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Active and Experiential Learning of Library Presented by Theo Bee Leng, Dept of Mathematics & Science Cher Sen Keuk, Singapore Polytechnic.

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Presentation on theme: "Active and Experiential Learning of Library Presented by Theo Bee Leng, Dept of Mathematics & Science Cher Sen Keuk, Singapore Polytechnic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active and Experiential Learning of Statistics @ Library Presented by Theo Bee Leng, Dept of Mathematics & Science Cher Sen Keuk, Singapore Polytechnic Library Pablo Tan, Educational Development Unit Slide 1 8 June 2009

2 2 Content of Delivery 1.Objectives & CDIO Compliance 2.Learning Theory & Implementation 3.Students’ Findings 4.Creation of Workspace 5.Video

3 3 Objectives -Active engagement to reflect on subject content -1 st hand experience in data collection -Sharpen research skills -Develop confidence for classroom sharing

4 4 Participants 51 first year students from -Diploma in Computer Engineering - Diploma in Information Communication Technology

5 5 CDIO Standard 6 & 8 - Structure learning space into class time periods - Lessons in the Media Viewing Room - Video for group reflection & peer review - Students embark on experiential learning

6 6 Learning Theory Theory of action/reflection learning (Dilworth,1998) L = P + Q + R L : Learn by doing P : Programmed Knowledge Q: Questioning R: Reflection

7 7 (A) Most preferred library materials e.g. Periodicals/DVDs and music CDs (B) Most preferred library facilities e.g. PC facilities/study facilities /loan facilities (C) No. of hours male users spent weekly in library (D) No. of hours female users spent weekly in library Implementation

8 8 Active & Experiential Learning Group C & D Construct Stem-and- leaf Diagrams Group A & B Data Analysis using mean, median & mode Lecturer As Facilitator Interview library Users, Group Viewing & Reflection

9 9 Findings by Group A & B Most Preferred Library Materials - DVD (entertaining) - Followed by Music CDs & Periodicals Most Preferred - Study facilities (conducive for learning) - Followed by PC & Loan Facilities

10 10 Findings by Group C & D - Females go there to study Male & Female Users share same usage pattern - Males go there during break times - Findings similar to Group B (study facilities as most preferred choice) - Spent average of 3 hours per week in the library

11 11 Creating Workspace for Learning (Freeman, 2005) The library functioned as an extension of the classroom for students -engage in collaborative learning - refine their critical thinking

12 12 Ready stream of library users to conduct face-to-face interviews Rich resources facilitate teaching & learning Library was chosen : Provide workspace for experiential learning & group sharing

13 13 Conclusion -innovative way of learning outside classroom - experiential learning reinforce understanding - heighten interest in learning statistics - enhance confidence in social interaction

14 Video on “Active & Experiential Learning of Statistics @ Library 14

15 Extra slides after this point. 15

16 16 Back-to-Back Stem-and-leaf diagram Compare 2 data sets Data Measures of Central Tendency Frequency Table are organized into Grouped Frequency Table are used to calculate ModeMedianMean Sensitive to NOT sensitive to Sensitive to Change in Frequency Extreme Values or Outliers

17 17 Which is the best representative of the data set: 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 10 and 1? (a) mean(b) median(c) mode(d) all of them TomStemJane 2 113 2 5 622 5 1 1 133 4 5 x45 5 7 (a)How many tests did they each participate in? (b)If Tom ’ s highest score was 3 less than Jane ’ s highest score, find the value of x. (c) Which score occurred most often? Key: Tom - 2 | 1 rep 12 marks Jane - 2 | 5 rep 25 marks

18 18 I understand and am able to....YesNoNot sure (i)interpret and analyse stem-and-leaf diagram (ii)find the mean, median and mode from a set of values (iii)find the mean, median and mode from a frequency table (iv)calculate the mean and standard deviation for group data (v)distinguish the purpose and use of mean, median and mode Comments (if any)

19 19 Salary Range Number of Employees Company ACompany BCompany C < $20 000 0116 $20 000 - $30 000 24621 $30 000 - $40 000 933122 $40 000 - $50 000 51815 $50 000 - $60 000 028 $60 000 - $70 000 025 >= $70 000 0012 Mean $35 000 $45 000 Median $35 000$33 700$37 400 Mode $35 000$31 100$25 900 Comment on the profile of each company

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