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JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 JERICO WP2 Strengthening regional and trans-regional activities Henning Wehde.

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Presentation on theme: "JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 JERICO WP2 Strengthening regional and trans-regional activities Henning Wehde."— Presentation transcript:

1 JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 JERICO WP2 Strengthening regional and trans-regional activities Henning Wehde Institute of Marine Research

2 Jerico WP2 Strengthening regional and trans-regional activities

3 WP 2 Regional activities Objectives –Make an inventory of existing coastal observing systems –To identify data to be used for demonstration, for inter- calibration (WP4) and data collection in servers (WP5)

4 WP 2 Regional activities Objectives –To identify main gaps between accessible observations and data needs and address how to fill these gaps at the regional level (link with WP9) –To demonstrate the feasibility of joint transregional product production JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011

5 WP 2 Regional activities Partners in WP2 Arctic ROOS IMR BOOSSMHI NOOSDeltares and IMR IBI ROOSIH and AZTI MOONINGV Black SeaIO-BAS Meetings: organised around the GA at Annual meetings of the Rooses attached to common conferences EuroGOOS conference would be an excellent opportunity

6 WP 2 structure 7 partners, 2 tasks, 5 deliverables Task 2.1: State of the Art in Coastal observing systems –Henning Wehde – IMR, SMHI, Deltares,IH, AZTI, INGV, IO-BAS Task 2.2 Cross regional integration and demonstration –Chantal Donnelly - SMHI, IMR, Deltares,IH, AZTI, INGV, IO-BAS

7 Deliverables: –D2.1 (12) Report on existing observation network from all ROOSs –D2.2 (12) Report on recommendations for future research and developments for filling gaps in all ROOSs –D2.3 (18) Integrated Pan European Atlas/first report on Coastal Observing systems –D2.4 (24) Demonstration of the feasibility of joint trans-regional product production Transports; E-HYPE –D2.5 (48) update at the end of the project JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011

8 Task 2.1 State of the Art in Coastal observing systems In each of the European regions: –Adress the state of the Art in terms of coastal observing systems –contributing to an overall atlas of the European coastal observing systems –Based on f.e. Edios, Seprise, EEA Insitu data requirements

9 Task 2.1 State of the Art in Coastal observing systems Review of ongoing and planned programmes and projects collecting in situ data Establishment of an inventory of existing observing systems, with special focus on up till now not sufficiently considered biochemical parameters, terms for data accessibility, administrative and legal barriers Identify data and make data available on servers  WP5

10 Task 2.1 State of the Art in Coastal observing systems Identification of the main gaps between accessible observations and data needs, define priorities Identification of methodological/technical gaps (discussion to conduct with WP3) Development of recommendations on how to fill these gaps at the regional and at the technological level JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011

11 Task 2.2 Cross regional integration and demonstration S2.2.1 Demonstration of pan-European transport product –Exploring/inventory of observations on fluxes in the different areas –Define operational products based on this and connect to operational users S.2.2.2 E-HYPE European Hydrological Predictions for the Environment –Access to water discharge and nutrient transport from main rivers and diffuse outlets on a daily timescale and at a high spatial resolution.

12 Task 2.2.1 Cross regional integration and demonstration Transport –Model products existing (i.e.NOOS) –Exploring observations for an observational based Pan- European product –Users that are foreseen : science related to ecosystem approach OSPAR; MSFD,... National requirements and authorities, Example NOOS fluxes model product

13 Task 2.2.2 Cross regional integration and demonstration E-HYPE New, daily output, hydrological model based on widely accepted hydrological concepts (SMHI/HBV) Integrated modules for nutrient and conservative tracers Wide range of parameters modelled (runoff, soilmoisture, snowdepth, groundwaterlevel, N, P, O18 ) Model already used at local, regional and pan- European scale for research purposes E-HYPE for Swedish rivers (> 17 000 basins) has already been set-up, calibrated and placed into production at SMHI Introduces the ability to model very large regions at high resolution simultaneously

14 Task 2.2.2 Cross regional integration and demonstration Aim for new obs data from all regions New obtained data from JERICO will be used for : –Assimilation –Calibration –Validation Hindcast, real time and forecast Daily volume and nutrient fluxes will be provided (available from 1990 til real time) Optional: Sensitivity studies with coastal models available from the partners are subject for discussion JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011

15 JERICO KICK OFF MEETINGPARIS – Maison de la recherche - 24 & 25 May 2011 Thanks for your attention

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