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MINIBALL g-ray Spectroscopy far from Stability
Overview Physics Case REX-ISOLDE ‚Island of Inversion‘ Results Perspectives with HIE-ISOLDE Peter Reiter IKP, University of Cologne for the MINIBALL collaboration Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Opatija, Croatia, July 9. – 13., 2012
Shell Model Physics with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Shell Model Physics with “Island of inversion” N=20 Coulomb excitation & transfer reactions (Darmstadt, Cologne, Munich) 28,29,30Na 29,30,31,32Mg Phys. Lett. B, 700 ( 2011) 181 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, (2010) Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, (2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) Towards the doubly magic 78Ni with Coulomb excitation and nucleon transfer reactions around 68Ni (CERN, Leuven, Munich) 66,67,68Ni 67,68,69,70,71,73Cu 72,74,76,78,79,80Zn Phys. Rev. C 84, (2011) Phys. Rev. C 82, (2010) Phys. Rev. C. 79, (2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, (2008) Phys. Rev. C. 78, (2008) Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, (2007) Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) transfer reactions at N=28 (Darmstadt, Munich) 46Ar
Shell Model Physics with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Shell Model Physics with Towards the doubly magic 100Sn (Lund, CERN) 106,107,108,109,110Sn 107,108In 100,102,104Cd Eur. Phys. J. A 44 (2010) 355 Phys. Rev. C 80, (2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, (2008) Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) g-factors in Te isotopes (Darmstadt, Madrid) 132,134,136Te B(E2) measurements around 132Sn (Darmstadt, Munich) 122,124,128Cd 138,140,142,144Xe 140,142,148Ba
Shapes & collectivity with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Shapes & collectivity with Shapes and collectivity in the rare earth region (Darmstadt, Saclay, Oslo) 138,140Nd 140,142Sm 142Gd 144Dy Collectivity near Z=50 (York, Darmstadt) 116,118Te Shapes and collectivity between Kr and Sr (York, Cologne, Munich, Orsay, Grenoble, Saclay) 72Kr 88,92,94,96Kr 93,95,97,99Rb 96Sr Phys.Rev.Lett. 108, (2012) Phys.Rev.Lett. 98, (2007) 4
Shapes & collectivity with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Shapes & collectivity with Shapes and collectivity in light Po, Rn nuclei (York, Jyväskylä) 206Po 202,204Rn Octupole collectivity in heavy Rn, Ra isotopes (Liverpool) 220,222Rn 222,224Ra Shapes in Hg, Pb, Po nuclei (Liverpool, Leuven, Jyväskylä) 182,184,186,188Hg 188,190,192,194,196,198Pb 198,200,202Po 5
Coulomb excitation setup
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives The MINIBALL Coulomb excitation setup segmented Si detector for particle detection (DSSSD) 16 rings (front side) 96 strips (back side) angle coverage: θlab = 16-55° ΔE-E measurement possible (pad) 6
RIB production at ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives RIB production at ISOLDE RIB Production: 1,4 GeV protons various targets ionization mass separation in GPS/HRS 800 RIBs available
Isomeric beams @ ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Isomeric ISOLDE technique based on in-source laser spectroscopy (U. Köster et al., NIM B160, 528 (2000), L. Weissman et al., PRC 65, (2000)) set the laser frequency to select and maximize the production of the isomer of interest 6- 1+ (g.s.) 68Cu 6- (g.s.) 1+ 70Cu 3- 722 242 101 g-Spectroscopy with Cu isomer beams: I. Stefanescu et al. PRL 98, (2007), E. Rapisarda et al. PRC 84, (2011) 8
Coulomb excitation of isomeric states of 70Cu
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Coulomb excitation of isomeric states of 70Cu Systematics of 6- 4- transition SMI Calculations by N. Smirnova SMII Calculations by K. Sieja hybrid interaction (S.Lenzi et al., PRC82, 05430(2010)) model space:1f7/2 1f5/2 2p3/2 2p1/2 protons 1f5/22p3/22p1/21g9/22d5/2 neutrons 48Ca inert core realistic interaction (M. Hjorth-Jensen et al., Phys.Rep.26 (2004) model space: 1f5/2 2p3/2 2p1/2 1g9/2 outside 56Ni inert core; 2d5/2 1g9/2 2p1/2 2p3/2 1f5/2 Neutrons excitations across N=50 1g9/2 2p1/2 2p3/2 1f5/2 NO proton-core excitations NO neutron-core excitations Proton excitations across Z=28 1f7/2 Z=28 N=28 N=28 Z=20 9
