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1 :// not in any way endorsed or affiliated with the Jeopardy Game Show Board Instructions

2 $0 Board Instructions To start a new game, click the “reset” button on the board slide. This will reset the board, set each player’s score to 0, and randomly move the Daily Double. Click “Adj Scores” from the board to manually change scores. Click on the lights at the bottom to start a countdown (click below to change). Incorrect response: Click the “incorrect” button if the player responds incorrectly, and their score will subtract. Correct response: Press the “correct” button if the player responds correctly, and the correct response will then be shown. –To skip viewing the correct response, check the box below If no one gets the question correct, press the arrow to go to the next slide (or return to the board if the checkbox below is checked). Reset Adjust Countdown Timer

3 $0 Board EconomicsOil Israel Palestine IslamGroups Physical Geography $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 The Daily Double is located at: E3 Move to reveal location Reset Instructions Double Adj Scores

4 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Economics, $100 The economic systems of Turkey, Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia $100

5 $0 Board Economics, $100 response What is mixed economy? $100

6 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Economics, $200 One major obstacle to economic development in SW Asia $200

7 $0 Board Economics, $200 response What is conflict (war), political issues, etc. $200

8 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Economics, $300 This makes Turkey an ideal place for trade $300

9 $0 Board Economics, $300 response What is its geographic location in both Asia and Europe? $300

10 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Economics, $400 Technology is this country’s greatest export $400

11 $0 Board Economics, $400 response What is Israel? $400

12 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Economics, $500 The greatest weakness of using per capita GDP to measure HDI $500

13 $0 Board Economics, $500 response What is the failure to show the distribution of wealth? $500

14 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Oil, $100 OPEC $100

15 $0 Board Oil, $100 response What is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries? $100

16 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Oil, $200 The country that has the largest oil reserves in SW Asia $200

17 $0 Board Oil, $200 response What is Saudi Arabia? $200

18 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Oil, $300 Oil is distributed _____ in SW Asia. $300

19 $0 Board Oil, $300 response What is disproportionately or unequally? $300

20 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Oil, $400 Unrefined Petroleum $400

21 $0 Board Oil, $400 response What is crude oil? $400

22 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Oil, $500 Two ways that SW Asia could use oil revenues to promote economic growth and stability. $500

23 $0 Board Oil, $500 response What are modernize infrastructures, develop other resources, improve educational systems, etc $500

24 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Israel Palestine, $100 Someone in favor of a Jewish homeland $100

25 $0 Board Israel Palestine, $100 response What is a Zionist? $100

26 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Israel Palestine, $200 Jerusalem is divided among these three religions? $200

27 $0 Board Israel Palestine, $200 response What are Jews, Christians, and Muslims? $200

28 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Israel Palestine, $300 Muslim fighting in Gaza and the West Bank is lead by this group $300

29 $0 Board Israel Palestine, $300 response What is Hamas? $300

30 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Israel Palestine, $400 After this war, many Jews made their way back to Israel $400

31 $0 Board Israel Palestine, $400 response What is World War II? $400

32 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Israel Palestine, $500 $500

33 $0 Board Israel Palestine, $500 response Who is Theodr Herzl? $500

34 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Islam, $100 The name for followers of Islam. $100

35 $0 Board Islam, $100 response What are Muslims? $100

36 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Islam, $200 The direction which Muslims pray toward $200

37 $0 Board Islam, $200 response What is Mecca? $200

38 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Islam, $300 The division of Islam with the most followers $300

39 $0 Board Islam, $300 response What is Sunni $300

40 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Islam, $400 The final prophet of Islam $400

41 $0 Board Islam, $400 response Who is Mohammed? $400

42 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Islam, $500 The belief in one God is represented by this sacred Muslim object $500

43 $0 Board Islam, $500 response What is the Kaaba? $500

44 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Groups, $100 Countries in which Islam is the dominant religion $100

45 $0 Board Groups, $100 response What is the Muslim world? $100

46 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Groups, $200 Countries in which half or more of the people speak Arabic $200

47 $0 Board Groups, $200 response What is the Arab world? $200

48 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Groups, $300 The group that encompasses the entire Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank of Israel $300

49 $0 Board Groups, $300 response Who are the Palestinians? $300

50 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Groups, $400 The group of people often treated as second class citizens in the Arab world $400

51 $0 Board Groups, $400 response Who are women? $400

52 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Groups, $500 ISIS or ISIL stands for $500

53 $0 Board Groups, $500 response What is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. $500

54 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Physical Geography, $100 What is the main type of climate found in Southwest Asia? $100

55 $0 Board Physical Geography, $100 response What is desert? $100

56 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Physical Geography, $200 Mountain range that covers most of Afghanistan $200

57 $0 Board Physical Geography, $200 response What is the Hindu Kush Mountain Range? $200

58 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Physical Geography, $300 One of the two rivers that run through Iraq $300

59 $0 Board Physical Geography, $300 response What is the Tigris or Euphrates? $300

60 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Physical Geography, $400 The body of water dividing the Arabian Peninsula and Africa $400

61 $0 Board Physical Geography, $400 response What is the Red Sea? $400

62 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Physical Geography, $500 The body of precious water that provides life to Israel, Jordan, and Syria $500

63 $0 Board Physical Geography, $500 response What is the Jordan River $500

64 $0 Board Enter your wager: Go! $

65 $0 Board Capitals People & Places ReligionCulture Global Connections Hodgepodge $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 The Daily Doubles are located at: D2 Move to reveal location B4 Instructions Final Adj Scores Single Move to reveal location

