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MULTITUDE OF ICT INITIATIVES 800…80…8. Farmers’ Portal.

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2 Farmers’ Portal

3 SMS PORTAL FOR FARMERS All 3 Departments of Ministry of Agriculture, IMD, SAUs, KVKs etc. and State Governments. Nearly 97 crore messages since inauguration by President 11 months ago through DeitY and NIC Gateways Different databases from above offices, Kisaan Call Centres and Web Registration have been integrated to have a foot-print of about 60 lac farmers as of now – potential to reach 8.93 crore farmer households Dissemination of information and provision of services & advisories to farmers in their own languages free of cost. To avoid duplication & contradiction, IT enabled checks and search facility Content based on farmers’ location & priorities of crop / agricultural practices. SMS based services such as Soil Test, Market Information have been integrated, Universal Plug-in Easy Phonetic Typing Tools for12 Indian languages. Mobile based Text to Speech conversion under testing. New Features: Delivery Report, Supervisory Control, User Feedback, Graphical Dashboard Fresh registration on KCC, Web, CSC and Pull SMS; Officers down to Block level send Excel sheets also

4 THE USSD MAGIC… IAMAI and IMRB Report: Active internet users in rural areas by June, 2014 will be 5.6 crore but 40 crore mobile phones in rural areas Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD) - A rarely used technology as old as mobile telephony itself will work even on the ancient Nokia 3115 or 1110 USSD is interactive text messaging Remote location data entry and query on databases by text messaging Fixed monthly charges @ Rs. 5 – database to be collected through CSCs Applications developed already Mandi price data entry, choice of right machine, seed availability and agromet advisory (last two being tested) Android Apps in pipeline

5 Dial *491*105*2# from a Registered Mobile

6 KCCs…Need Specific Resolution  Aim: reach at least one third the farmers households, once in a year. It amounts to about 4.25 crore calls/year. Requires 3000 plus FTAs  Total 1.60 crore calls registered at KCCs since inception.  IPPBX based & MPLS. Call barging and 100% call recording  SMS to caller farmers providing a gist of advisories given to them on phone in local language.  Voice mail system for recording farmer’s queries with provision for call back.  Facility of video conferencing for upgradation of skills of KCC agents.  Centralized monitoring of KCCs at different locations and relevant web resources.  Full Involvement of State Governments, KVKs and SAUs in Call Escalation Matrix & Training  Integration of KKMS ( with CSCs (

7 e-Taal Transactions – Agriculture Numero Uno 7

8 NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PLAN Agriculture (NeGP-A) Phase-I Coverage: 7 States during last one year, 90:10 Funding Pattern12 cluster of Services, 78 components. Present status 39 + 8. Rs. 800 crore plusWeb enabled delivery of services & service levelsProcess re-engineering, change management and project managementCentralized Initiative - Decentralized Implementation

9 Project Activities & Timelines of NeGP-A SRActivityTimelines AIMPLEMENTATION PRE- PLANNING A1 Date of RFP Release 31 May 2014 BIMPLEMENTATION B1 Completion of Software Development by NIC of components which have been cleared for development. 30 Apr 2014 B2 Incorporation of changes/suggestions from Divisions and States to all SRS documents for software development in remaining service clusters 30 Jun 2014 B3 Completion of all SRS of remaining components to such a level that on which Software Development can start taking place. 31 Jul 2014 B4 Completion of Data Entry Screens 30 Sep 2014 B5 Selection of Hardware Vendor by DAC 15 Sep 2014 B6 Completion of Civil Infrastructure and Site Preparation (by State Agriculture Department 31 Aug 2014

10 B7 Signing of Agreement 30 Sep 2014 B8 Installation of Hardware by Hardware Vendor 15 Jan 2015 B9 Pilot launching of all Services Data Digitalisation by States 30 Nov 2014 B10 Suggestions received from States on services 31 Dec 2014 B11 User Acceptance Testing Completion of Data Migration 31 Jan 2015 B12 Complete Implementation / Deployment / Stabilisation including required software and hardware for Central Segment (Go-Live) at all locations 31 Mar 2015 C Operations & Maintenance and Support Phase 01 Apr 2015

11 Support of GOI under NeGP-A H/W & and System S/w with comprehensive onsite warranty for 5 years Basic IT training to end users. Full support for site preparation of Training Centers and 55% share for other sites. 100, 70 and 50 percent for manpower cost for first three years. Connectivity charges with SWAN for end user locations for a period of 3 Years at an average of Rs. 11000 per location per year. An amount of Rs. 7500 per block, Rs.10, 500 per district HQ and Rs. 30,000 per State HQ per year for consumables for a period of three years. Support for IT infrastructure at selected Mandis, Hand- held devices for e-Pest surveillance. Centralised Application Devpt with 25% flexibility to States

12 12 Mode of Delivery of Services in NeGP-A FARMER DEPARTMENT PRIVATE SEC. State Level Modules e-Registration - Application Submission - Status Tracking - Electronic Registration Grievance Mgmt. - Grievance entry - Routing & Alert - Status Update e-Certification - Application Submission - Status Tracking - Electronic Certification - Inspection Report KMS - Upload Content - Review & Edit Content - Remove Content CMS - Capture Content - Manage Content - Store Content - Preserve Content User Mgmt. - Account Creation, Modification, Deletion - Rights Management - MIS Reports e-Monitor - Scheme monitoring - Target monitoring - Monthly progress Pesticide Testing - Sample submission - Status tracking - Result upload Fertilizer Testing - Sample submission - Status tracking - Result upload SEEDNET CIBRC DPPQS FMS AGRICOOP INTRADAC Soil Testing - Sample submission - Status tracking - Result upload - Soil Health Card Seed Testing - Sample submission - Status tracking - Result upload Seed Certf. - Sample submission - Status tracking - Field result upload - e-certificate Scheme App. - Application Submission - Status Tracking - Query uplaod Grievance Mgmt. - Grievance entry - Routing & Alert - Status Update KMS - Upload Content - Review & Edit Content - Remove Content CMS - Capture Content - Manage Content - Store Content - Preserve Content User Mgmt. - Account Creation, Modification, Deletion - Rights Management - MIS Reports e-Monitor - Scheme monitoring - Target monitoring - Monthly progress Pesticide Testing - Sample submission - Status tracking - Result upload Fertilizer Testing - Sample submission - Status tracking - Result upload IMD Central Level Modules State Portals AGMARKNET CSC Department KCC SCC Private Kiosk Mass Media Mobile IVRS Agri Clinic Agri Biz Centre Delivery Channels

13 12 clusters of services under NeGP-A 13

14 Participants and Workshop strategy Participants and Workshop strategy State Deptts of Agri & IT, State NIC, Farmers Industry, ICAR Scientists, SAUs DAC, DAHDF, DARE, IMD ISRO, CDAC, NIC, Domain Experts 6 Working Groups comprising all stakeholders Screen Level Discussion Extension of Direct hands-on Approach Upgradation, Integration and Standardisation of practices

15 Some Recent Initiatives to be Discussed  E-Parwana, Soil Testing/Fertility Maps  Farm Implements Delivery system, e-Jalnidhi  Micro Irrigation, FCMS, Crop Doctor  Buyer Seller Interaction Platform  GIS of Marketing Infrastructure  Bhuwan of ISRO with Drought MIS  E-Krishi Kiran and Soil Fertility Maps  Management of Micro Irrigation  NeGP-A Service Components

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