RIB preparation @ REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Charge breeding: cooling and bunching of the RIB in the REXTRAP breeding to higher charge states in the EBIS to A/q<4.5 breeding time up to 400 ms A/q selection RIB REX-ISOLDE Re-acceleration acceleration of the ions in the REX-LINAC beam energy: 0,8-3,0 MeV/u Acceleration up to Ra achieved 10
224Ra (+120Sn) Coulomb excitation
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives 224Ra (+120Sn) Coulomb excitation - Heaviest REX-ISOLDE beam - B(E3, 0+ ↦ 3-) P.A. Butler1, L.P. Gaffney1, M. Scheck1,2, F. Wenander3, for the IS475 collaboration 1University of Liverpool, UK , 2Technical University Darmstadt, Germany, 3CERN-ISOLDE 11
30,31,32Mg, 30Na 2+ 2+ E2 E2 0+ 0+ 32Mg… 38Mg 30Mg 0p0h, spherical
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives 30,31,32Mg, 30Na 0p0h, spherical 2p2h (intruder), deformed 2+ p3/2 p3/2 f7/2 f7/2 2+ E2 20 d3/2 E2 d3/2 s1/2 s1/2 0+ d5/2 d5/2 0+ 30Mg 32Mg… 38Mg E.K. Warburton, J. A. Becker and B. A. Brown, PRC 41 (1990) 1147. T. Motobayashi, et al.; PLB 346 (1995) P Doornenbal et al
??? inversion normal sd configurations 0+ 0+ 2+ 2+ E2 E0 E2 intruder
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives inversion normal sd configurations 0+ ??? 0+ 2+ 2+ E2 E0 E2 intruder fp configurations 0+ 0+ 30Mg 31Mg 32Mg nd3/2 + nf7/2 - Where are the borders? How does transition into island of inversion occur ? Does picture of shape coexistence hold?
Coulomb excitation of 30,32Mg
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Coulomb excitation of 30,32Mg Neutron number ‚Safe‘ energy Coulomb excitation at 2.25 MeV/u MINIBALL measures with small uncertainty B(E2) values from first excited 2+ states to ground state in 30,32Mg H. Scheit et al; in prep. M. Seidlitz et al; Phys. Lett. B 700 (2011) 181 O. Niedermeier et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005)
g-factor and spin of the 31,33Mg ground state
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives g-factor and spin of the 31,33Mg ground state laser spectroscopy and b-NMR g-factor and spin for 31Mg and 33Mg from sign of g-factor parity 31Mg, Ip = 1/2+ n(sd)-3 (fp)2 33Mg, Ip = 3/2- n(sd)-2(fp)3 pure 2p-2h intruder ground states ! Al 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Mg 27 20 nd3/2 + nf7/2 - Intruder ground state configurations: 20 31Mg (N=19) d3/2 33Mg (N=21) f7/2 Normal ground state configurations: Ip=3/2+ Ip=7/2- 20 31Mg (N=19) d3/2 Ip=1/2+ 20 33Mg (N=21) Ip=3/2- pf sd Renewed b-decay studies G. Neyens et al., PRL 94, (2005) D. Yordanov et al., PRL 99, (2007) 31Mg F. Maréchal et al., PRC 72, (2005) 33Mg V. Tripathi et al., PRL 101, (2008)
Outline - Physics case - MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE - Island of Inversion - Perspectives
Coulomb excitation 31Mg
31Mg Results M. Seidlitz et al; PLB 700 (2011) 181
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives 31Mg Results M. Seidlitz et al; PLB 700 (2011) 181 G. Neyens, Phys. Rev. C 84, (2011) M. Kimura, Phys. Rev. C 75, (R) (2007)
Coulomb excitation of 30Na, higher lying states?
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Coulomb excitation of 30Na, higher lying states? background subtracted, Doppler corrected for 30Na 30Na ((3+) → 2+) 30Na ((4+) → (3+)) 30Na ((4+) → 2+) beam time: 80 hours beam intensity: 550 ions/sec more beam time Oct. 2012 B(E2, 2+ → (4+)) = 108 (33) e2fm4 (preliminary!) theoretical predictions: B(E2, 2+ → 4+) = 90 e2fm4
??? inversion normal sd configurations 0+ 0+ 2+ 2+ E2 E0 E2 intruder
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives inversion normal sd configurations 0+ ??? 0+ 2+ 2+ E2 E0 E2 intruder fp configurations 0+ 0+ 30Mg 31Mg 32Mg nd3/2 + nf7/2 - Does picture of shape coexistence hold?