66 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Capitals, $200 Capital city of Iraq $200

67 $0 Board Capitals, $200 response What is Baghdad? $200

68 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Capitals, $400 Holy city to three major faiths $400

69 $0 Board Capitals, $400 response What is Jerusalem? $400

70 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Capitals, $600 Capital city of Turkey $600

71 $0 Board Capitals, $600 response What is Ankara? $600

72 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Capitals, $800 Capital city of Iran $800

73 $0 Board Capitals, $800 response What is Tehran? $800

74 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Capitals, $1000 Capital city of Saudi Arabia $1000

75 $0 Board Capitals, $1000 response What is Riyadh? $1000

76 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board People and Places, $200 The type of region that SW Asia is considered $200

77 $0 Board People and Places, $200 response What is a perceptual region? $200

78 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board People and Places, $400 A stateless nation of people in SW Asia $400

79 $0 Board People and Places, $400 response Who are the Palestinians? $400

80 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board People and Places, $600 The city where Muslims make their Hajj and the Country it is located in $600

81 $0 Board People and Places, $600 response What is Mecca, Saudi Arabia? $600

82 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board People and Places, $800 The Middle East is this type of region $800

83 $0 Board People and Places, $800 response What is a perceptual region? $800

84 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board People and Places, $1000 Primary ethnic group in Israel $1000

85 $0 Board People and Places, $1000 response What is Jewish? $1000

86 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Religion, $200 The religion of most people in SW Asia $200

87 $0 Board Religion, $200 response What is Islam? $200

88 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Religion, $400 All five pillars of Islam $400

89 $0 Board Religion, $400 response What are 1.Declaration of faith 2.Obligatory prayer 3.Compulsory giving 4.Fasting during Ramadan 5.Pilgrimage to Mecca $400

90 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Religion, $600 The sacred book of the Jewish people $600

91 $0 Board Religion, $600 response What is the Torah? $600

92 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Religion, $800 The sacred state that Muslims enter to perform the Hajj $800

93 $0 Board Religion, $800 response What is the state of Ihram? $800

94 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Religion, $1000 The order in which monotheistic Middle Eastern religions came about $1000

95 $0 Board Religion, $1000 response What is Judaism, Christianity, Islam? $1000

96 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Culture, $200 Hello in Hebrew $200

97 $0 Board Culture, $200 response What is Shalom? $200

98 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Culture, $400 What Palestinians must pass through to get to work $400

99 $0 Board Culture, $400 response What are security check points? $400

100 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Culture, $600 Marhaba $600

101 $0 Board Culture, $600 response What is hello in Arabic? $600

102 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Culture, $800 This is an example of cultural _______ $800

103 $0 Board Culture, $800 response What is cultural diffusion? $800

104 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Culture, $1000 Over the last 40 years, this has increased by >15 years and this has fallen by 2/3 $1000

105 $0 Board Culture, $1000 response What is life expectancy and infant mortality? $1000

106 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Global Connections, $200 The type of energy source that most of the world relies on $200

107 $0 Board Global Connections, $200 response What are nonrenewable energy resources? $200

108 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Global Connections, $400 Based on the graph, why isn’t solar energy more widely used worldwide? $400

109 $0 Board Global Connections, $400 response What is the cost is too high? $400

110 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Global Connections, $600 Two misconceptions that westerners hold about the Middle East? $600

111 $0 Board Global Connections, $600 Answers will vary…some options: The Middle East is a defined region There is nothing but desert and oil there All Muslims are Arabs Muslims, Christians, and Jews have always been in conflict All Muslim women are oppressed and uneducated Jihad means holy war Etc… $600

112 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Global Connections, $800 Who the US supports in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict $800

113 $0 Board Global Connections, $800 response What is Israel? $800

114 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Global Connections, $1000 Economic specialization helps the global economy this way $1000

115 $0 Board Global Connections, $1000 response Specialization allows a country to focus on a good or service that can be produced most efficiently so they can trade for other goods and services produced by others that cannot be produced locally. This makes more items available at a better price. $1000

116 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Hodgepodge, $200 What Muslim men do after their Hajj to show their new state of being $200

117 $0 Board Hodgepodge, $200 response What is shave their heads? $200

118 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Hodgepodge, $400 What was the UN’s response to Israeli- Palestinian conflict in 1947? $400

119 $0 Board Hodgepodge, $400 response What is, they created a Jewish state out of Palestine? $400

120 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Hodgepodge, $600 The factories and machines used to make goods $600

121 $0 Board Hodgepodge, $600 response What are capital goods? $600

122 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Hodgepodge, $800 This is the greatest challenge for SW Asia based on its physical characteristics. $800

123 $0 Board Hodgepodge, $800 response What is lack of usable water? $800

124 CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect $0 Board Hodgepodge, $1000 Radical Islam is based on conservative interpretations of this law $1000

125 $0 Board Hodgepodge, $1000 response What is Sharia law? $1000

126 $0 Board Enter your wager: Go! $

127 $0 Board Enter your wager: Go! $

128 $0 Board Final Jeopardy Category Reveal Response Reveal Prompt Final Jeopardy Two allies of Hamas

129 $0 Board Final Jeopardy Response Who is Iran, Qatar, Turkey, China? CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect

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