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EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 1 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE HySafe Thomas JORDAN, Forschungszentrum.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 1 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE HySafe Thomas JORDAN, Forschungszentrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 1 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE HySafe Thomas JORDAN, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Samira CHELHAOUI, INERIS Stewart MILES, HSE/HSL

2 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 2 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Summary of the NoE Objectives (DoW) integrate and harmonise the fragmented research base by: … Promotion of fundamental research necessary to address hydrogen safety issues. To provide contributions based on safety and risk studies to EU-legal requirements, standards and codes of practice by: Pre-normative research in identified critical areas; Development and implementation of a performance-based approach to hydrogen safety engineering; Use of results from detailed safety and risk assessment studies for different hydrogen applications as input to development of legal requirements, standards and codes of practice; Extracting net outcomes from safety and risk assessment studies, e.g. deterministic Safety Distances; Development and validation of hydrogen accident prevention and mitigation techniques.

3 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 3 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE Summary Current scientific and technical activities Pre-normative research task InsHyDe Bonfire test standards

4 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 4 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE Summary Current scientific and technical activities Safety-related tasks IgnHyd Hazard Zoning RA of Fuelling Stations

5 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 5 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE Activities in RC&S HYSAFE WP 16 : –Coordinator : INERIS (France) –Partners : Air Liquide (FR), BAM (DE), BMW (Ge.), BRE (UK), CEA (FR), HSL (UK), JRC (NL), Norsk-Hydro (NO), Risoe (DK), Volvo (SW)

6 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 6 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE Activities in RC&S HYSAFE WP 16 : –Objectives : ensure that consensual knowledge on hydrogen safety is adequately taken into account in the process of building new standards and regulatory requirements related to hydrogen technologies. promote consensus within EC countries on safety related standardisation / regulatory aspects in order to strengthen the interest of EC countries when voting take place at ISO, IEC, UN or other relevant organisations (CEN, IPHE, HFP), if requested by other projects (HYAPPROVAL, HYCOM, HYGUIDE,…), review guidelines / safety reports produced under these projects and forward them our opinion about their content, identify knowledge gaps that would require further studies prior to standardisation or the development of regulatory requirements.

7 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 7 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE Activities in RC&S –HYSAFE WP 16 is an interface : ISO TC 197 and appropriate TC22 SC25 new working group dedicated to review existing standards regarding their suitability for hydrogen, CEN ad-hoc group on review of existing standards and identification of gaps, European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform (Informal group on regulations, codes and standards) HarmonHy project : to develop collaboration with HYSAFE on RC&S –Communication : Pursue official links with ISO and IEC organisations, Communication within HYSAFE partnership through our webpage related to RC&S, Make visible WP16 activity to external stakeholders trough our website.

8 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 8 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE Activities in RC&S HYSAFE WP 16 –Main actions : -providing HySafe co-ordinated action to RC&S groups : direct inputs or edition of “ Position papers” regarding documents produced by RC&S groups, -identification of safety related gaps, -providing, when available, scientific inputs to RC&S groups, -position on draft documents or on proposals for new standardisation work items, …, -identification of priorities in pre-normative topics and feed-back RC&S groups with data produced, -...

9 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 9 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 NoE Activities in RC&S HYSAFE WP 16 : RC&S delegates

10 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 10 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Presentation Template/3 2. “Traffic light” analysis (max 2-3 slides) Major ItemsTraffic light (leave only one) Note Material and Component Characteristics and System Integrity : Mechanical properties, road hazards exposure, hydrogen system integrity (normal operation) Endurance: Lifecycles, requalification; aging Refueling: Operability and simplicity in operation, compatibility and safety of the fueling HyApproval cooperation (WP12) Intentional Hydrogen Releases: Purging, boil-off, permeation (incl. losses, e.g. connections) InsHyDe Controls and Display (incl. H 2 -sensors) InsHyDe + WP2 workshops Working Group 1: H 2, Vehicle and surroundings safety in normal use

11 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 11 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 “Traffic light” analysis Major Items Traffic light (leave only one) Note Material and Component Characteristics and System Integrity Damage tolerance, mechanical properties, road hazards exposure, hydrogen system integrity (post-crash) Crashworthiness Differences to today existing vehicles Leakage InsHyDe Fire safety Protection, prevention Bonfire test cooperation StorHy Explosion Protection Pressure and fire explosion HyTunnel Emergency Medical Rescue: Marking and installation position of parts Controls and Display (incl. H2-sensors) Basic considerations in WP2 workshops Working Group 2: Vehicle and surroundings safety in crash situations and defects, damages