0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ 30Mg 32Mg Shape coexistence in 30Mg 2 2 1 1
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Shape coexistence in 30Mg 0+ 2 0+ 2 0+ 0+ 1 1 30Mg Mg - electron spectroscopy after b-decay at ISOLDE - first excited 0+ state at 1789 keV in 30Mg W. Schwerdtfeger, et al; PRL 103, (2009)
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives The MINIBALL T-REX setup T-REX: Si detector array for Transfer experiments at REX-ISOLDE large solid angle (58% of 4π) position sensitive PID (ΔE-E): p, d, t, α, … and e- from β-decay (!) Technical details: Barrel: 140 mm ΔE / 16 resistive strips 1000 mm E / pad Backward CD: 500 mm ΔE / DSSSD 500 mm E / pad RIB V. Bildstein, K. Wimmer, Th. Kröll, R. Gernhäuser et al. (funded by TU München, KU Leuven, U Edinburgh, CSNSM Orsay, TU Darmstadt) 21
t(30Mg, 32Mg)p – two-neutron transfer
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives t(30Mg, 32Mg)p – two-neutron transfer 3H loaded Ti foil (40 mg/cm2 3H, 10 GBq) 2 MeV/u 4·104 part/s / 150 h beam on target Q00 = -295(20) keV Two states populated: ground state and new state at 1083(33) keV K. Wimmer et al; PRL 105, (2010)
0+ 2+ 0+ 2+ E2 E0 E2 0+ 0+ 32Mg 30Mg intruder fp configurations normal
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives 0+ 2+ 0+ 2+ E2 E0 E2 0+ 0+ 30Mg 32Mg intruder fp configurations normal sd configurations K. Heyde, J.L. Wood, REV. OF MOD. PHYS., Vol 83, (2011) 1467 S. Grévy et al,; ARIS2011 proceedings
preliminary d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40)
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40) preliminary J. Diriken, P. van Duppen, R. Raabe, et al.; IKS-KU Leuven for the IS469 collaboration
preliminary d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40)
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40) preliminary proton gated g-spectrum g-transitions up to 5800 keV p-g-g- coincidence analysis J. Diriken, P. van Duppen, R. Raabe, et al.; IKS-KU Leuven for the IS469 collaboration
preliminary d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40)
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40) shell closure at N=40? preliminary Ex [keV] Ex=3600(250) keV NNDC Eg=3619(30) keV Eg [keV] High resolution of MINIBALL allows to resolve states and to analyse angular distribution J. Diriken, P. van Duppen, R. Raabe, et al.; IKS-KU Leuven for the IS469 collaboration
2014 HIE-ISOLDE intensity upgrade energy upgrade 2016 1.2 MeV/u 3
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives HIE-ISOLDE intensity upgrade energy upgrade 2014 1.2 MeV/u 3 MeV/u 5.5 MeV/u 10 MeV/u 8 MeV/u 2016
Transfer reactions at HIE-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Transfer reactions at HIE-ISOLDE Higher energies at HIE-ISOLDE will be favorable for transfer reaction studies with heavy beams! Show case example: d(132Sn,133Sn)p Several HIE-ISOLDE LoIs based on MINIBALL & T-REX: - shell evolution - shape coexistence - pairing correlations ó pair transfer - nuclear astrophysics: (d,p) ó (n,g) capture reactions Upgrade of T-REX -> flexible geometry of Si detectors Fusion veto detector Spectrometer to identify heavy transfer products FRESCO calc‘s by K. Wimmer (NSCL, MSU)
Summary MINIBALL spectrometer very well suited for REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Summary MINIBALL spectrometer very well suited for REX-ISOLDE Physics case covers the range from 17F to 224Ra First years: Shell model physics and Coulomb excitation Recent developments: - isomeric and heavy beams - T-REX transfer reactions & g-ray spectroscopy Major perspective: HIE-ISOLDE l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
HIE-ISOLDE MINIBALL + T-REX New instrumentation:
