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ICDD Workshop 1 and 3 Sample Preparation Group D.

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1 ICDD Workshop 1 and 3 Sample Preparation Group D

2 Aluminum peaks ??


4 Specimen holder cavity surface diffracting.










14 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-029-0041GibbsiteAl ( O H )3 00-021-1307Bohmite, synAl O ( O H ) 00-024-0072HematiteFe2 O3 00-003-0251GoethiteFe +3 O ( O H ) 00-005-0586Calcite, synCa C O3 00-004-0551RutileTi O2 00-001-0562AnataseTi O2

15 Ref. CodeCompound Name Chemical Formula 00-004- 0364 Stearic acidC H3 ( C H2 )16 C O O H

16 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-006-0142SucroseC12 H22 O11

17 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-024-1977SucroseC12 H22 O11

18 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-005-0586Calcite, synCa C O3 00-033-0310Bassanite, synCa S O4 ·0.5 H2 O 00-003-0083Calcium Sulfate Hydrate2 Ca S O4 · H2 O

19 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-002-0667plaster of paris2 Ca S O4 · H2 O 00-002-0629CalciteCa C O3

20 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-005-0586Calcite, synCa C O3 00-041-0224Bassanite, synCa S O4 ·0.5 H2 O 00-041-0225Calcium Sulfate HydrateCa S O4 ·0.62 H2 O

21 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-024-1977SucroseC12 H22 O11

22 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-024-1977SucroseC12 H22 O11

23 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-033-0311Gypsum, synCa S O4 ·2 H2 O

24 Ref. CodeCompound NameChemical Formula 00-024-0027CalciteCa C O3 00-033-0310Bassanite, synCa S O4 ·0.5 H2 O 00-021-0167Calcium Sulfate HydrateCa S O4 ·x H2 O 00-036-0426DolomiteCa Mg ( C O3 )2

25 Blue 2c Red 1b  Ni Abs edge Wow!! Intense NaCl (200) (111) From group A Example of artifacts in data

26 Don’t forget that you can use Halite (NaCl) as a template to determine your beam “footprint” on your specimen holders.

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