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Published byEmmalee Spurrier Modified over 10 years ago
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE – CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 1 SC - B3 “Substations” Design, construction, maintenance and ongoing management of substations and electrical installations in power stations (excluding generators) CNC CIGRE MEETING SC - B3 “Substations” October 2, 2009 Toronto Presented by: Toly Messinger
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 2 Study Committee B3 - Organization
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 3 AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” WG B3.11 - Combining Innovation with Standardisation (Convener: John Finn - UK) Objective: l To investigate benefits of innovative (new technologies and arrangements) and conservative (proved standardized designs) approaches and to try to find ways in which the benefits of these two apparently contradictory philosophies can be combined for future, l Identification of benefits from innovation and benefits from standardization (questionnaire), l Analysis of commonality and conflict between the two philosophies l Recommendation on combination of the two philosophies and on methods for dealing with the perceived conflicts. Analysis of the areas of commonality and conflict between the two philosophies Recommend ways in which the benefits of both approaches may be combined and methods for dealing with the perceived conflicts. Disseminate the results through a report and/or papers and through presentation during relevant events Activities: An ELECTRA report has been published in the October 2006 issue. A questionnaire has been prepared and issued. Replies have been collected and they are being analysed. Combining Innovation with Standardization – brochure – December 2009, Canadian Participation: Mr. Serge Fortin - Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Ms. Anne-Marie Sahazizian - HydroOne
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 4 AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” WG B3.12 - Obtaining Value from Substation Condition Monitoring (Convener: Arthur J Mackrell - UK) Objective: l Identify available condition monitoring devices, detail benefits claimed for these, identify factors to be considered in answering the question ‘will this device be cost-effective?’, derive algorithms to facilitate decision and what aspects of condition monitoring will provide real benefits l Investigate condition monitoring systems currently available (stand alone as well as integrated in protection and control systems) and analyze factors for optimum solution for an individual utility, Attempt to derive an algorithm combining the various factors to assist utilities in making the decision on which aspects of condition monitoring will provide real benefits as opposed to those which simply can be monitored. Disseminate the results through a report and/or paper(s) and through presentation during relevant events Activities: Questionnaires analyzed and incorporated into chapters of Technical Brochure. 75% complete, publication in Electra scheduled for end-of-2009. Brochure scheduled for end-of-2010. Difficulties: Traveling approvals for members from their companies. Canadian participation: unknown.
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 5 AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” WG B3.13: Reducing replacement time of HV Equipment (Convener: François Gallon - France) Objective: l To investigate engineering concepts, equipment assemblies and working methods to reduce considerably outages for HV equipment replacement (de-regulated market requirements), Identify the trends of the replacement policies, taking into account the life cycle of HV equipment presently on the market, skills of the workforce and comparative cost for repair versus replacement Identify engineering concepts which may facilitate the replacement in the future, Identify working methods (for example live working, by-passes..) in order to optimize the outage time and the associated intervention cost. Activities : Meetings in Dublin (Apr 2006), Paris (Aug 2006), Milan (Mar 2007), Berlin (Sep 2007), Paris (Aug 2008). Questionnaire has been prepared and released in summer 2007, 35 replies obtained. Results, structure and presentation discussed during last meeting. Some sections and study cases available. Electra report – late 2009. Reducing replacement time of HV equipment – brochure – late 2009. Canadian participation: unknown
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 6 AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” AA 1: Advisory Area “Concepts and Developments” WG B3.26: Guidelines for the Design and Construction of AC Offshore Substations for Wind Farms (Convener: John Finn - UK) Objective: Identify key issues which impact on design and construction of AC offshore substations Provide constructive guidelines to designers, developers and constructors to assist them with these issues. Activities : First meeting in Malaga (Mar 2009). Structure of brochure completed, initial chapters in progress. Electra article scheduled for summer 2010. Brochure – mid 2011. Canadian participation: unknown
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 7 AA 2 : Advisory Area “Gas Insulated Substations” The advisory area covers all aspects of design, construction, operation, maintenance and life- cycle management of the primary installations of gas insulated substations and gas insulated lines. WG B3-17 Residual life concepts HV GIS (Convener - Chris Jones) New task on “Guide for the preparation of residual life concepts” has been completed, Working draft has been prepared, Canadian Participation: Toly Messinger – BCTC - corresponding member. Publications: Evolution of GIS into 21st century – final version – September 2006, Residual Life Concepts – brochure - May 2007 GIS – State of the Art 2008 – September 2009 ready for submission to SC.
