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GeoPak Ver. Update New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Using Backslope Override and the Backslope Constraint Line(BCL)

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Presentation on theme: "GeoPak Ver. Update New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Using Backslope Override and the Backslope Constraint Line(BCL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GeoPak Ver. Update

2 New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Using Backslope Override and the Backslope Constraint Line(BCL) together on a section will hold the back slope and vary the ditch width. All other override lines do not work with Backslope Constraint Line. Back Slope Override line can now be used with Back Slope Constraint Line.

3 New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Back Slope Override line can now be used with Back Slope Constraint Line.



6 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals1\data\pattern_shape.dgn New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Back Slope Override line can now be used with Back Slope Constraint Line.

7 New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Slope Bench Override line now supports 5 benches. The two additional benches were added to adhoc attributes in the D&C item.

8 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals3\data\pattern_shape.dgn New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Slope Bench Override line now supports 5 benches.

9 New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Ditch Alignments. The adhoc attributes associated with this D&C entry instructs the criteria what values to use when drawing a ditch alignment. There are two requirements for controlling the toe of ditch in this special situation: "Chain Name" - Name of COGO Chain previously stored representing the inside toe of ditch. The stationing of this chain must match the stationing of the profile. "Profile Name" - Name of COGO Profile previously stored representing the inside toe of ditch. The stationing of this profile must match the stationing of the chain.

10 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals3\data\pattern_shape.dgn Chain and Profile Name = Ditch2 New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Ditch Alignments.

11 New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Edge of Shoulder. This update allows for the use of adhocs in the shoulder line to specify the slope or to taper the slope. Updated D&C items to contain adhoc attributes: –EOS Aggregate –EOS Asphalt –EOS Concrete –EOS Earth

12 New Criteria Enhancements since last year. Berm Slope Override Line Added functionality of following shoulder slope by entering -100 for slope.

13 New Criteria Enhancements New Help File Format (HTML Based) ~~ This enhancement will involve the conversion of the current help files to HTML driven help files, this will include several tasks: Consolidation of all current WRI help files to the following categories: New construction, Rehab, Existing features, Right of Way Labeling, Sub layers, Paved ditch. Creation of detailed instructive adhoc attribute image files to demonstrate the requirements for all adhoc attributes. Creating a link to adhoc attribute image files to the D&C Adhoc Help option.

14 New Criteria Enhancements New Help File Format (HTML Based) ~~ There are at least three ways to get to the new Help. Typical Section Generator D&C Manager items with Adhocs Wiki And even this PowerPoint!!!

15 Live Demo New Criteria Enhancements New Help Format (HTML Based) ~~

16 New Criteria Enhancements Edge of Pavement/Shoulders Edges of proposed pavements and shoulders now use adhoc attributes to establish the thickness of their structure over- riding the settings from the redefinable variables. Rock fill base daylight option is now set via an adhoc attribute on the proposed edge of pavement allowing for complete independent control on each side of the pavement. Proposed shoulder slopes may now be set manually via adhoc attributes over-riding the automated computed roll over slope. Aggregate Extension option is new - defaults to Zero unless User specifies other.

17 New Criteria Enhancements Edge of Pavement/Shoulders


19 Live Demo New Criteria Enhancements Edge of Pavement/Shoulders T:\de-proj\D\Typicals3\data\plan-Old.dgn Rename to plan.dgn

20 New Criteria Enhancements Levees. ~~ Draws Station and Offset information on the outer limits of the Levee.

21 New Criteria Enhancements Levees. ~~ Levee limits may now be drawn to plan view using the appropriate adhoc attribute settings..

22 New Criteria Enhancements Retaining Walls. ~~ Wall name adhoc attribute has been added to both the cut and fill wall to fix a problem with the profile grade report. TOWF_RTE179LT TOW_RTE179LT

23 New Criteria Enhancements Cross Over Designator Line. ~~ Drawing this "Cross Over Designator" line in the "GEOPAK Lines DGN" file in the middle of the proposed paved cross over allows the user the ability to place a paved cross over on their cross section. There are three types of Cross Overs –I for intersecting opposing pavement slopes –C for issuing a straight connection between the two pavement sections –Chain and Profile Just Added - D2 Request

24 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals6\data\Pattern_Shape8.dgn New Criteria Enhancements Cross Over Designator Line. ~~

25 New Criteria Enhancements Raised Median ~~ Raised median strips are now supported in a pavement cross over environment. Median strip can be full depth pavement or overlay the existing pavement.

