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Policy and Politics for Supported Employment: the case of Ireland Shari McDaid, Ph.D. Policy Officer, Mental Health Reform.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy and Politics for Supported Employment: the case of Ireland Shari McDaid, Ph.D. Policy Officer, Mental Health Reform."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy and Politics for Supported Employment: the case of Ireland Shari McDaid, Ph.D. Policy Officer, Mental Health Reform

2 Mental Health Reform Mental Health Reform is the national coalition of organisations working to improve mental health services and achieve implementation of the Government’s mental health policy A Vision for Change

3 Mental Health Reform 33 member organisations Mental health NGOs Professional associations Homelessness and housing NGOs Training providers Peer-led organisations Human rights and advocacy NGOs


5 Mental Health Reform Our goal is for an Ireland where people with mental health difficulties can recover their well-being and live a full life in their community.

6 Our work We … Unite Inform Advocate



9 Inform on best practice in mental health

10 A Picture of Ireland 4.6 million people 600,000 people with a disability (13% of the population) 96,000 people with a mental health disability (2.1% of the population)

11 Employment and mental health difficulties in Ireland  9 times more likely to be out of the labour force  More than 20% of those on Disability Allowance  Adults more likely to have left their job due to their mental health disability than other disabilities  Face prejudice and discrimination

12 Increasing public concern? “Disability benefit expansion adds to workless underclass” (Dan O’Brien, The Irish Times 25/1/2013) “Mystery of massive rise in those quitting workforce on disability” (David McWilliams, Irish Independent 3/4/2013)

13 Mental Health Policy Deinstitutionalisation since 1960’s Planning for the Future 1984 A Vision for Change 2006 National Economic and Social Forum report 2007 Report of the Mental Health, Employment and Training Consultative Forum 2007

14 Employment policy for people with disabilities Commission on the Status of People with Disabilities (1996) Employment Equality Act 1998 WRC Comprehensive Employment Strategy report (2006) Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Sectoral Plan (2005) National Disability Strategy Implementation Plan

15 Implementation FÁS Supported Employment programme Employability West Cork DETECT project – employment of a job coach within a mental health team

16 Advocacy IASE advocacy to Government National Disability Strategy Disability Stakeholders Group DETE National Consultative Forum Amnesty International Ireland seminar Amnesty/Mental Health Reform Briefing Paper NDA seminar

17 Conclusion Policy to underpin implementation of the IPS model exists No specific Government commitment No clear lead Department No effective cross-departmental structure Low priority within economic crisis

18 Discussion Questions, Comments & Answers

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