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Electrolysers for Hydrogen Production by Peter Sudol.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrolysers for Hydrogen Production by Peter Sudol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrolysers for Hydrogen Production by Peter Sudol

2 Methods of Hydrogen Production Hydrogen Electrolysis of Water Reforming of Biogenic and Fossil Fuels

3 Uses of the Water Electrolysis Submarines, space stations (generation of breathing oxygen) Medical, chemical and other special applications In great quantities, economic only in those regions of the world where electric power can be generated very cheaply. This is the case almost exclusively in big hydroelectric plants (e.g. in Egypt, Iceland, Norway..). In the increasing renewable energy market, Water Electrolysis can be used for compensation of the differences between the demand and supply of energy from the variable renewable energy resources.

4 Hydrogen pipeline project in Totara Valley Wind Energy Electrolyser Pipeline 2km Fuel Cell Hydrogen Burner

5 Types of Water Electrolysis Water Electrolysis Alkaline Electrolysis PEM Electrolysis Steam Electrolysis

6 CharacteristicPEM ElectrolysisAlkal. Electrolysis Max. pressure of electrochemically generated H 2 can be designed to generate H 2 at press. of 2000 psi or greater lower pressure of electrochemically generated H 2 Efficiencylower parasitic energy losses best alkaline electrolys. have still better efficien. (high heating value) Hydrogen/Oxygen Pressure up to 3,000 psi differential pressure demonstrated very small differential pressure tolerated Purity of the hydrogen output higherlower

7 CharacteristicPEM ElectrolysisAlkal. Electrolysis Compatibility with renewable energy systems best suited for plants with varying output work better in larger systems which are connected to the power grid Hazardous materialsnone, system uses clean water only, no hazardous waste system uses KOH, waste disposal rules may apply Occupational safetyno special safety equipment required may require eyewash station or full-body shower Explosion riskH 2 released safely via normally open valves at shutdown or power failure requires special controls to allow for a safe reaction between O 2 and H 2

8 PEM Electrolyser (two cells)

9 Principle of a PEM electrolysis cell

10 Nafion - Membrane sulfonated polytetrafluorethylene hydrophilic (polar) hydrophobic (nonpolar)

11 UI characteristic curves of an electrolyser Current density [mA/cm 2 ] Cell Voltage [V]

12 UI characteristic curves of an electrolyser Cell Voltage [V] Current density [mA/cm 2 ]

13 UI characteristic curves of two electrolysers Cell Voltage [V] Current density [mA/cm 2 ]

14 Further Steps in the Research Project Simulating the distributed energy system in the laboratory Determination of the efficiency of the whole system Optimisation of the efficiency Observing the performance of the electrolyser at different temperatures, different pressures, different inputs Observing the distribution and pressure of Hydrogen in the pipeline Observing the performance of the fuel cell

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