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives HIE-ISOLDE MINIBALL + T-REX New instrumentation: MAYA/ACTAR active target SPEDE - SPectrometer for Electron DEtection in radioactive beam HELIOS superconducting magnet for charged particle detection PARIS (Photon Array for studies with Radioactive Ion and Stable beams) GASPARD (GAmma Spectroscopy and PArticle Detection) Neutron detectors TSR storage ring Magnetic spectrometer or separator for channel selection Mark Huyse, IKS K.U. Leuven ISOLDE workshop 2010
First and recent results from ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives ‚Island of Inversion‘ First and recent results from ISOLDE masses show considerable deviations for nuclei around Z=11, N=20. additional binding energy C. Thibault, et al.; PRC 12 (1975) 644 Charge radii differences from isotope shift measurement D.T. Yordanov, et al.; PRL 108 (2012) 31
RIB preparation @ REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives RIB REX-ISOLDE Charge breeding: cooling and bunching of the RIB in the REXTRAP breeding to higher charge states in the EBIS to A/q<4.5 breeding time up to 400 ms A/q selection Possibility of in-trap decay during charge breeding: 61Mn → 61Fe J. Van de Walle et al., CERN-INTC (2009)
6-fold segmented, encapsulated MINIBALL detector
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives 6-fold segmented, encapsulated MINIBALL detector Collaboration: Köln, Heidelberg, München, Leuven 33
Digital high resolution spectroscopy electronics
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Preamplifier IKP Köln MPI-K Hd Digital high resolution spectroscopy electronics 40 MHz digitizer: DGF 4C Company XIA Triple cluster detector 3 x core + 3 x 6 segments IKP Köln and CTT 34
(line width after Doppler correction) Abs. Eff. 8 %, ΔΘ = 3.30
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Pulse shape analysis and position sensitivity in-beam data: (line width after Doppler correction) Abs. Eff. 8 %, ΔΘ = 3.30 35
Deviations from classical shell model
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Deviations from classical shell model
Transfer to ground state in 32Mg
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives g.s. occupation numbers using effective USD / SDPF-M interactions: B. H. Wildenthal, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 1, 5 (1984) T. Otsuka et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 47, 319 (2001) Transfer to ground state in 32Mg Transfer to excited 0+ state in 32Mg Transfer to ground state in 32Mg pure transfer to (f7/2)2 to small large contribution from (p3/2)2 needed (a > 0.7) SDPF-M underestimates the np3/2 content in the wave functions Transfer to excited 0+ state in 32Mg wave function similar to g.s. in 30Mg two-neutron spectroscopic amplitudes for pure sd → sd transitions cross section underestimated, small (p3/2)2 amplitude (a ≈ 0.3) a K. Wimmer et al; PRL 105, (2010)
Shape coexistence in 30Mg
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Shape coexistence in 30Mg electric monopole (E0) transition to ground state: r2(E0)= (26.2 (7.5)) x 10-3 beyond-mean-field calculations with Gogny force: two competing configurations, small mixing largely different intrinsic quadrupole deformation ground state: 1d3/2 neutrons first excited 0+ state: 1f7/2 neutrons predictions for 32Mg W. Schwerdtfeger, et al; PRL 103, (2009)
Beam quality, monitoring, quantitative composition
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Beam quality, monitoring, quantitative composition Measured with ionization chamber (ΔE-Erest) at the MINIBALL beam dump position Laser ON Laser OFF
Short term perspectives
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Short term perspectives 2011 campaign - Coulex experiments: 188;..,198Pb, 140Nd, 96Kr, 220Rn, 208Rn, 128Cd, 72Kr, 30Na, 98Sr - transfer experiments g-factor measurements Discussion of physics campaign during CERN shut down period MINIBALL workshop University of Cologne February or March March 2012. 2012 campaign 2013 CERN shut down
t(44Ar,46Ar)p – probing N=28 Weakening of N=28 closure below 48Ca?
