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From phonon bottleneck to single photon T.M. Hsu Department of Physics National Central University.

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Presentation on theme: "From phonon bottleneck to single photon T.M. Hsu Department of Physics National Central University."— Presentation transcript:

1 From phonon bottleneck to single photon T.M. Hsu Department of Physics National Central University

2 Phonon b ottlen eck 1.Phonon assisted carrier relaxation in QD is ineffective 2.Laser application of QD is questionable

3 QD Physics is important Exp.ResultRemark PLgoodmacro-PL EFRgoodnew- technique Photo-currentgood—— AdmittancegoodCV EROK—— PRno good—— PZRno good——

4 Single QD study is essential 1.Set up micro-PL system is necessary 2.The cost is quite expensive 3.Money is the only problem

5 Writing a good proposal 1.Research objective is unique ? 2.Contain fundamental physics ? 3.Contain high technology ? 4.Industry application ? Single-Photon Nano-emitters: Physics and Fabrications

6 NCU SPS team Senior Personnel NameAffiliation/ Department TitleResponsibility PI/PD 徐子民 Tzu-Min Hsu NCU/Department of Physics Professor1.Project Director 2.Single quantum dot spectroscopy 3.Single-photon spectroscopy Co-PI 綦振瀛 Jen-Inn Chyi NCU/Department of Electrical Engineering Professor1.Growth of semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots 2.Fabrication of Nano-photonic devices Co-PI 張正陽 Jeng-Yang Chang NCU/Institute of Optical Sciences ProfessorDesign/Fabrication of photonic microcavity and E-beam lithography Co-PI 陳啟昌 Chii-Chang Chen NCU/Institute of Optical Sciences Associate Professor Fabrication/characterization of photonic microcavity Co-PI 欒丕綱 Pi-Gang Luan NCU/Institute of Optical Sciences Associate Professor Theoretical Simulations of photonic crystal, optical microcavity, and the application of quantum optics/quantum information 物理系 : 張文豪, 陳文彥, 張翔思 電機系 : 葉念慈, 謝東坡

7 Single-Photon Nano-emitters 1.Low density QD ? 2.Micro-PL ? 3.HBT interferometer ? 4.Photonic crystal nano- cavity ? 5.Quantum information ?

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