12 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 12 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - InsHyDe InsHyDe Context : –Large leaks caused by major system failure : very low probability => zoning, detection, prevention, passive building design –Minor leaks ( risks in confinement ? Objectives : –Investigation of realistic non-catastrophic releases in (partially) confined areas : dispersion behaviour, fire and explosion potentials, ignition –Regulatory and standards framaework for indoor H 2 systems –System risk assessment and basis for risk control –Ventilation performance and layout –Detection and Buildings (garages, tunnels, etc) layout –Zone classification and choice of electrical equipment Best practices for scenario quantification and ventilation design / Input for standards for the safe use / storage of indoor hydrogen systems (e.g. : garages)

13 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 13 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - InsHyDe InsHyDe Dispersion simulations and experiments => investigation of : –the hydrogen dispersion behaviour in quiet atmosphere for various leaking regimes (release rates =< 1 g/s) –the ability of ventilation to control these leaks (reduction of ATEX) –hydrogen sensors (response accuracy, response time, …)  Experiments performed at INERIS & CEA facilities  Pre-test calculations to better define the experimental scenario and the best appropriate position of the instrumentation ( CFD modelling )

14 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 14 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - InsHyDe InsHyDe Infrastructure INERIS 100 m 3 underground ventilated gallery View of inside of CEA 100 m 3 MISTRA facility with position of instrumentation INERIS measurement techniques Catalytic sensor Ultrasonic sensor

15 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 15 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - InsHyDe InsHyDe On-going dispersion experiments : test matrix

16 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 16 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - InsHyDe InsHyDe „Garage“ experiments : INERIS-CEA collaboration (2006) –to design a new facility to carry out test with vents, ventilation systems, and possibility to vary geometric configurations (roof)

17 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 17 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - HyTunnel HyTunnel Current safety requirements for road tunnels consider air quality, fire and smoke spread –Natural and/or forced ventilation –CO, video etc detection –Means of escape and safety refuges But, do H 2 vehicles pose additional hazards? If so, then need to –Update design guidance for new tunnels –Establish improvents to be made on existing tunnels –Ammend regulations for old and new tunnels

18 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 18 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - HyTunnel HyTunnel cont. Project objectives –Review existing design guidance and regulations –Identify critical accident and H 2 release scanerios –Review relevant experimental and modelling work –Undertake experiments and/or modelling exercises –Identify changes to design and regulations that may be required to safely accommodate H 2 vehicles

19 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 19 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects - HyTunnel HyTunnel cont. Some accident scenarios –Collision or mechanical failure resulting in release of H2 and formation of explosive gas mixture –Exposure of H 2 storage cyclinders to thermal hazard from tunnel fire Some itigation measures –Enhanced ventilation to prevent formation of explosure concentrations of H 2 –„Safe“ ignition of H 2 gas mixtures before explosion can occur –Water mist or sprinklers to reduce thermal exposure and restrict combustion

20 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 20 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Projects Bonfire test standards In cooperation with StorHy investigate the existing standards or proposals for an improved test Reasonible combination of performance based component and system level tests More detailed information derived from more appropriate measurement equipment of tests

21 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 21 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Current WP work IgnHyde Development of an improved probabilistic ignition model, needed for all RAs. Hazard Zoning Evaluation of the transferrability of the HZ concept to hydrogen. Main activities related to IEC (electric installations,…) but also closely related to the safety distance concept. RA of Fuelling Stations 3 basic designs (determined by HyApproval) will be analysed by “standard” RA methodology in WP12.

22 EU Workshop – RCS on H 2 and FC Technologies for Vehicles Slide no. 22 EU-HarmonHy Workshop, Bruxelles, 26 September 2005 Proposals Other RCS items: Home fuelling Fuelling interface H 2 sensors and small leak detection systems Underground storage General recommendations via a general performance based hydrogen safety standard RA Potential pre-normative research needs: Small leak detection Automated emergency intervention Safety/ Clearance distances Thermal and pressure effect of fires/explosion FA, DDT and interference with mitigation measures

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