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Using the Ogallala Aquifer to understand groundwater Day 1 & 2– Read at least two articles about the aquifer and take notes. Read over the questions that.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Ogallala Aquifer to understand groundwater Day 1 & 2– Read at least two articles about the aquifer and take notes. Read over the questions that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Ogallala Aquifer to understand groundwater Day 1 & 2– Read at least two articles about the aquifer and take notes. Read over the questions that are needed for the assignment. Articles follow on slide 4. Day 3 & 4 write a paper about the aquifer and agricultural uses – See assessment slide. Your paper should basically answer the question: How is the quality of the aquifer affected by land use?

2 Standards and benchmarks E4.1 Hydrogeology Fresh water moves over time between the atmosphere, hydrosphere (surface water, wetlands, rivers, and glaciers), and geosphere (groundwater). Water resources are both critical to and greatly impacted by humans. Changes in water systems will impact quality, quantity, and movement of water. Natural surface water processes shape the landscape everywhere and are affected by human land use decisions. E4.1B Explain how the Ogallala Aquifer recharges and is depleted of its water and how humans have had an impact on those processes. E4.1C Explain how water quality in both groundwater and surface systems is impacted by land use decisions.

3 Assessment Write a paper analyzing or comparing the economic needs of the U.S., due to agriculture in the Great Plains, to the condition of the Ogallala Aquifer as a result of the agricultural practices. What is your conclusion: What should we do about the recharge and discharge of water from this aquifer? Do you think that this issues could in anyway impact you at some point in your life? (If the aquifer runs too low where might they come looking for water?) Due February 6th th.

4 Vocabulary words to know (relate definitions to groundwater) Try to include in your report. Aquifer Groundwater Inputs Outputs Percolation time Recharge Residence times Saturated Sustainability Unsaturated Water table

5 Documents to read click on title link Document 1 - Ogallala Aquifer – most information Document 2 on Ogallala - easier read Using headphones watch the “How Groundwater Works” video clip. Document 3 - Groundwater depletion - discusses effects on U.S. Document 4 - Aquifer depletion around the world There are other links on my webpage

6 Assignment 1. On a separate sheet of paper take notes or answer in paragraphs the following questions on this slide and the next. Describe the size of the aquifer in terms of area dimensions (include various lengths, widths, depths) How many states does this aquifer encompass? Where does the water come from that recharges this aquifer? Give as many examples as possible. What are the sources that use the aquifer – its discharge? Be specific to who and why it is used. Continued on next slide

7 Use of the Aquifer Who uses the aquifer? What percentage comes from farming? Of what importance is farming to this area and the United States? How much longer do they predict that the Ogallala Aquifer will last at its current rate of discharge? Using a map of the US outline the area of states that are above the aquifer.

8 Rubric Five paragraph minimum – Introduction of topic – 3 paragraphs using a Focus Question and a transition into the next paragraph (example ideas follow) Economics Geological impacts Future use Discuss recharge and discharge – Conclusion or summary of information

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