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Fuel Cell Electric Aircraft Energy Challenge New Era of Aviation

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1 Fuel Cell Electric Aircraft Energy Challenge New Era of Aviation
James Dunn Advanced Technology Products Worcester, MA Electric Aircraft Symposium San Fran – May 2007 Cover Sheet… Introduction….

2 Fuel cells in Aviation Electric UAV’s – Helios-NASA- Aerovironment
Auxiliary Power – Boeing APU – Madrid + Electric Airships – HAA – Lockheed Martin Electric Propulsion - Manned aircraft - E-Plane

3 Aerovironment “HELIOS” UAV Regenerative fuel cell system

4 High Altitude Airship Solar PV and Fuel Cells

5 Fuel Cell Powered Glider
Electric Glider Fuel Cell Powered Glider

6 Piloted Fuel Cell Aircraft 2-place Electric DynAero

7 Benefits of Electric Aircraft
Increased Reliability – 1 moving part! Improved Safety QUIET - only propeller noise Improved Comfort and Easy Maintenance No Vibration Reduced life-cycle costs NO EMISSIONS !

8 Why Fuel Cells High Efficiency – 2.5 X Gasoline Engines (60% vs. 23%)
Zero Emissions – Only Water Vapor No odors or fumes Hydrogen Fuel – Sustainable and Renewable High Energy Density – WH/kg 2-3 X battery density

9 The Energy Challenge ! Airplane needs 25kW Power @ 100 mph
300 Mi. flight requires 75 kWh of Energy Energy system Weight for 75kWh: - Lead Acid Batteries = 3000 kg - NiMH Batteries = 1500 kg - LiIon Batteries = kg Fuel Cell system (+ 3 kg H2) = 165 kg (Gasoline Equivalent = 100 kg !)

10 The Challenge – Matching the energy density of Gasoline and IC Engines?
Gasoline =13,200 WH/kg @ 20% effic. Net = 2600 WH/kg Best LiIon Batts = 200 WH/kg Still a 13:1 advantage for Gas!! (H2 = 30,000 WH/kg) Issues – Weight, Volume, HEAT, (+$$)

11 Hurdles & Issues System Weight – Power Density/Effic.
Support Components – Power & Weight Hydrogen Storage/Generation System Heat Transfer methods & HEX System Safety Issues – FAA + Ongoing Customer Acceptance Costly Technology

12 Hydrogen Sources H2 Gas - High Pressure Tank – 5000 psi
Liquid Hydrogen – Cryo issues Reformed Gasoline – CO, CO2 Methanol/Ethanol – Direct or reformate Ammonia (dissociated) – high yield Sodium borohydride – safe, costly Magnesium Hydride Other ??

13 NASA Fuel Cell Study Elements:

14 Selected Aircraft for Conversion
AGA Lafayette III All Carbon Kit - 28’ Wing We/Wo = .31 80 hp. Rotax 912 < 12 kW to Cruise Vne of 180+ kts

15 Aircraft Modeling for Hydrogen PEM Fuel Cell Motor Conversion NASA GRC
MCR01 ULM Kit Plane Airbreathing Systems Analysis Office (NASA GRC) Systems Analysis Branch (NASA LaRC)

16 MCR01 ULM Fuel Cell Conversion Power Density Technology Sensitivity: PDPMAD = 1.06 kW/kg
MCR01/Rotax 912 > 800 nm Range 800 Advanced Technology Fuel Cell Stack Power Density: kW/kg Electric Motor Power Density: kW/kg PMAD Power Density: kW/kg Range = 336 nm 2.3 Gross weight constant at 992 lb limit 2.5 2.0 2.3 1.8 2.1 1.7 1.9 PDStack (kW/kg) PDMotor (kW/kg) 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.3 Applied State-of-the-Art Technology Fuel Cell Stack Power Density: kW/kg Electric Motor Power Density: kW/kg PMAD Power Density: kW/kg Range = 58 nm Further performance gains possible only if PMAD weight is reduced!

