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TetraData EASE-e Data Analysis Suite. What is it?????? It’s a data warehouse and analysis system designed to facilitate educator accountability and improve.

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Presentation on theme: "TetraData EASE-e Data Analysis Suite. What is it?????? It’s a data warehouse and analysis system designed to facilitate educator accountability and improve."— Presentation transcript:

1 TetraData EASE-e Data Analysis Suite

2 What is it?????? It’s a data warehouse and analysis system designed to facilitate educator accountability and improve decision making process based on the data.

3 Say that again!! It is a computer program designed to get information quickly and acuurately regarding test scores, student demographics, teacher information and a variety of other topics that we will look at shortly.

4 What is a data warehouse system?? It is a computer system off site that holds data. Our data (test scores, student demographics,teacher information, etc.) is all entered through delta.

5 You cannot change the data once it is in the warhouse. The only way it can be changed is through the delta system. In the near future this information will be updated on a daily basis.

6 ODE Schools Offices Testing Co Delta Data warehouse

7 Who does it involve?? It involves you. And a lot of others.

8 When??? The version that you will be trained on is not available yet but should be in the next couple of months. It will be called CLASSROOM ANALYZER. Specifically you will only be able to look at data from your class and run different reports from this data.

9 Some examples: Student profile reports (see p ) Student ranking reports Test detail reports : Proficiency, TerraNova, Harcourt, etc

10 Please refer to page at this time to see other availabe reports that you will eventually learn how to run.

11 Where???? You will be able to acess this program from any computer that has internet access. There are both PC and Mac versions. You will each have your own password but information is only available regarding your class.

12 Why???? It is a way to get information that can be used to help make decisions about your students. You can look at band students, below band students, what areas they are having difficulties in such as extended response, patterns, etc.

13 Examples of reports available to you!! Please refer to page of your packet.

14 How??? There are certain reports that are availbale districtwide. See p.. These are a few examples. There are also ways to create customized reorts that are specific to your school. John ande myself have atteneded training and are very slowly learning how to run these.

15 Queries!! It is basically a question. This is the first procedure for looking at your data and trying to run one of these reports. The easiset way is to write it down. What is a query?

16 Examples: I need a count of my student population by grade and gender for 2002-2003. How many students are in each proficiency level in the 4 th grade OPT in reading for 02-03 and 03-04?

17 Examples Cont. I need a count of students by name that met standard (basic,proficient,advanced) and those that didn’t meet standard (below basic) on the 4 th grade opt in math for 2002-2003.

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