Guitar Hero" are more likely to pick up a real guitar and learn how to play it."
Works cited Mcgonigal, Jane. "The Benefits of Videogames -" Business News & Financial News - The Wall Street Journal - Web. 15 Nov =en&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsu&tbnid=vN3Hqo1AfpyJqM:&imgrefurl= blog/2728&docid=L3KrMVlu0ckN5M&imgurl= 0GAMES.jpg&w=304&h=425&ei=TWHFTt7hIYTx0gHA1KH7Dg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=296&sig= &page=5&tbnh=156&tbnw=112&start=61&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:61&tx=75&ty=75&biw=11 40&bih=690 =en&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsu&tbnid=9zYOPnrpwB9C_M:&imgrefurl= use-video-games-to-keep-fit&docid=wkGbPGEDi3myBM&imgurl= 1d40-520d-f14f-ff0008c9bd2a/how-to-use-video-games-to-keep- fit.WidePlayer.jpg%253Fv5&w=640&h=360&ei=TWHFTt7hIYTx0gHA1KH7Dg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=342&v py=237&dur=322&hovh=140&hovw=203&tx=116&ty=103&sig= &page=2&tbnh=140 &tbnw=203&start=15&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:15&biw=1140&bih=690
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