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Primary FOBISIA Games Parent Meeting Tuesday 18 th November.

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1 Primary FOBISIA Games Parent Meeting Tuesday 18 th November

2 FOBISIA Federation of British International Schools in Asia Established in 1988 45 member schools Provide member schools with a number of student events The biggest event on their calendar is the FOBISIA Games!

3 A1 Primary FOBISIA Games The Primary Fobisia Games are split into several divisions. This year we have been included in the A1 division which is to be hosted by Shrewsbury International School Bangkok. Competition takes place over three days: 15 th – 17 th of May 2015

4 Itinerary Thursday 14 th May – Travel to Bangkok Friday 15 th May – Swimming and Athletics Saturday 16 th May – Tee Ball Sunday 17 th May – Football Monday 18 th May – Travel to Shanghai

5 A1 Primary FOBISIA Games Schools taking part: – Shrewsbury International School Bangkok – Tanglin Trust Singapore – Bangkok Patana – Alice Smith Kuala Lumpur – Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

6 Primary FOBISIA Games The format has changed this year and there will be no Under 9 (Year 4) involvement. We will be selecting a team of 40 students: – 10 boys and 10 girls from Year 5 eligible if born on or after August 1st 2004 – 10 boys and 10 girls from Year 6 eligible if born on or after July 1st 2003 Athletes compete in all four sports

7 Swimming Separate Year 5 and Year 6 competitions with A, B and C races. A and B races will count towards the competition but C races will not. The idea is that more team members will be able to participate but wont have the pressure of competition. Team based swim gala with points allocated depending on the position that they finish in their race. Each team member must take part in at least one event up to a maximum of six.

8 Swimming Events Freestyle: 50m (A / B), 200 relay (A) Breaststroke: 50m (A / B), 25m (C) Backstroke: 50m (A / B), 25m (C) Butterfly: 50m (A / B), 25m (C) Individual medley: 200m (A / B), 100m (C) Tyre Relay: Year 5 and Year 6 teams

9 Athletics Separate Year 5 and Year 6 competitions. Athletes must enter a minimum of two and a maximum of five of the following events: Track 60, 100, 200, 400, 800m (A / B / C) 4 x 100m (A / B) Field long jump, standing triple, shot put, discus, javelin (A / B / C) High jump, shuttle relay (A / B)

10 Tee Ball Is a modified game of soft ball / baseball where the ball is hit from a stationary tee. The game is played over two innings each in which everyone on the team bats. Runs are scored in the same style as baseball i.e. by making it around the diamond. Fielders do not use mitts / gloves so there is an emphasis on catching and fielding

11 Tee Ball The 40 student squad will be split into four mixed teams with an equal split of 5 boys and 5 girls respectively Teams will be selected on the students ability and therefore be differentiated into four ability levels. The teams will then play in the following divisions: Championship, Cup, Plate and Bowl Each team will play five matches

12 Football Boys and Girls will have separate football tournaments Teams will be split into ability based squads of 10 and will play seven a side matches The A squad will play in the Championship and the B squad will play in the Cup Teams will play five matches that will be ten minutes each way, with a two minute half time – (100 minutes of football in a day)

13 Games Information The team will be chaperoned by at least 5 members of staff Competitors from all the schools stay in hotel accommodation as chosen by the host school Unfortunately parents cannot stay in the same hotel. We usually have a parent rep who will help with arranging accommodation for parents If there happens to be any civil unrest in Bangkok in the lead up to the competition, a decision will be made by College management as to whether we travel or not

14 Costs Costs are only approximate at this stage! Usually around 7500RMB for the five days Costs include: – Return flights to Bangkok including taxes – Transportation to and from DCS and from hotel to Shrewsbury International School – Accommodation – All food and snacks – Fobisia team pack: water bottle, back pack and cap – Gala dinner

15 Payments and Due Dates Fobisia deposit – Non refundable – On selection 3000RMB – 27 th January selection announced – Remaining Payments: – 2 nd Payment 2000RMB – Friday the 27 th of March – Final Payment (TBC) – Friday the 24 th of April

16 Training Requirements Primary FOBISIA is a big commitment! We will have four training sessions per week Training times: Football: Tuesday 3.45 –5:00pm Athletics: Thursday 3:45 – 5:00pm Swimming: Friday 6.45 – 7:45am Tee Ball: Friday 3:45 – 5:00pm Some Saturdays will also be required to ensure we are preforming at our best

17 Trials Football, tee ball and athletics @ DCS: Saturday the 17 th of January and Saturday the 24 th of January (times TBC) Swim trials @ the German Centre: Year 5: Wednesday 14 th January 3:30 – 5:00 Year 6: Wednesday 21 st January 3:30 – 5:00 Supervised transport will be provided to and from the German Centre returning at approximately 5:45

18 Team Selection This is an incredibly difficult process and something that we put a lot of time and thought into Selection is based on a number of criteria including the overall balance of the team As everyone competes in all four sports we are looking for all round athletes who can compete well across all of the sports We are looking for team players who will interact positively with their team mates

19 Factors we are looking at in trials Football: Control of the ball, passing ability, game understanding / tactical awareness, team play Tee Ball: Striking ability, ground fielding, catching, throwing accuracy, game awareness Athletics / Swimming: Times / distances, technique

20 When will you find out about selection Parents will be emailed team selection on Tuesday the 27 th of January Team posted at school on Wednesday the 28 th of January

21 Registration for Trials We certainly feel that all students benefit from the process of trying out across the four sports whether they make the final team or not Please register your child for trials by using the online sign up sheet that you can find under the sport section on the school website. Any questions – please feel free to email me:

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