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 8 AA 2 : Advisory Area “Gas Insulated Substations” WG B3-18 - SF6 Tightness Guide (Convener: Peter Glaubitz, Germany) This WG has close cooperation with IEC and IEEE: Contributions to IEC 62271-303 and 62271-203, as well as IEEE P1712/D1 “Guide for SF6 Handling for HV Equipment. New working items: SF6 analysis for equipment condition assessment, Extension and maintenance issues on existing SF6 equipment, Direct connection between GIS and Transformer/cable, Use of alternative gases in factory tests to reduce SF6 emissions. End of life treatment of SF6 electric power equipment Activities: SF6 tightness guide – latest draft September 2008. Meetings: Erlangen (Germany) - Sep.2008, Lodi (Italy) – Nov. 2008, Baden-Daettwil (Switzerland) – Jan.2009, Berlin – March 2009, Oslo – May 2009. WG B3-20 - Mixed Technologies Switchgear (Convener: Wolfgang Degen, Germany) Study and comparison of advantages/disadvantages of MTS with AIS and GIS. Canadian Participation: Two Canadian Representative in this WG – Ms. A.M. Sahazizian, HydroOne, Mr. Toly Messinger, BCTC. Activities: Last meeting in Italy (Nov 2008). The brochure was published in Aug 2009 MTS Information – paper Electra – 2006/2007 AIS/MTS/GIS Comparison – paper Electra Aug 2009,
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 10 AA 2 : Advisory Area “Gas Insulated Substations” WG B3-22 – Technical Requirements for Substations Exceeding 800 kV (Convener: Takeshi Yokota - Japan) This WG started in 2008 Objective: Review current knowledge and experience for UHV technology Cooperate with other CIGRE SC’s on AIS, GIS and MTS apparatus in UHV substations. Identify points of agreement between UHV substation and apparatus design. Identify and document best practices for maintenance of UHV substations. Canadian Participation: Unknown Activities: Meetings: Paris – Aug 2008, Gurgan (India) - Sep 2008, Sunninghill (South Africa) Dec 2008, Gurgan (India) - Jan 2009, Tokyo (Japan) Mar 2009. Deliverables: Brochure ready, to be published by Dec 2009. Electra paper published in Sep 2009. Slide 10
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 11 AA 2 : Advisory Area “Gas Insulated Substations” WG B3-25 - SF6 analysis for AIS, GIS and MTS condition assessment (Convener: Eamonn Duggan, Ireland) This WG has been started very recently Objective: Study of insulating gas analysis to identify clues regarding location of internal flashover faults, wear of contacts or Teflon cones, avoidance of unnecessary internal inspection of HV switchgear equipment. Determine the characteristics of the GIS that influence the content of gas samples and which gas components are most relevant in the insulating gas analysis. Recommend the most appropriate test methods and instruments to use in insualting gas analysis. Canadian Participation: Two Canadian Representative in this WG – Mr. Toly Messinger, BCTC., Mr. Nobby Fujimoto, Kinectrics. Activities: First meeting: Dublin (Ireland) - Jun.2009. Next meeting: Babenhausen (Germany) – Nov. 2009, Baden (Switzerland) - Apr 2010. Deliverables: Brochure and short report in Electra paper by end of 2011
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 12 AA 3 : Advisory Area “AIS Substations” This advisory area covers all aspects of design, operation, maintenance and life- cycle management of the primary installations of air insulated substations Specific subjects of expertise of this AA include: Design philosophy, Physical security, Environmental aspects, Renewal of existing AIS‘s, Management of shared substations, Mixed technology substations, in cooperation with AA2, Commissioning, Design quality control, Cost efficiencies of AIS The following WG/TF’s operate under the guidance of AA3: WG B3-15 - Cost Reductions of AIS (Convener: Koji Kawakita - Japan) Canadian Participation: Three Canadian Representatives in this WG Mrs. Anne-Marie Sahazizian – Hydro One, Mr. Toly Messinger – BCTC, Mr. Tibor Kertesz – Hydro One, Objective: To produce a set of guidelines for effective and efficient design, construction, and commissioning processes to minimize re-designs, re-works, and multiple checks and to present cost reduction opportunities achieved by using pre-engineered, pre-fabricated, pre- tested integrated equipment and installations typical for AIS, Activities: Brochure was published in 2009.
