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Warm up Third world countries and French language: By now, we know about some reality in some African countries when it comes to French and other dialects.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Third world countries and French language: By now, we know about some reality in some African countries when it comes to French and other dialects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Third world countries and French language: By now, we know about some reality in some African countries when it comes to French and other dialects spoken there. Who are likely to be able to speak (good) French in those countries? Why is it so? ( write minimum of six sentences).

2 Review: how to write in French * Review verbs in present tense. * Verbs avoir and être in present tense are very important. * Each student must be able to write simple sentences. (Project Instagram/ safari-photo give you the opportunity to write simple sentences when describing yourself, others, animals,……

3 Reading today/Speaking French * Finish left over from yesterday and reading the rest of Zohra’s letter./ building a vocabulary. P. 222, do # 7, cd 8 Tr. 2; do # 8 * Tunisie: activités traditionnelles p.223 * Games: cultiver le blé, faire de la cueillette des figues, faire des bijoux

4 P.224, cd 8, Tr. 3 * Note culturelle Do # 13 (different type of activities in Tunisie) To expressing hopes and wishes: Si seulement je pouvais, J’habiterais dans la campagne. if only I could,… Si j’avais le choix, j’irai à l’université If I had the choice,…… Si c’était possible, j’habiterais à Tunis If it were posible,…

5 To give advice: Si c’était moi, je chercherais du travail. If it were me,… Si j’étais toi,… If I were you,… ** Students work on the project/Instagram/safari-Photo ** Exit**

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