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Building Trainer Competency for Secondary/Tertiary Systems Don Kincaid, University of South Florida Kimberli Breen, Illinois PBIS Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Trainer Competency for Secondary/Tertiary Systems Don Kincaid, University of South Florida Kimberli Breen, Illinois PBIS Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Trainer Competency for Secondary/Tertiary Systems Don Kincaid, University of South Florida Kimberli Breen, Illinois PBIS Network

2 Session Objectives This session will cover two state-wide models for training trainers and assisting others in becoming fluent TA providers. Florida Illinois

3 BLUEPRINT FOR SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Blueprint will be organized around four major foci: Trainers Technical Assistance (“coaching”) Training Content and Delivery District/Region/State Implementation /Professional Development Planning We’ll also be discussing Evaluation

4 Why is Training of Trainers Key?

5 Challenges in Transforming Training to Practice Training staff in content without district support/agreement to change related tools/practices/policy – Ex. Training in FBA/BIP but district doesn’t have a comprehensive FBA/BIP process that works Only having access to audience for 1, 2, 3 sessions – Ex. Local coop/agency thinks their staff only need to ‘hear it’ once or twice and then they can train Training trainers who don’t intend to implement/use the tools/materials themselves, but only to train others on them – Ex. Training on the Competing Behavior Pathway when a person has never used the tool

6 Past Practice Regional or state-level training – Trainings titled as one-shot (ex. Day 1 Targeted, Day 2 Targeted) Primarily teachers/practitioners in attendance Great when principals came to training; rarely had Director of SpEd, Asst. Sups., Coaches’ supervisors TA provided at building-level with only some district level TA Coaching recommended (not required)

7 Current Strategies: Illinois District support necessary to change practice Memorandum of Agreement District Leadership Team Coaching required; allocated FTE, especially for Tier 2/3 support In-district training & TA – Audiences of: ALL Principals, ALL SWs/Psychs, etc. TOTs for our Trainers & District Coaches (in-training) Trainings: Regional, semi-regional, in-district, go-to-mtgs. TA thru on-going: go-to-mtgs., conference calls, network/coaches mtgs., scheduled in-district & regional TA sessions

8 Current Strategies: Florida Tier 2 Must have District Action Plan Schools must identify “readiness” for Tier 2 – Tier 1 fidelity, student outcomes, classroom implementation, etc. Used to do local or giant annual training - 1 day, 1 strategy Training team would include subset of Tier 1 team ToTs with experienced District Coordinators Moved to a web-based training format Tier 3 Must have a separate District Action Planning process for Tier 3 Do not provide training initially Technical assistance provided to evaluate: – Process, Products, Practices, Outcomes, etc. Establish effective district system and process to support evidence- based practice prior to training. Training is not didactic in nature – Content, practice, systems, collaboration, capacity to coach, etc.

9 Florida: Structure for Training Most Tier 2 training and TA provided via Adobe Connect Modules are self-contained and result in permanent product and action plan Individuals or teams can go through module Initial module is open to any team or member Based on “scores” PBS staff permission to move to next module

10 Florida Curricula Are you ready for Tier 2? – Assessment of current supports/decision points Providing Classroom Consultation – now in Tier 1 Identifying students who need Tier 2 Progress monitoring Measuring the fidelity of implementation Making decisions and selecting interventions Introduction to BEP

11 Illinois: Structure for Training Training for schools – Series of trainings that can be repeated (ex. S100) – Standardized format so easier to teach all trainings once fluent with one – Modeled for Coaches so they can train in future Training for district level personnel – All SWs/Psychs in one district come together – District Forums for District Leadership Teams Training designed for District Coaches Training Trainers and TA providers

12 Structure for Coaching Internal to school (Internal Coaches) External Coaches provided by district (community agencies or Cooperatives) – Requires allocated FTE Regional/state Trainers & TA providers – Transition from support: to schools, to Internal Coaches, to External Coaches Alignment with blueprint/national center All of the above for coaching at: – Tier 1, 2 & 3

13 Number of Illinois Districts Adopting PBIS and Number of External Coaches as of June 30, 2009

14 FY05, only 28% of the data support for Tier 3 was led by district staff FY09, 100% of the Tier 3 plans supported by the online Tier 3 data system was provided by district social workers and other district personnel. Developing Tier 3: Demo Districts Build Capacity

15 Tertiary Demos Sites Assume Responsibility for Data

16 Structure for Evaluation School outcome & process data District outcome & process data State/network outcome & process data Process data must be emphasized; illustrates if interventions are happening, effective etc. Emphasis on USE and Ownership (schools/districts must use their own data, collect it for internal evaluation, value it)


18 Florida’s Evaluation at Tiers 2 and 3 Progress monitoring forms on website State-wide database that measures: – ODRs – Minor incident reports – Progress monitoring data (DPR, BRS) – Screening/Nomination data – Classroom Observation Form – Data integrity – Fidelity measures – PIC, BOQ, BAT – Academic data

19 Florida Tier 3 Process Formation of a district leadership team responsible for coordinating Tier 3 Evaluation conducted by FLPBS-RTIB of the district’s current Tier 3 processes and products – An interview process is conducted with the Tier 3 leadership team to evaluate the district’s current Tier 3 process – The district agrees to submit five to ten recently completed FBA/BIPs to be assessed for technical adequacy Meeting with PBS-RtIB and the Tier 3 district leadership team to share results of process and product evaluation Facilitation of the development of a long-term action plan with goals and activities to address areas needing improvement. Regularly scheduled follow-up meetings to evaluate progress on action plan and determine next steps

20 Florida Tier 3 Training Will utilize newly developed and approved district process and products May have some web and didactic training Will involve direct coaching of district personnel to implement process and use products – Evaluation of knowledge, consultation skills, systems support, etc. Evaluation of staff competencies will parallel systems supports (student outcomes, fidelity of impementation, etc.)

21 Contacts: National Website: Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project Phone: (813) 974-7684 Fax: (813) 974-6115 Email: State Website: Illinois-PBIS Network Phone: (708) 482-4860 Fax: (708) 482-4875 Email: State Website:

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