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Brain Builders Video Source:

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Presentation on theme: "Brain Builders Video Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain Builders Video Source:

2 Pathway to Children Ready for School & Succeeding in the Third Grade Exemplary Practices in Educational Leadership Conference

3 Brain Builders – First Five Years Fund “Every child-adult interaction matters for young children.”

4 How Can We Support the Path to 3 rd Grade Reading? Birth 3 rd Grade

5 Brain Research Social Emotional LanguageCognition

6 Research is Telling Us Vital Connection Nurturing and Responsive Relationships Interactive Language



9 Hart and Risely (1995) Hart & Risely conducted a longitudinal study of children and families from three groups: Professional families Working-class families Families on welfare

10 Cumulative Language Experiences

11 How do we help children and families address this inequity?

12 The Research is Telling Us? Every Year Matters

13 In human development, the successful completion of each stage enables us to move on to the next. The Research is Telling Us?

14 We need to improve the learning opportunities at each stage, starting with babies. The Research is Telling Us?

15 We worry about what a child will be tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. --Stacia Tauscher

16 What Are the Pieces of Wisdom Telling Us? We need to create better connections between each stage to support continuity of learning and development for each child. 0-3 3-5 5-8 The Research is Telling Us?

17 What Are the Pieces of Wisdom Telling Us? There is increasing recognition that Third Grade is a crucial turning point in educational trajectories. The Research is Telling Us?

18 Different Names --- Common Goals Telling Us? Preschool – 3rd P-3 Birth – 3rd B-3

19 The Research is Telling Us? Increase access to high quality, comprehensive services at each age level. Birth To Three Birth To Three To Five Three To Five K To 3 rd Grade K To 3 rd Grade

20 The Research is Telling Us? Increase collaboration and continuity of services across the age levels Birth To Three Birth To Three To Five Three To Five K To 3 rd Grade K To 3 rd Grade BIRTH TO 3RD

21 Challenging Steps for B3 Progress

22 Improve quality of instruction across 0-8 programs through continuity of services, workforce development, and increased family and community involvement.

23 Work towards an aligned and seamless system of learning standards, outcomes, curriculum, assessment, and support for children from birth through third grade.

24 Create effective data systems that provide timely information about student learning and inform teachers and caregivers along the 0-8 continuum. Improve quality of instruction across 0-8 programs through continuity of services, workforce development, and increased family and community involvement. Work towards an aligned and seamless system of learning standards, outcomes, curriculum, assessment, and support for children from birth through third grade.

25 Increase access and opportunity for support and intervention for children with the greatest needs. Improve quality of instruction across 0-8 programs through continuity of services, workforce development, and increased family and community involvement. Work towards an aligned and seamless system of learning standards, outcomes, curriculum, assessment, and support for children from birth through third grade. Create effective data systems that provide timely information about student learning and inform teachers and caregivers along the 0-8 continuum.

26 Increase access and opportunity for support and intervention for children with the greatest needs. Improve quality of instruction across 0-8 programs through continuity of services, workforce development, and increased family and community involvement. Work towards an aligned and seamless system of learning standards, outcomes, curriculum, assessment, and support for children from birth through third grade. Create effective data systems that provide timely information about student learning and inform teachers and caregivers along the 0-8 continuum.

27 Partner with Parents: The Best Advocates for Quality and Continuity They see their children as they are today… And tomorrow…

28 What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must be what the community wants for all its children. John Dewey

29 Today, there are 14,675 3 rd graders in Fresno County 8,072 (55%) of them are not proficient in reading 1 in 6 (16%) will not graduate from high school 1,292 are potential high school dropouts 3 rd grade reading levels Third grade reading levels are indicative of students’ performance across subjects and are a strong predictive indicator of whether or not a student will graduate from high school. Why third grade reading levels? Source(s): The Children’s Movement, Fresno, 2012; Kids Count Data Center, 2012

30 Across the U.S.  85% of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate  60% of all prison inmates are functionally illiterate  Recidivism rates drop from 70% to 16% if inmates receive literacy help Illiteracy contributes to incarceration Source(s): Begin to Read; – 11 Facts about Literacy in America

31 Exposure to reading  1 in 5 children were read to less than 3 times a week  3 in 5 children are not enrolled in preschool Absenteeism  6% of children missed school due to illness or injury  20% of third grade students missed at least 10 days of school  8% of students were suspended in Fresno County in 2012  44% of Fresno County households moved within the last 5 years Violence in the home/neighborhood safety:  Domestic violence calls (11.0 per 1,000), nearly double the state rate (6.1)  Violent crime (509 per 100,000 people), 7% higher than for the state  20% of California families earning incomes of $25K or less reported their child’s safety in the neighborhood was somewhat unsafe/very unsafe What influences 3rd grade literacy? Source(s): Kids Count Data Center 2011 - 2012;; American Community Survey, 2008 - 2010

32 Impact of improving 3rd grade literacy High school dropouts 15% of Fresno County students who had entered the 9 th grade four years earlier did not receive a high school diploma in 2012. Fresno County 4-Year Adjusted Cohort Dropout Rate, 2010 - 2012 Source(s): Kids Count Data Center, 2010–2012; Alliance for Excellent Education, 2007 Individuals who lack a high school diploma are more likely to face unemployment, earn lower wages, require public assistance, and engage in criminal activity.

33 Impact of improving 3rd grade literacy Source(s): California Dropout Research Project, 2008, 2009; A Portrait of California, 2011. Benefits not only for Fresno County… but for the state of California… Fiscal gains: (Per high school graduate)  An additional $290,000 in earnings per graduate  $100,000 more in federal, state and local taxes  $53,000 in economic benefits at the local level, $390,000 statewide Social benefits:  3,774 more children reading proficiently by 8 th grade  317,216 fewer adults would be obese  202 fewer murders, 51,081 fewer prisoners  Life expectancy would increase on average by six months  975,055 more people would vote in general elections 3 rd Gr. LiteracyHS graduates Improved outcomes

34 Game Plan for Fresno County Birth-Through-3rd Grade Challenge Sponsoring Partners  David and Lucille Packard Foundation  Early Edge California  First 5 Fresno County  Fresno County Office of Education  Fresno Regional Foundation

35 B3 Professional Learning Community F3KC2  Firebaugh Las Deltas Unified School District  Fowler Unified School District  Fresno Unified School District  Kings Canyon Unified School District  Central Unified School District

36 Policy Cabinet Goal: Address systems-level policies to support the Challenge Districts’/Schools’ Plans  Five Challenge Grant Superintendents  County Department Heads  Community Heads

37 The Design Phase September 2013-April 2014 1. Pathway to Children Ready for School and Succeeding by the 3 rd Grade 2. School as the Hub of Community: Using Data for Community Engagement 3. Leadership, Teaching and Learning 4. Eliminating the Achievement Gap for English Language Learners 5. Access, Transitions and Pathways 6. Reinvesting/Blending Existing Funding Streams to Support Achievement

38 Capstone-April 2014  Districts and Schools share their draft implementation plans  The Policy Cabinet present ideas and recommendations on policy changes and system supports

39 Impact of improving 3rd grade literacy

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