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1 José Luís Alexandre – DEMEGI/INEGI - Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto September- 2005 Portugal.

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Presentation on theme: "1 José Luís Alexandre – DEMEGI/INEGI - Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto September- 2005 Portugal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 José Luís Alexandre – DEMEGI/INEGI - Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto September- 2005 Portugal Hydrogen & Fuel Cells For a more sustainable future 2005 C3P AND NASA TECHNICAL WORKSHOP

2 2 Contents Overview of actual oil situation in world and Portugal –Energy Resources –Environment impact Green Hydrogen INEGI Work in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell domain since 2001: –Projects National - FCT funds European funding SAVE Own funding project – INEGI ( Will be a national project funding we expect it) Hydrogen test facilities

3 3 Oil Price !!! –The World demand is Increasing - (China and India) –Economic, social and political instability in the extraction zones (ex. Iraqi, Venezuela, Russia e Nigeria) –The efficiency of production and exploration without any improvements in last years Oil Price = Oil World crisis USD Fonte:BP review of World Energy; IMF/World Bank; Platts December 2005 P=$100.0

4 4 Economy impact –Own Natural energy resources ???? –Utilization of energy with low efficiency Increase the energy demand –Increase of the oil needs The economy impact in Portugal is 3x higher than the average of EC Actual Portuguese Scenario

5 5 Oil /Total prime energy (%) Fuel Fossil Needs. Actual Portuguese Scenario 27,938,352,764,264,840,5 Fil.Ale.Esp.Port.Lux 57,084,080,386,285,879,3 Fil.Ale.Esp.Port.Lux

6 6 Resources and Environment Questions World energy resources –Oil : 40 years –NG : 61 years –Coal : 270 years Environment –Global warm Weather world changes (KATRINA!!) –Acid rains –Leakages –etc

7 7 Greenhouse effect (CO2) EU 24,2% Japan 8,5% Others 11,5% Russia 17,4% USA 36,1% Others 2,3% No- Kyoto 38,4% Kyoto 61,6% % Global emissions Forecast emissions for next 50 years

8 8 Fuel Globally Acceptable Enough for national energy demand Environment friendly – CLEAN –Improve the life quality (ex. In cities - controlled emission pollution ) Sustainable Increase of the energetic system and decrease the oil needs, More efficient that leads profit more the natural resources available Alternatives ??

9 9 GREEN H2 Prime Energy Solar Wind Geothermic waves & tide Biomass Electric Energy Green H2 Applications Buildings Industrials Transportation Portable equip. electrolyse Thermal Energy Chemical Energy Bio methanol Steam Reforming Biogas

10 10 INEGI – Energy field Applied Thermodynamics Combustion Wind power Thermal Solar Energy Energy optimization in industrial process Buildings Energy –HVAC System –CHP systems Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology - NEW –Production and storage of H 2 –PEMFC –SOFC – Combined thermodynamics Cycles

11 11 INEGI research areas and development H2 production –Wind farms with H2/FC backup H2 storage –Chemical storage device H2 applications –Fuel Cell systems Portable PEMFC systems Test, standardisation and learning

12 12 Future project – Green H2 production Wind Energy Electrolyser H 2 Storage Fuel Cell Montezinho hillDemonstration project

13 13 Wind Energy & H2 Production H2 Fuel Cell Power: 6*2,5 kW

14 14 Balance of plant – first theoretical approach

15 15 H 2 Storage – NaBH4 Chemical storage with Sodium Boron Hydride (NaBH4) solution Lab facilities NaBH4 reactor NaBH4 + H2O -> NaBOH + H2

16 16 H2 Applications Project SIME – national funding -Trolley -Mobile recharge FC -Radio FC power supply -Gas telemetry System device Industrial Consortium: SRE National Lab and Research institute: INEGI & INETI Objectives: Development of Fuel Cells for Portable Applications Work done so far :

17 17 Trolley

18 18 Mobile recharge Power unit

19 19 Radio FC power supply unit Metal hydride

20 20 Gas telemetry System device Hydrogen and Fuel Cells at Hanover Fair 2004

21 21 Optimization of Hydrogen PEMFC FCT funding project already started –Optimization of PEMFC and develop test procedures –Develop a transient 2D modeling of H2 FC (PEM technology) –Validation of CFD codes with experimental tests – Elaboration of test procedures for industrial based both on FCTEstNet project and new standard international codes

22 22 H2 Test, normalization and learning European Projects -The Fuel Cell Testing and Standardisation NETwork - FCTESTNET -European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform - HFP

23 23 FCTESTNET Objectives  Compile and harmonise testing procedures for fuel cells, stacks and systems (BOP - Balance of Plant)  Initial assessment of FC systems against user requirements for stationary, portable and transport applications

24 24 Objectives  Compile and harmonise testing procedures for fuel cells, stacks and systems  Initial assessment of FC systems against user requirements for stationary, portable and transport applications FCTESTNET Deliverables  Compilation of testing protocols & methodologies  Agreed proposals for harmonisation  IEC TC105  ISO TC 197  CEN/CENELEC  OTHER INT’L. ACTIVITIES

25 25 Project Structure

26 26 INEGI Participation Contributing expertise from the R&D fields Automotive, Energy Production and Renewable Energy. Knowledge of thermodynamic, chemical and mechanical engineering aspects. Definition of Testing and Standardisation procedures of Fuel Cell technologies Experience in R&D of Automotive, Energy Production and Renewable Energy, in the definition of Testing and Standardisation procedures of Fuel Cell technologies.

27 27 HFP – Program Structure Applying the know-how gather in the recent EC project As an University we have some skills in that field that we can use

28 28 The main goal of the H2& FC platform: The idea is to facilitate and accelerate: The development and deployment of cost- competitive H2 & FC; Change the base Energy systems in European in toward to the hydrogen and fuel cell society; The components and systems for transport application, portable and stationary power applications

29 29 Main Tasks of our group  Participation in meetings of the Hydrogen and FC Platform – general meetings and Initiative Group meetings.  Contribution to surveys and state-of-the-art reports on relevant subjects.  Preparation of research proposals to be submitted to the EU R&D framework programmes. (7 FP)

30 30 INEGI Hydrogen / FC test facilities

31 31 INEGI Hydrogen/FC test facilities Hydrogen Storage Gas Unit control

32 32 INEGI Hydrogen/FC test facilities Humidification device Electric Load Device Data Acquisition System

33 33 Hydrogen Power and Fuel Cells The End – Thank you for your attention

34 34 GREEN H2 Power and Fuel Cells END Thank you

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