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Visualising Program Behaviour. 2 Program visualisation tools in ECLiPSe  Debugger  Profiler  Coverage  Display matrix  Visualisation  Debugger 

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1 Visualising Program Behaviour

2 2 Program visualisation tools in ECLiPSe  Debugger  Profiler  Coverage  Display matrix  Visualisation  Debugger  Profiler  Coverage  Display matrix  Visualisation

3 3 Profiler - sample based code profiling  Any goal can be profiled  Does not require special compilation  0.01s sample interval  Not available on MS Window (currently)  Any goal can be profiled  Does not require special compilation  0.01s sample interval  Not available on MS Window (currently) queen(Data, Out) :- qperm(Data, Out), safe(Out). qperm([], []). qperm([X|Y], [U|V]) :- qdelete(U, X, Y, Z), qperm(Z, V). qdelete(A, A, L, L). qdelete(X, A, [H|T], [A|R]) :- qdelete(X, H, T, R). safe([]). safe([N|L]) :- nodiag(L, N, 1), safe(L). nodiag([], _, _). nodiag([N|L], B, D) :- D =\= N - B, D =\= B - N, D1 is D + 1, nodiag(L, B, D1). queen(Data, Out) :- qperm(Data, Out), safe(Out). qperm([], []). qperm([X|Y], [U|V]) :- qdelete(U, X, Y, Z), qperm(Z, V). qdelete(A, A, L, L). qdelete(X, A, [H|T], [A|R]) :- qdelete(X, H, T, R). safe([]). safe([N|L]) :- nodiag(L, N, 1), safe(L). nodiag([], _, _). nodiag([N|L], B, D) :- D =\= N - B, D =\= B - N, D1 is D + 1, nodiag(L, B, D1).

4 4 Profiler - the profile predicate  profile(+Goal) :- profile(queen([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],Out)).  profile(+Goal, +OptionList) :- profile( queen([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],Out), [simple, keep_file] ).  When the goal runs quickly, use an auxiliary queen_100 :- for(_X,1,100) do queen([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],_Out). :- profile(queen_100).  profile(+Goal) :- profile(queen([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],Out)).  profile(+Goal, +OptionList) :- profile( queen([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],Out), [simple, keep_file] ).  When the goal runs quickly, use an auxiliary queen_100 :- for(_X,1,100) do queen([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],_Out). :- profile(queen_100).

5 5 Profiler - sample based code profiling goal succeeded PROFILING STATISTICS -------------------- Goal: queen_100 Total user time: 3.19s Predicate Module %Time Time %Cum -------------------------------------------------------- nodiag /3 eclipse 52.2% 1.67s 52.2% qdelete /4 eclipse 27.4% 0.87s 79.6% qperm /2 eclipse 17.0% 0.54s 96.5% safe /1 eclipse 2.8% 0.09s 99.4% queen /2 eclipse 0.6% 0.02s 100.0% Yes (3.33s cpu) goal succeeded PROFILING STATISTICS -------------------- Goal: queen_100 Total user time: 3.19s Predicate Module %Time Time %Cum -------------------------------------------------------- nodiag /3 eclipse 52.2% 1.67s 52.2% qdelete /4 eclipse 27.4% 0.87s 79.6% qperm /2 eclipse 17.0% 0.54s 96.5% safe /1 eclipse 2.8% 0.09s 99.4% queen /2 eclipse 0.6% 0.02s 100.0% Yes (3.33s cpu)

6 6 Coverage - source line coverage library queen(Data, Out) :- 1 qperm(Data, Out), 7686 safe(Out) 1. qperm([], []) 7686. qperm([X|Y], [U|V]) :- 13211 qdelete(U, X, Y, Z), 20896 qperm(Z, V) 69174. qdelete(A, A, L, L) 20896. qdelete(X, A, [H|T], [A|R]) :- 7685 qdelete(X, H, T, R) 10434. safe([]) 1. safe([N|L]) :- 9023 nodiag(L, N, 1), 1338 safe(L) 9. nodiag([], _5917, _5918) 1338. nodiag([N|L], B, D) :- 25683 D =\= N - B, 18296 D =\= B - N, 17998 D1 is D + 1, 17998 nodiag(L, B, D1) 10314.  Requires special compilation  Inserts coverage counters into the code Entry to code blocks Between predicate calls within a block At the end of code blocks  Pretty prints source annotated with counter values

7 7 Coverage - source line coverage library The ccompile predicate compiles and loads a file adding coverage counters as it does so ccompile(+File) :- ccompile(’foo.ecl’). ccompile(+File, +OptionList) :- ccompile(’foo.ecl’, [exit_counters:off, macro_expansion:off]). The ccompile predicate compiles and loads a file adding coverage counters as it does so ccompile(+File) :- ccompile(’foo.ecl’). ccompile(+File, +OptionList) :- ccompile(’foo.ecl’, [exit_counters:off, macro_expansion:off]).