17 MCR01 ULM Fuel Cell Conversion Power Density Technology Sensitivity: PDPMAD = 2.60 kW/kg
Advanced Technology Fuel Cell Stack Power Density: kW/kg Electric Motor Power Density: kW/kg PMAD Power Density: kW/kg Range = 644 nm 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.5 PDStack (kW/kg) 1.5 1.3 PDMotor (kW/kg) Gross weight constant at 992 lb limit Diminishing returns on range – The heavy compressed hydrogen tank limits further gains.

18 Program Objectives Demonstrate viability of Fuel Cell powered electric propelled aircraft Determine the optimum energy source Analyze performance parameters & range Design/develop High efficiency H2 PEM fuel cell Integrate all components into Airframe and Test Provide educational vehicle for students

19 Basic Schematic of Components

20 Students at Oshkosh

21 Energy Distribution

22 Battery + Fuel Cell System Rqmts.
Max Power - Batteries + Fuel Cell kw Bus voltage DC Net Stack power - cont kw No. of Cells Efficiency % Fuel Cell sys. Wt. (w/sgl.H2 tank) 80 kg Battery + Master Power Xtrol Wt kg Total Energy System Weight 130 kg

23 Fuel Cell System target weight
Stack (10-18kW) 25 kg Blower (Compressor)+ duct 5 kg Misc. BOP, plumbing, sensors 4 kg HEX System w/Radiators 9 kg DC-DC Up-convertor 7 kg Fuel Cell Controller/mon. 5 kg Dynatech Tank/Reg kg Mounting + Misc kg TOTAL fuel Cell System Weight 78 kg

24 New Lynntech Stack Design
Ultrahigh Efficiency (60%) LightWeight – Metal (No Graphite) Bipolar Plates Ambient Air Ops No Compressor No Hydrators

25 10 kW Fuel Cell Stack DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 180 cells
300 cm2 active area Generation 3 endplates psia 137 V 75 A 50 ˚C 25 kg (hydrated) 400 W/kg 250 mA/cm2) 720 W/kg mA/cm2) 18KW

26 Specific Energy Equivalent Total Fuel Cell System
Sgl. Tank - 78 kg System - 1 kg H2 = 24 kWH Net Energy Density = 24/78 = 307 WH/kg Dbl. Tank – 96 kg system – 2 kg H2 = 48 kWH Net Energy Density = 48/96 = 500 WH/kg

27 Boeing Fuel Cell Glider Activities
System Integration Hydrogen storage Liquid to air heat exchanger Batteries Hydrogen delivery/regulation Fuel Cell Stack Power Conditioner, Regulation, Battery charger Motor Controller Motor Fuel Cell Controller Electric controlled propeller Legend Fuel Electricity Liquid Coolant Control Prop Control “Throttle” Outside Air System Lay – out Design Motor and Drive Fuel Cell Systems Compressor Heat exchanger Pumps Controller Battery Controllers and Converters H2 System

28 Boeing Activities Electrical Subsystem
Electrical Subsystem Configuration Power Balance Power Demand Motor & Drive Controllers Converters Power Generation Fuel Cells Battery Ground Auxiliary Power

29 Safety and Flight Testing
Major concern on all new Aircraft Pilot and Airframe issues

30 Safety and Flight Testing (Whoops – wrong button !)

31 Energy System Challenges
Energy Density Thermal Management Recharge or Refuel Integration of Solar PV Cost Life Reliability

32 Technology Evolution Area Today Future (2020)
Motor/Xtrol 2kw/kg kw/kg Fuel Cell Sys. 2kw/kg 5-6 kw/kg Fuel/H2 Storage 7% H2 – Wt % Energy Storage 200 WH/kg WH/kg Energy Produced 150 kWH kWH Range Mi mi.

33 Emerging Energy Solutions
Advanced Batteries – Lithium Ion + High Density UltraCaps – EEStor – Other NanoStructured Electrodes – WH/kg High Temp Fuel Cells – Higher power density Advanced H2 Storage – New mat’ls + tanks New Energy Gen. Sources - Many

34 Future Technology Options
Airframe Weight reduction Improved Airframe/Propulsion Efficiency Energy/Fuel Storage options Higher Energy Density Storage Techs New Designs with integrated storage Improved Solar PV Design - Integration

35 Future Electric PAV ?

36 CarterCopter Hi-Speed Electric GyroCopter


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