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Non-interactive key establishment in mobile ad hoc networks ► Li, Zhenjiang; Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J.J. ► Ad Hoc Networks Volume: 5, Issue: 7, September,

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Presentation on theme: "Non-interactive key establishment in mobile ad hoc networks ► Li, Zhenjiang; Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J.J. ► Ad Hoc Networks Volume: 5, Issue: 7, September,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-interactive key establishment in mobile ad hoc networks ► Li, Zhenjiang; Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J.J. ► Ad Hoc Networks Volume: 5, Issue: 7, September, 2007, pp. 1194-1203 97/10/27 H.-H. Ou

2 Introduction  NIKAP (non-interactive key agreement and progression protocol)  SCK (Self-certified key) cryptosystem  H. Petersen, P. Horster, Self-certified keys – concepts and applications, in: Third Conference of Communications and Multimedia Security, Athens, September 1997.  centralized authority (CA) only at the initiation intervention.  Proposed  S-NIKAP  A-NIKAP  AOSR (Ad hoc on-demand secure routing protocol) 200810/272H.-H. Ou

3 SCK 200810/27H.-H. Ou3  Initialization  A centralized authority (CA), Z  P, q are large primes with q|(p-1) (i.e., q is a prime factor of p-1)  K A єZ q * is a random where Z q * is a multiplicative subgroup with order q and generator σ.  (x Z,y Z ) is the Z’s (private, public) key pair generates by itself.  Z computes the ID A ’s signature parameter  guarantee r A = σ KA (mod p)  private key x A =S A = x Z ·h(ID A, r A ) + k A (mod q)  Node A publishes r A and ID A  A’s public can be computed by any node  y A =y Z h(IDA, rA) ·r A (mod p)  (x A, y A ) can denote as the initial key pair (x A0, y A0 )

4 SCK 200810/27H.-H. Ou4  User-controlled key pair progression  Node A can update its (private, public) key pair as (x At, y At ) in time inteval (t· △ T, (t+1)· △ T)  Node A can choose n random K At єZ q * where 1 ≦ t ≦ n  compute guarantees r At = σ KAt (mod p) then publishes  Private key can progresses as  x At = x A0 ·h(ID A, r At ) + k At (mod q)  The corresponding public keys can be computed according to  y At =y A0 h(IDA, rAt) ·r At (mod p)

5 SCK 200810/27H.-H. Ou5  Non-interactive pairwise key agreement and progression  Node A  x At = x A0 ·h(ID A, r At ) + k At (mod q)  y Bt =y B0 h(IDB, rBt) ·r Bt (mod p)  k At = y Bt xAt (mode p)  K t = h(k At )  Node B  x Bt = x B0 ·h(ID B, r Bt ) + k Bt (mod q)  y At =y A0 h(IDA, rAt) ·r At (mod p)  k Bt = y At xBt (mode p)  K t = h(k Bt )

6 S-NIKAP & A-NIKAP 200810/27H.-H. Ou6

7 AOSR (Ad hoc on-demand secure routing protocol) 200810/27H.-H. Ou7  Route request initialization  RREQ ={RREQ, S, D, QNum, HC, {NodeList}, QMAC S,D }  HC =0, {NodeList}=Null  QMAC S,D = Hash(CORE, HC, {NodeList}, K S,D )  CORE = Hash(RREQ, S, D; QNum, K S,D )  Route request forwarding (Node N i )  Checking Qnum and {NodeList}  HC=HC+1, {NodeList}= {NodeList}+N i-1  Update QMAC S,D as QMAC i,D = Hash(QMAC i-1,D, HC, {NodeList}, K i,D )

8 AOSR (Ad hoc on-demand secure routing protocol) 200810/27H.-H. Ou8  Check RREQ at destination D    Route maintenance  CORE = Hash(RERR, N i, S, D; RNum, K i,s )

9 Conclusions 200810/27H.-H. Ou9  Non-interactive key establishment and the succeeding key progression (rekeying process).  S-NIKAP & A –NIKAP  SCK  Application  AOSR

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