8 8 Coverage - source line coverage library All coverage counters are reset by calling  reset_counters/0 The result predicate outputs source code annotated with coverage counter values  result/0  result(+File) :- result(‘foo.ecl’).  result(+File, +OptionList) :- result(‘foo.ecl’, [outdir:coverage, format:html]). All coverage counters are reset by calling  reset_counters/0 The result predicate outputs source code annotated with coverage counter values  result/0  result(+File) :- result(‘foo.ecl’).  result(+File, +OptionList) :- result(‘foo.ecl’, [outdir:coverage, format:html]).

9 9 Coverage - source line coverage library queen(Data, Out) :- 1 qperm(Data, Out), 7686 safe(Out) 1. qperm([], []) 7686. qperm([X|Y], [U|V]) :- 13211 qdelete(U, X, Y, Z), 20896 qperm(Z, V) 69174. qdelete(A, A, L, L) 20896. qdelete(X, A, [H|T], [A|R]) :- 7685 qdelete(X, H, T, R) 10434. safe([]) 1. safe([N|L]) :- 9023 nodiag(L, N, 1), 1338 safe(L) 9. nodiag([], _5917, _5918) 1338. nodiag([N|L], B, D) :- 25683 D =\= N - B, 18296 D =\= B - N, 17998 D1 is D + 1, 17998 nodiag(L, B, D1) 10314. :-lib(coverage). :-ccompile(“foo.ecl”). :-queen( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], Out ). :-result(“foo.ecl”).

10 10 Visualisation - control flow Visualisation Client Debugger Annotated source code

11 11 More Details...  See ECLiPSe User Manual Profiling Prolog Execution chapter  See ECLiPSe Library Manual Coverage library  See ECLiPSe Visualisation Tutorial  See ECLiPSe User Manual Profiling Prolog Execution chapter  See ECLiPSe Library Manual Coverage library  See ECLiPSe Visualisation Tutorial

12 12 SEND + MORE = MONEY :-lib(ic). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4], Carries :: [0..1], alldifferent(Digits), S #\= 0, M #\= 0, C1 #= M, C2 + S + M #= O + 10*C1, C3 + E + O #= N + 10*C2, C4 + N + R #= E + 10*C3, D + E #= Y + 10*C4, lab(Carries), lab(Digits). :-lib(ic). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4], Carries :: [0..1], alldifferent(Digits), S #\= 0, M #\= 0, C1 #= M, C2 + S + M #= O + 10*C1, C3 + E + O #= N + 10*C2, C4 + N + R #= E + 10*C3, D + E #= Y + 10*C4, lab(Carries), lab(Digits).

13 13 SEND + MORE = MONEY (annotated) :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore1(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, Digits), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4], Carries :: [0..1], alldifferent(Digits), S #\= 0, M #\= 0, C1 #= M, C2 + S + M #= O + 10*C1, C3 + E + O #= N + 10*C2, C4 + N + R #= E + 10*C3, D + E #= Y + 10*C4, lab(Carries), lab(Digits). :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore1(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, Digits), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4], Carries :: [0..1], alldifferent(Digits), S #\= 0, M #\= 0, C1 #= M, C2 + S + M #= O + 10*C1, C3 + E + O #= N + 10*C2, C4 + N + R #= E + 10*C3, D + E #= Y + 10*C4, lab(Carries), lab(Digits).

14 14 SEND + MORE = MONEY (annotated II) :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore2(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, Digits, array([flexible],numeric_bounds)), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4],... lab(Digits), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C1), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C2), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C3), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C4). :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore2(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, Digits, array([flexible],numeric_bounds)), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4],... lab(Digits), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C1), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C2), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C3), viewable_expand(equation, 1, C4).

15 15 SEND + MORE = MONEY (annotated III) :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore3(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, []([](0, S, E, N, D), [](0, M, O, R, E), [](M, O, N, E, Y)), array([flexible,fixed], numeric_bounds)), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4],... lab(Carries), lab(Digits), viewable_expand(equation, 1, [C1, C2, C3, C4, 0]). :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable). lab([]). lab([X|Xs]):- indomain(X), lab(Xs). sendmore3(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, []([](0, S, E, N, D), [](0, M, O, R, E), [](M, O, N, E, Y)), array([flexible,fixed], numeric_bounds)), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4],... lab(Carries), lab(Digits), viewable_expand(equation, 1, [C1, C2, C3, C4, 0]).

16 16 SEND + MORE = MONEY (annotated IV) :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable).... sendmore4(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, []([](0, S, E, N, D), [](0, M, O, R, E), [](M, O, N, E, Y)), array([flexible,fixed], numeric_bounds), [["send", "more", "money"], ["ten thousands", "thousands", "hundreds","tens", "units"]]), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4],... lab(Carries), lab(Digits), viewable_expand(equation, 1, [C1, C2, C3, C4, 0], "carries"). :-lib(ic). :-lib(viewable).... sendmore4(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: [0..9], viewable_create(equation, []([](0, S, E, N, D), [](0, M, O, R, E), [](M, O, N, E, Y)), array([flexible,fixed], numeric_bounds), [["send", "more", "money"], ["ten thousands", "thousands", "hundreds","tens", "units"]]), Carries = [C1,C2,C3,C4],... lab(Carries), lab(Digits), viewable_expand(equation, 1, [C1, C2, C3, C4, 0], "carries").

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