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 14 AA 3 : Advisory Area “AIS Substations” WG B3-21 – Turnkey Substations (Convener: Tibor Kertesz - Canada) Canadian Participation: Three Canadian Representatives in this WG Mrs. Anne-Marie Sahazizian – Hydro One, Mr. Toly Messinger – BCTC, Mr. Tibor Kertesz – Hydro One, Objective: Development of guidelines for turnkey air-insulated substation projects involving construction of new substations, refurbishment and/or replacement of existing ones, focusing on increased availability and optimum project schedule. Contractor qualification/certification requirements. Review of experience with turnkey projects for AIS, documenting do’s and don’ts in case studies. Activities: Started in Berlin in Sep 2007, Draft was discussed in Prague (May 2007) and revised by the Canadian representatives during summer. Meeting in Paris (Aug 2008), Nagoya (Apr 2009) and Madrid (Aug 2009) reviewed latest draft. Minor clarifications outstanding. Deliverables: Electra paper and brochure will be published before 2010 Paris meeting,
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 15 AA 3 : Advisory Area “AIS Substations” WG B3-23 – Guidelines for Uprating and Upgrading of Substations (Convener: Hiroshi Imagawa - Japan) Canadian Participation: Two Canadian Representatives in this WG, Mr. Toly Messinger – BCTC, Mr. Tibor Kertesz – Hydro One, Objective: Development of guidelines for uprating and upgrading air-insulated substations at each stage of planning, engineering, basic design, detailed design and project execution. Activities: Started in Paris in Aug 2008, Draft submissions were discussed in Nagoya (Apr 2009) and Madrid (Aug 2009). Case studies assigned. Next meeting in Dublin (May 2010). Deliverables: Electra paper scheduled before Paris meeting in Aug 2010 Technical brochure will be published by end of 2011,
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE - CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 16 My activities as SC B3 Canadian Representative Active participation in the following WG’s: SC B3.15 – Cost Reductions in AIS substations – in addition to providing several chapters of the brochure and case studies, I and the other Canadian Representative (Mr. Tibor Kertesz – Hydro One), edited the entire brochure before publication. SC B3.20 – Evaluation of Different Switchgear Technologies (MTS, GIS, AIS) for Voltages > 52kV- in addition to providing a chapter of the brochure and case studies, I edited the entire brochure before publication. SC B3.21 – Turnkey Substations – in addition to providing several chapters of the brochure and case studies, I and the other Canadian Representative, edited the entire brochure before publication. SC B3.23 – Uprating and Upgrading Air-insulated substations – in addition to providing a chapter of the brochure and case studies, I and the other Canadian Representative, will edited the entire brochure before publication. SC B3.25 – SF6 Gas Analysis – corresponding member. Due to restraints imposed by my employer paid my own way to participate to the last two WG meetings Contacts with other Canadian CIGRE members: Disseminating information on CIGRE WG’s to other members. Recommending new Canadian members to WG’s. Providing comments on ToR’s for new WG’s to the SC B3 Chairman and other Study C-tee members. Published brochures/Electra articles with my name as contributor: Brochure # 390 – Evaluation of Different Switchgear Technologies. Brochure # 354 – Guidelines to Cost Reductions in AIS. Electra issue of Aug 2009 - Evaluation of Different Switchgear Technologies. Brochure on Turnkey Substations – by end of 2009. Slide 16
Study Committee SC B3 CIGRE – CNC Toronto, October 2, 2009 Slide 17 CIGRE SC-B3 Paris Session 2010 – Preferential Subjects New techniques/new design in substations Substations under strong constraints due to footprint and environment (severe climatic conditions). EHV/UHV substations Design and construction of substations for off-shore wind farms GIL as solution for mega-cities, off-shore connections and large structures (bridges and tunnels) Benefits of condition monitoring for decision support Existing substations, new challenges Residual life estimation – risk assessment, replacement, refurbishment options Uprating of substations and existing equipment to increase network capacity Technical solutions for extension of substations on existing footprint Reducing the impact of substations on the environment and vice versa New secondary system challenges in substations Experience with the shorter lifetime of secondary equipment compared with primary equipment Impact of “smart-grids” on substation design Practical experience with IEC 61850 as process bus in relation to life time issues
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