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives t(44Ar,46Ar)p – probing N=28 Weakening of N=28 closure below 48Ca? è onset of deformation / shape coexistence? Search for the second 0+ state Identified protons g-rays in coincidence with protons Transfer to gs of 46Ar Analysis by K. Nowak, TU München) Spokesperson: K. Wimmer
Coulomb excitation of 30,32Mg
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Coulomb excitation of 30,32Mg Neutron number ‚Safe‘ energy Coulomb excitation at 2.25 MeV/u MINIBALL measures with small uncertainty B(E2) values from first excited 2+ states to ground state in 30,32Mg O. Niedermeier, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005)
30,31,32Mg, 30Na 2+ 2+ E2 E2 0+ 0+ 32Mg 30Mg 0p0h, spherical
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives 30,31,32Mg, 30Na 0p0h, spherical 2p2h (intruder) 2+ p3/2 p3/2 f7/2 f7/2 2+ E2 20 d3/2 E2 d3/2 s1/2 s1/2 0+ d5/2 d5/2 0+ 886 660 660 30Mg 32Mg 792 722 E.K. Warburton, J. A. Becker and B. A. Brown, PRC 41 (1990) 1147. T. Motobayashi, et al.; PLB 346 (1995) 9
collective properties of 31Mg
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives collective properties of 31Mg - b-decay studies of 31Mg at GANIL - shell model calculation sd-fp valence space ANTOINE code, effective interaction SDPF-NR collective properties of positive K=1/2 rotational band of 31Mg: excitation energy, quadrupole moment Q, B(E2), magnetic moment μ, B(M1) F. Maréchal et al., Phys. Rev. C 72, (2005) M. Kimura, Phys. Rev. C 75, (R) (2007)
GOSIA Coulex calculation
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives GOSIA Coulex calculation Results: one step E2 excitation decay of (5/2+,3/2+) level via M1 transition results confirms strong collective excitation - rotational sequence: 1/2+ → 3/2+ → 5/2+ B(E2, 1/2+→5/2+) = 182 e2fm4 B(M1, 5/2+→ 3/2+)=0.1 – 0.5 µn2 M. Seidlitz et al; PLB 700 (2011) 181 M. Kimura, Phys. Rev. C 75, (R) (2007)
? ? The „Island of Inversion“ Collective properties of the Na-Isotopes
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives The „Island of Inversion“ Collective properties of the Na-Isotopes (5/2+) ? (3+) ? Phys. Rev. C70, , 2004 Y. Utsuno, et al., B(E2, 3/2+ → (5/2+)) = 140 (25) e2fm4 (Hurst et al., Phys. Lett. B 674, , 2009) B(E2, 2+ → (3+)) = 147 (21) e2fm4 (Ettenauer et al., Phys. Rev. C 78, , 2008) theoretical predictions: B(E2, 3/2+ → 5/2+) = e2fm4 B(E2, 3/2+ → 7/2+) = 57 e2fm4 theoretical predictions: B(E2, 2+ → 3+) = 168 e2fm4 B(E2, 2+ → 4+) = 90 e2fm4
Coulomb excitation of 30Na, higher lying states?
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Coulomb excitation of 30Na, higher lying states? background subtracted, Doppler corrected for 30Na 30Na ((3+) → 2+) 30Na ((4+) → (3+)) 30Na ((4+) → 2+) measuring time: 80 hours beam intensity: 550 ions/sec Follow up beam time Oct. 2012 B(E2, 2+ → (4+)) = 108 (33) e2fm4 (preliminary!) theoretical predictions: B(E2, 2+ → 4+) = 90 e2fm4
GOSIA Coulex calculation
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives GOSIA Coulex calculation Results: one step E2 excitation decay of (5/2+,3/2+) level via M1 transition results confirms strong collective excitation - rotational sequence: 1/2+ → 3/2+ → 5/2+ B(E2, 1/2+→5/2+) = 182 e2fm4 B(M1, 5/2+→ 3/2+)=0.1 – 0.5 µn2 M. Seidlitz et al; PLB 700 (2011) 181 M. Kimura, Phys. Rev. C 75, (R) (2007)
Shape coexistence in 30Mg
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Shape coexistence in 30Mg electric monopole (E0) transition to ground state: r2(E0)= (26.2 (7.5)) x 10-3 beyond-mean-field calculations with Gogny force: two competing configurations, small mixing largely different intrinsic quadrupole deformation ground state: 1d3/2 neutrons first excited 0+ state: 1f7/2 neutrons predictions for 32Mg W. Schwerdtfeger, et al; PRL 103, (2009)
Short term perspectives
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Short term perspectives 2011 campaign - Coulex experiments: 188;..,198Pb, 140Nd, 96Kr, 220Rn, 208Rn, 128Cd, 72Kr, 30Na, 98Sr - transfer experiments g-factor measurements Discussion of physics campaign during CERN shut down period MINIBALL workshop University of Cologne February or March March 2012. 2012 campaign 2013 CERN shut down
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