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Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States By: Caryn Massey, Molly Groyer, Greg Branson, Armand Massimini, Yu Hao, Ying Wang, Junjie, WeiQiao Lin 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States By: Caryn Massey, Molly Groyer, Greg Branson, Armand Massimini, Yu Hao, Ying Wang, Junjie, WeiQiao Lin 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States By: Caryn Massey, Molly Groyer, Greg Branson, Armand Massimini, Yu Hao, Ying Wang, Junjie, WeiQiao Lin 1

2 Introduction  Hydraulic Fracturing: The forcing open of fissures in subterranean rocks by introducing liquid at high pressure, esp. to extract oil or gas  Advantages and disadvantages to Hydraulic Fracturing  How Hydraulic Fracturing Affects the Environment  How Hydraulic Fracturing Affects the Economy  Case Studies of Hydraulic Fracturing  Suggestions for Future Use 2

3 Literature Review  Gas is one of the major sources of heating and other energy needs  ¼ energy use in the United States  Concern for effects of Fracking Method  Fracking Developed in the 1940s, recently became a popular method for extraction of Natural Gas 3

4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydraulic Fracturing 4

5 How Hydraulic Fracturing Affects the Environment 5

6 Hazardous Chemicals in the Fracking Process  Fracturing fluid  Sand-carrying fluid  Displacing liquid  Benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene and xylene 6

7 Hydraulic Fracturing Impact on Water, Landscaping, and Earthquakes  Pollute the underground water  Consume large amounts of groundwater  Radioactive pollution  Traffic and noise pollution  Injection of fluids into deep wells  Use of reservoirs for water supplies  7

8 How Hydraulic Fracturing Affects the Economy  Most efficient way to pump natural gas from the ground  Oil price increased from $20 per barrel in 2002 to over $100 per barrel now. But natural gas is currently at 2002 prices.  An abundant supply of natural gas makes prices relatively cheap to producers and consumers  Decreases exploitation cost and increase the benefit of producers.  Good have increase number of medical bills from people that get sick from drinking fracked-contaminated water 8

9 Case Studies of Hydraulic Fracturing  In 1987, an E.P.A. report was published that indicated fracture fluid invasion into James Parson's water well in Jackson County, West Virginia  Earthquakes in United Kingdom Canada, and Japan have been linked to Hydraulic Fracturing 9

10 Suggestions for the Future  Many short-term and long-term concerns that related to human health, environmental health, and economic health  While fracking decreases the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the air, the environmental impacts on the landscapes and water are vast  Serious health-implications for people that work on fracking drilling sites as well as people that live in surrounding areas.  Consider looking into renewable energy sources as well as exploring safer means of extracting natural gas 10

11 Sources Baronzzi, C. J. (n.d.). Retrieved from 49bf-a071-0e15db8ee14a Gosden, E., Chan, S. P. (2013). Centrica strikes £10bn deal that could see us shale gas supply uk homes., Retrieved from 9951840/Centrica-strikes-10bn-deal-that-could-see-US-shale-gas-supply-UK-homes.html Geman, B. (2013). Study: Fracked gas far more climate-friendly than coal read more. The Hill, Retrieved from Heywood, P. (2012). Fracking safer and greener?. TCE: The Chemical Engineer, 42-45. Jones, S. (n.d.). Retrieved from wants-your-trash Liang, F., Sayeed, S., Ryvak, M., & Zhao, N. (2012). The role of natural gas as a primary fuel in the near future, including comparisons of acquisition, transmission and waste handling costs of as with competitive alternatives. Chemistry Central Journal, 6, 1-4. Osborn, S. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from Schemmer, J. (2013). Avoidable "fraccident": An argument against strict liability for hydraulic fracturing. 1215-1257. Retrieved from sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http:/ / 05_Schremmer_Final.pdf&ei=htyBUbDfLOrCigLJ0IGACQ&usg=AFQjCNEcgX5W5SdyXdSUduIN9wCrMxhOL Q&sig2=3O6Rul7jgerK1OYzO7gIYg&bvm=bv.45960087,d.cGE (n.d.). Retrieved from environmental-impacts-of-hydraulic-fracturing- (n.d.). Retrieved from (2013). Don't count on cheap fracked gas. Climate Rocks, Retrieved from 04/02/dont-count-on-cheap-fracked-gas/ 11

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