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H2 Layout for EMU a brief report of a couple of visits by Darin A., Jay R., and FG.

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Presentation on theme: "H2 Layout for EMU a brief report of a couple of visits by Darin A., Jay R., and FG."— Presentation transcript:

1 H2 Layout for EMU a brief report of a couple of visits by Darin A., Jay R., and FG

2 July 2, 2004H2 Layout for EMU2 H2 Layout Available rack space in Bats. HNA360, 363 and possibly 370 (TTC) Desk space available in Bat. HNA363 fast cables between H2 TTCmi/ex rack (HNA370) and available rack space in HNA360. Fast and wireless networks available Gas lines and hook-ups available need to add multiple concrete blocks for the CSC constellation TTCmi/ex PC#1 plus add’l rack space more rack space + room for desks gas pad preferred location of CSCs H2 beam dump magnet HCAL ME1/ 1 beam

3 July 2, 2004H2 Layout for EMU3 main CSC location concrete block need more of those … cable tray an artist’s impression …

4 July 2, 2004H2 Layout for EMU4 Gas hook-ups Available space on the mezzanine gas pad Available (and labeled) gas lines Patch panels in the beam area gas padpatch panel

5 July 2, 2004H2 Layout for EMU5 Open Issues ME1/1 location –directly behind HCAL quantify punch through, but at higher rates? timing issue? PC location likely to be inside the beam area. –in conjunction with the other 3 chambers similar set-up as previous EMU Slice Test compact set-up beneficial for timing TTC setup –install 6U crate close to TTCmi (HN370) use fast cables –split fiber signal and install TTC crate in HN360 Safety requirements regarding the “CSC floor” –too many concrete blocks may block access to a search box behind the beam dump

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