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75th SEG Houston Technical Standards Committee meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "75th SEG Houston Technical Standards Committee meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 75th SEG Houston Technical Standards Committee meeting

2 75th SEG Houston SEGD & SPS Revision Goals Establish consistency between SEGD and SPS – Source line and source point numbers – Receiver line and receiver point numbers – File numbers Handle “large” file numbers Handle “large” channel counts consistent with modern recording systems Maintain 80 column format of current SPS Maintain limited backwards compatibility

3 75th SEG Houston SPS Review

4 75th SEG Houston SPS X (relational file) relational record specification Itemdefinition of fieldcolsformatmin. to maxdefaultjust. 1record identification 1 – 1 1 - 1 A1 "x" nonen/a record identifier: unchanged. 2field tape number 2 – 7 2 - 7 3A2 free noneright field tape number: unchanged *3field record number 8 – 11 8 - 15 I4 I8 0 to 9999 0 to 16777216 noneright field record number: expanded to i8 to be compatible with SEGD. 4field record increment 12 – 12 16 - 16 I1 1 to 9 1right field record increment: unchanged. 5instrument code 13 – 13 17 - 17 A1 1 to 9 1right instrument code: unchanged. 6line name 14 – 29 18 - 27 4A4 F10.2 free -999999.99 to 9999999.99 noneleft line name: to be compatible with the SEGD format. 7point number 30 – 37 28 - 37 2A4 F10.2 free -999999.99 to 9999999.99 noneright point number to be compatible with the SEGD format. 8point index 38 – 38 38 - 38 I1 1 to 9 1right point index: unchanged

5 75th SEG Houston SPS X (relational file) Cont’d *9from channel 39 – 42 39 - 43 I4 I5 1 to 9999 1 to 99999 noneright from channel: format changed from i4 to i5, to handle larger channel counts (100000 actives channels) *10to channel 43 – 46 44 - 48 I4 I5 1 to 9999 1 to 99999 noneright to channel: format changed from i4 to i5, to handle larger channel counts (100000 actives channels) 11channel increment 47 – 47 49 - 49 I1 1 to 9 1right channel increment: unchanged. 12line name 48 – 63 50 - 59 4A4 F10.2 free -999999.99 to 9999999.99 noneleft line name: to be compatible with the SEGD format. 13from receiver 64 – 71 60 - 69 2A4 F10.2 free -999999.99 to 9999999.99 noneright from receiver: to be compatible with the SEGD format. 14to receiver 72 – 79 70 - 79 2A4 F10.2 free -999999.99 to 9999999.99 noneright to receiver: to be compatible with the SEGD format. 15receiver index 80 -80 I1 1 to 9 1right receiver index: unchanged.

6 75th SEG Houston SPS S & R (Point file) (source and receiver)point record specification definition of fieldcolsformatmin. to maxdefaultjust.units record identification 1-1 A1 “s” or “r” nonen/a record identification: unchanged. line name 2-17 2-11 4A4 F10.2 free -999999.99 to 9999999.99 noneleft line number: to be compatible with the SEGD format. point number 18-25 12-21 2A4 F10.2 free -999999.99 to 9999999.99 noneright point number: to be compatible with the SEGD format. point index26-26I11 to 91right point index: All other fields remain the same

7 75th SEG Houston SEGD Review

8 75th SEG Houston SEGD Review File number Use of the extended file number currently available should suffice until SEG-E 1 – 16,777,216 Channel number Use multiple channel sets - 9999 channels per set X,Y,Z and T and flag To permit the recording of individual vibrator locations for individual sweeps for HFVS and similar vibrator operations.Since the recorded vibrator signals (BP, RM & GF) will be recorded in the auxiliary channels we propose recording the position information in the aux channel headers. The flag (pre-plan, surveyed, actual…..) can also be recorded in the header. Uphole time Should be recorded in the auxiliary channel header that corresponds to the recorded uphole signal (0 – 99ms to be consistent with SPS) General Header Needs to include all topographical survey information required for correct positioning: datums, map projections, transformations, etc … Or.. Use reference to database from PetroConsultants

9 75th SEG Houston Thank you for your attention

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