26 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals6\data\Pattern_Shape8.dgn New Criteria Enhancements Raised Median ~~

27 New Criteria Enhancements Reconstruction ~~ Reconstruction Typical – operates different now, use an Overlay Limit Line draw in Pattern Shape File. The Reconstruction Typical Section will draw overlay and widening cross sections. Proposed pavement shapes are required for all types of proposed overlay including match existing cross slope overlay projects If not using the profile to correct longitudinally, the profile should be close to the existing ground.

28 New Criteria Enhancements Reconstruction ~~ A minimum of two proposed overlay limit lines are required to be found at each cross section in the Pattern Shape file. If these lines are not present, the typical section will default back to new construction. The midpoint of the proposed shape cluster MUST be between two overlay limit lines. A proposed edge of pavement beyond the overlay limit line MUST be drawn in the proposed plan view for widening to be drawn.

29 New Criteria Enhancements Reconstruction ~ 2~2 The lines drawn by the proposed pavement shapes on to the proposed cross sections should be deleted after the completion of the proposed cross section run. Just Added – D6 Request

30 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals11\data\Pattern_Shape8.dgn New Criteria Enhancements Reconstruction ~ 2~2

31 New Criteria Enhancements Paved approaches ~~ This enhancement adds support for paved approached. The paved approach is similar to an entrance but with slightly different design standards.

32 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals8\data\Plan.dgn New Criteria Enhancements Paved approaches ~~

33 New Criteria Enhancements Sidewalks ~ 2~2 All sidewalk variables are now controlled by adhoc attributes. Berm lines past a sidewalk will now be controlled by adhoc (not plan graphic Berm Line).

34 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals8\data\Plan.dgn New Criteria Enhancements Sidewalks ~ 2~2

35 New Criteria Enhancements Edge of Pavement ~~ Chain names and profile names are now supported for edges of proposed pavements and shoulders. Multiple proposed edges of pavement are now supported to allow for pavement warping. This enhancement allows the warping of the cross slope of the pavement or shoulder. In essence the computed cross slope of the pavement will be over- ridden forcing the cross slope to adjust to the specified chain and profile.

36 New Criteria Enhancements Edge of Pavement ~~ "Chain Name" - Optional chain name used to warp the pavement. This is used when the pavement is widened beyond the edge of the proposed pavement shapes. If no profile and chain are specified, the cross slope of the pavement shape will be continued. If however, a profile and chain are specified, the pavement cross slope will be adjusted to draw to the chain and profile. This is very useful at side-road entrances. The chain stationing MUST match the stationing of the corresponding profile name. "Profile Name" - Optional profile name used to warp the pavement. This is used when the pavement is widened beyond the edge of the proposed pavement shapes. If no profile and chain are specified, the cross slope of the pavement shape will be continued. If however, a profile and chain are specified, the pavement cross slope will be adjusted to draw to the chain and profile. This is very useful and side-road entrances. The profile stationing MUST match the stationing of the corresponding chain name.

37 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\Typicals12\data\Plan.dgn New Criteria Enhancements Edge of Pavement ~~

38 New Criteria Enhancements Existing Ground Chuck Lawson added a trap to the Criteria so if the user does not use the proper symbology for the existing ground, a prompt error will occur. He stated that he has found this to be very effective

39 New GeoPak Add-On Cross Section Movie ~~ Provides tools to navigate through cross sections similar to Cross Section Navigator but with a movie mode that flips through cross sections at a specified frame rate. The cross sections can also be centered in the view in relation to a profile elevation.

40 Live Demo T:\de-proj\D\ New GeoPak Add-On Cross Section Movie ~~

41 GeoPak Ver. Update

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